Preview markdown files on your browser. Uses markdown-live-preview.
In fact, this plugin is just a thin wrapper around markdown-live-preview
It automatically sets up mlp
and provides a convenient way to interface with it.
- Cross platform
- Minimal, asynchronous and standalone.
- Auto reload browser page on edit.
- Syntax highlighted code blocks
- Supports Github flavored markdown, including tables.
- Serves local assets
Make sure python is installed
Install with packer
ft = "markdown",
run = function() require("mdpreview").install_mlp() end,
config = function()
port = 8080,
localhost_only = true,
follow = true,
browser = true,
The default options are
port = 8080,
localhost_only = true,
follow = true,
browser = true,
Option | Explanation |
port | The port the server will listen on. Subsequent servers will increment this value |
localhost_only | Only expose the server on the loopback address. If false, listens on |
follow | Autoscroll to edit location in the browser |
browser | Opens the preview on a brower |
Port specifies the port the server should listen on. Additional previews will incrementally increase this value.
This plugin provides no user-defined commands, or keybindings for you. Instead it relies on you to set things up. This way you have 100% control over the plugin.
The following example adds two commands :Preview
and :PreviewClose
Additionally, :PreviewClose
is called automatically when buffer is deleted.
These commands only exist in markdown file buffers (*.md)!
ft = "markdown",
run = function() require("mdpreview").install_mlp() end,
config = function()
local mdpreview = require("mdpreview").setup({})
-- Add commands :Preview and :PreviewClose
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
pattern = '*.md',
callback = function(details)
vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command(details.buf, "Preview",
function() mdpreview.preview_open(details.buf) end, {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command(details.buf, "PreviewClose",
function() mdpreview.preview_close(details.buf) end, {})
desc = "mdpreview: Create preview commands",
-- Automatically close preview when buffer is deleted
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufDelete', {
pattern = '*.md',
callback = function(details) mdpreview.preview_close(details.buf) end,
desc = "mdpreview: Automatically close previews on buffer close",