Version 0.4.8
Needs a Google API Key enabled for Static Maps and Distance Matrix. Free from Google. See website for details.
Needs googleAPI Key entered into Plugin Config
Other changes:
Change to Indigo 7 Logging across the board (generates debug log for PM if issues)
Change to config settings given above
Add enable/disable icloud logging (won't log icloud results)
Add enable/disable mapping logging
Add Python DIrectory for Info at startup (for comparison outside indigo if multiple python installs)
Add Travel Time and Distance to iFriends. Requires googleAPI
Create Home and Other geofence (recognised by Unique name only, not Indigo Device Name)
For every FFM device will have new custom states of:
- homeTime eg. 18 (Number)
- homeTimeText 18 mins
- homeDistance 78236 -- given in meters
- homeDistanceText 78 kms
- otherTime 70
- otherTimeText 1 hour 10 mins
- otherDistance
- otherDistanceText
as distance/time to Home Geofence and Other GeoFence, so named as Unique name of Geofence in device properties.
(indigo devicename can be whatever you wish)
Update google maps to 2.5.1_dev
Remove pyicloud unused modules.
Remove module six dependency by above.
Add action group to allow change in interval checking.
Can run action to change the refresh interval based on whatever indigo triggers suits
Fix bug for GetData via action and plugin Menu.
add Events/Triggers for GeoFence Arrive and GeoFence Leave; selectable by GeoFence and iFriend Device.
- Create trigger/Event which is selectable within Indigo by Friend and Geofence.
- Two selectable, either exit GeoFence or Enter Geofence.
When any change at standard interval update will trigger this event/action.
(is ignored in first 60seconds, to avoid triggered at every startup)
- Ignore any startup triggers/events within first 60 seconds
- Add listFriends to Geofence - comma seperated list of friends within GeoFence