ModernBB 3.1.0
ModernBB 3.1.0 is a small update upon 3.0 and brings a new interface for the topicview and an Improved navbar. We've made more improvements then that, through..
Setup and installation
- #614 Our versioning system has been changed to that of Vanellope for easier versioning.
- #611 Passwords are now required to have 6 characters instead of 4.
- #612 The version number of the installation will no longer be displayed when installing ModernBB by default.
- #596 The editors' style now fits better with the ModernBB design.
- #613 The topic view has been updated to a Vanellope-like design for Improved topic reading.
- #616 The "Change password" screen has been updated with a better interface.
- #618 We've Improved the way the statistics are displayed on the frontpage.
- #350 We've improved the unreaded forums tracking system for better performances on larger forums.
- #576 When creating a new topic and "Preview" is hit, the title is now also showed in the breadcrumbs.
- #619 When a link is opened within a post, it now opens in a new tab.
- #622 We now use a placeholder for people without an avatar.
- #623 The usermenu has been redesigned with brand new possibilities.
- #624 If you like, you can now disable "Index", "Search" and "User list" links in the menu bar.
- #615 Update TinyMCE to version 4.0.20.