Compatibility fix for Sonoma and likely Ventura.
Apple it is wisdom moved message.text to NULL and instead converted it to a NSString object without a Apple Archived object within the SQL Database.
This version checks for > Ventura and decodes the message back to text for processing once again.
Working well on Sonoma for me currently.
Also adds: 0.6 - 0.7.12 changes:
Essentially adding support for Chat-GPT, not for device control (although new chatGPT features does make that possible), rather for chat completion, advice, etc.
Move model to gpt-3.5-16k
Increase token count to 8000
TODO user selectable both above when time
Model back to gpt-3.5
& remove some while loops trying to track down occasional 'hang' - [Fixed it would seem]
Change model to gpt-4 when rolls out for all.
Update openai library to 0.27.4
Add chatGPT only Buddy - these individuals can only converse with chatGPT. They won't have any trigger or command options
If device control enabled will allow device Control, but increasingly not sure this is a great idea for this plugin
Handle and specifically message regarding timeout, ratelimt openai errors
OpenAI reports that the system prompt is largely ignored with user prompt having more 'attention'
Because of this duplicate some setup into a new user prompt
Fix for debugextra logging string conversion issue (also in 0.7.2)
Better checking for token usage and deletion of prompts before gets to limit
Add 2nd Pluginconfig Personal info: Aim of this is to educate chatGPT as to who the various users/buddies are.
Should be Buddy Handle followed by | and then description written in first person.
buddyhandle|I am user Glenn.I am.. |buddyhandle2|I am user Glenns co-worker.
Probably would better be a setup file, as really need to type somewhere else and paste in...
Fix for quotes
New 0.7.0
Add support for ChatGPT 3.5 turbo API usage.(Beta)
This can be used to control indigo devices (so marked for control), like wit.ai - however it probably needs a bit of maturing before that works 100%
Currently though the chatbot, chat, information, advice function via chatGPT works very well and enables easy access to chatGPT replies for whatever usage.
Like chatGPT warning - accuracy here depends on the subject, but for natural language processing it is great.