A Spring Restdoc Snippet implementation that produces importable Postman collections.
compile 'com.github.greatermkemeetup:spring-restdocs-postman:0.0.3'
Use the PostmanSnippet class to generate Postman collection items. You can customize:
- The name of the item
- The folder the items appear in
- Path variables
- Query parameter variables
- Headers
- Example request body
import static org.gmjm.springrestdocspostman.PostmanSnippet.*;
public void getUsersByUsernameAndCompany() {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.put("Authorization", Arrays.asList("Bearer: token"));
.param("company","Bluth Company")
.andDo(postmanImport("By Username and Company"))
The PostmanSnippet class generates and saves a JSON file at $buildDir/postman-snippets/users/GET-By Username and Company.json
How the request appears in Postman:
The PostmanSnippet class defaults to using Postman Variables to keep the output as flexible, and reusable as possible.
In some cases, you may not want a path, or query parameter to be a variable in the postman request. To exclude particular parameters from becoming variables, use the following syntax:
.andDo(postmanImport("By Username and Company", "company", "username"))
By default, the generator assumes that PathVariables should be Postman variables. For example
is transformed to /users/{{userId}}/address
If you'd like to skip using variables in the request URL, and use what was used as the URL in the test, you can call postmanImport as follows:
public void getUsersByUsernameAndCompany() {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.put("Authorization", Arrays.asList("Bearer: token"));
new PostmanSnippet("Slim Address By Username")
Results in:
Rather than:
Snippets are staged in the path build/postman-snippets/${folder}
where folder is the last directory
of the path configured for the default rest documentation output.
For example, a JUnitRestDocumentation configured for build/generated-snippets/users
would result in postman
snippets saving to build/postman-snippets/users
public JUnitRestDocumentation restDocumentation = new JUnitRestDocumentation("build/generated-snippets/users");
Finally, you must configure a gradle task to assemble the snippets into a single collection.
task generatePostmanCollection(type: JavaExec) {
dependsOn 'asciidoctor'
main = 'org.gmjm.springrestdocspostman.PostmanCollectionGenerator'
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
setArgs([ "$buildDir/postman-snippets".toString(), version.toString() ])
The task traverses the postman-snippets
directory, and assemble all the snippets in each sub-directory
into a sub-collection.
Finally, the collection export is saved to $buildDir/postman/postman-collection-${version}.json
Import this collection into your Postman app.
The final result: