A 3D shape renderer written in TypeScript using the HTML canvas.
Live example: Click here
First, you must import the script into your HTML document:
<script src="https://www.gizmo.moe/scripts/kyuubu.bundle.js">
Then, you can import the following classes:
const { Renderer, Vec3, Shapes } = Kyuubu;
Before you start drawing, you must initialize a renderer object.
new Renderer(document.getElementById("canvas"));
After that, you can start drawing shapes and playing with them.
new Shapes.Cube({
size: new Vec3(50, 50, 50)
For examples, please take a look at the examples folder.
Describes a basic three-dimensional vector.
class Vec3 {
x: Number
y: Number
z: Number
new Vec3(0, 0, 0);
The renderer object is responsible for drawing shapes onto the canvas. Objects are automatically pushed to its renderQueue
array when created. There must only be one instance of it per window. Usually, you don't need to interact with it after initialization.
class Renderer {
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D
renderFrame: Function
pushToQueue: Function
updateObject: Function
destroyObject: Function
new Renderer(document.getElementById("canvas"));
is an object containing all shapes which can be used.
- All shapes require the
object passed to their constructor. - Only the
property is required to successfully create an object. - The
option anchors the object's rotation center to that of the object that was passed to it.
ShapeConstructorInstructions = {
size: Vec3,
position: Vec3,
orientation: Vec3,
options: {
drawVertices: Boolean,
drawEdges: Boolean,
drawFaces: Boolean,
anchorObject: Primitive|Cube|null
The primitive class contains properties and methods all other shapes inherit. It is not supposed to be used on its own.
new Primitive(constructorInstructions);
The cube is the most basic shape.
new Cube(constructorInstructions);