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Idiomatic Scala wrapper for the Telegram & Bale Bot API


Simple, extensible, strongly-typed wrapper for the Telegram & Bale Bot API.

The current version is experimental, feel free to report bugs, for a stable (but a bit outdated) version, please check .

Table of contents

As SBT/mill dependency

Add to your build.sbt file:

// Core with minimal dependencies, enough to spawn your first bot.
libraryDependencies += "com.bot4s" %% "telegram-core" % "4.0.0-RC2"

// Extra goodies: Webhooks, support for games, bindings for actors.
libraryDependencies += "com.bot4s" %% "telegram-akka" % "4.0.0-RC2"

For mill add to your file:

  def ivyDeps = Agg(
    ivy"com.bot4s::telegram-core:4.0.0-RC2", // core
    ivy"com.bot4s::telegram-akka:4.0.0-RC2"  // extra goodies

Leaking bot tokens

Don't ever expose your bot's token.

Hopefully GitGuardian got you covered and will warn you about exposed API keys.

Webhooks vs. Polling

Both methods are supported. (Long) Polling is bundled in the core artifact and it's by far the easiest method.

Webhook support comes in the extra artifact based on akka-http; requires a server, it won't work on your laptop. For a comprehensive reference check Marvin's Patent Pending Guide to All Things Webhook.


Payments are supported since version 3.0; refer to official payments documentation for details. I'll support developers willing to integrate and/or improve the payments API; please report issues here.


I've managed to run bots on a Raspberry Pi 2, Heroku, Google App Engine
and most notably on an old Android (4.1.2) phone with a broken screen via the JDK for ARM.

Distribution/deployment is outside the scope of the library, but all platforms where Java is supported should be compatible. You may find sbt-assembly and sbt-docker very handy.

Scala.js is also supported, bots can run on the browser via the SttpClient. NodeJs is not supported yet.

Running the examples

bot4s.telegram uses mill.

$ mill -i "examples[2.12.6].console"
[84/84] examples[2.12.6].console 
Welcome to Scala 2.12.6 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_162).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.

scala> new RandomBot("TOKEN").run()

Change RandomBot to whatever bot you find interesting here.

A note on implicits

A few implicits are provided to reduce boilerplate, but are discouraged because unexpected side-effects.

Think seamless T => Option[T] conversion, Markdown string extensions (these are fine)...
Be aware that, for conciseness, most examples need the implicits to compile, be sure to include them.

import com.bot4s.telegram.Implicits._


Let me Google that for you! (full example)

import com.bot4s.telegram.api.declarative.Commands
import com.bot4s.telegram.api.Polling

/** Generates random values.
class RandomBot(val token: String) extends TelegramBot
  with Polling
  with Commands {
  val client = new ScalajHttpClient(token,"")
  val rng = new scala.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
  onCommand("coin" or "flip") { implicit msg =>
    reply(if (rng.nextBoolean()) "Head!" else "Tail!")
  onCommand('real | 'double | 'float) { implicit msg =>
  onCommand("/die") { implicit msg =>
    reply((rng.nextInt(6) + 1).toString)
  onCommand("random" or "rnd") { implicit msg =>
    withArgs {
      case Seq(Int(n)) if n > 0 =>
      case _ => reply("Invalid argumentヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ")
  onCommand('choose | 'pick | 'select) { implicit msg =>
    withArgs { args =>
      replyMd(if (args.isEmpty) "No arguments provided." else args(rng.nextInt(args.size)))
  /* Int(n) extractor */
  object Int { def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = Try(s.toInt).toOption }
val bot = new RandomBot("BOT_TOKEN")
val eol =
println("Press [ENTER] to shutdown the bot, it may take a few seconds...")
bot.shutdown() // initiate shutdown
// Wait for the bot end-of-life
Await.result(eol, Duration.Inf)

Google TTS (full example)

object TextToSpeechBot extends TelegramBot
  with Polling
  with Commands
  with ChatActions {

  override val client = new ScalajHttpClient("BOT_TOKEN","")

  def ttsUrl(text: String): String =
    s"${URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8")}"

  onCommand("speak" | "say" | "talk") { implicit msg =>
    withArgs { args =>
      val text = args.mkString(" ")
      for {
        r <- Future { scalaj.http.Http(ttsUrl(text)).asBytes }
        if r.isSuccess
        bytes = r.body
      } /* do */ {
        uploadingAudio // hint the user
        val voiceMp3 = InputFile("voice.mp3", bytes)
        request(SendVoice(msg.source, voiceMp3))

val bot = TextToSpeechBot
val eol =
println("Press [ENTER] to shutdown the bot, it may take a few seconds...")
bot.shutdown() // initiate shutdown
// Wait for the bot end-of-life
Await.result(eol, Duration.Inf) // ScalaJs wont't let you do this

Using webhooks

object LmgtfyBot extends AkkaTelegramBot
  with Webhook 
  with Commands {
  val client = new AkkaHttpClient(TOKEN,"")  
  override val port = 8443
  override val webhookUrl = ""
  onCommand("lmgtfy") { implicit msg =>
    withArgs { args =>
        "" + URLEncoder.encode(args.mkString(" "), "UTF-8"),
        disableWebPagePreview = Some(true)

Check out the sample bots for more functionality.


This library uses Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Alfonso² Peterssen - Owner/maintainer - :octocat: mukel

Looking for maintainers!

See also the list of awesome contributors who participated in this project. Contributions are very welcome, documentation improvements/corrections, bug reports, even feature requests.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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  • Scala 100.0%