Repo and cheat itself is no longer being updated/maintained by me due to focusing on next cheat. This is to prepare for said cheat release. You can find my next cheat on: And the zap-client thread: Thanks for all the support!
Updated to Game Version v3.0.76.22 (Season 22) (06.08.24)
By Gerosity
All credits to original owners
Instructions are down below
Never cheat on a main account, its not worth it
Feature List (Outdated)
Legitbot - Aimbot, RCS, Visuals
Ragebot - Aimbot, RCS
Glow - Player, Viewmodel & Item
ESP - Enemy & Teammate, Spectator List, Crosshair, Radar
Misc - Movement, Camera (Quick Turn), Rapid Fire (For Semi-Auto & Burst Weapons), Skin Changer (Basic, not to be confused with a model changer)
Settings - Disable Overlay, Disable ESP, FPS Cap
Configs - Custom Configs, Premade Configs
Updated Offsets To Season 22 (Game Version v3.0.76.22)
Updated Offsets To Latest Version (Game Version v3.0.75.30)
25.06.24 - Version 1.1.4
Updated Offsets To Latest Version (Game Version v3.0.72.12)
01.06.24 - Version 1.1.3
- Added Spectator Check (Disables Aimbot When Being Spectated)
- Added Spectator Notifier
- Fixed Item Glow
- Separated Health Bar & Shield Bar
- Added Skeleton Detail (Detailed Or Simple)
- Optimized And Cleaned Up File - Credits To hir0xygen
- Spectator List & Watermark Can be Moved Anywhere Now
- Radar Can Be Moved Anywhere
- Added Two Different Identifiers - Circle & Arrowhead
- Identifier Colors Are Now Based On Team IDs
- Separated Identifiers And View Angle Lines
- Radar Settings (Background, Rounding, etc)
- Added Wall Jump - Credits To BoheSama
- Added Tap Strafe (?) - Credits To BoheSama/chettoy/apexsky
- Added Custom Menu Bind
- Added Keybind Notifier
- Added Dev Options (For Experimenting/Development/Updating)
- Draw Local Player Weapon IDs (For Updating Weapons.hpp)
- Draw Player Weapon IDs (For Updating/Testing Weapons.hpp)
- Draw Player Bone IDs (For Finding Bone IDs - HitboxType.hpp)
- Added Default Configs (Loads A Selected Config On Cheat Initialization)
- Improved Performance In Firing Range (20+ms -> 15ms)
- Optimizations By Adding Read Delays For Info That Isn't Required - Credits To hir0xygen
22.05.24 - Version 1.1.2
- Updated To The Latest Version - Game Version v3.0.70.55
- Going To "Begin" On A Full Rewrite/Brand New Cheat - Hoping For Optimization,
Cleaner & Smoother GUI, Item ESP, And A Less Shitty Cheat Overall
10.05.24 - Version 1.1.1
- Updated offsets to latest version (Game Version v3.0.68.50)
- Fixed Item Glow Crashes (I think...)
- Fixed Spectator List (Might get patched sooner or later)
07.05.24 - Version 1.1.0 - Season 21 Update
Updated offsets to latest version (Game Version v3.0.67.34)
- Added Target Visuals (Draw Line, Dot & Box On/To Aimbot Current or Best Target)
- Added Target Information (Draw Information About Aimbot Current or Best Target)
- Fixed Standalone RCS
- Added Attack Methods (Mouse or Memory, Both Support Controller, Memory has not been thoroughly tested)
- Added Triggerbot Delay (Note: Processing Speed Affects This, Its Not Perfect & Depending On Attack Method, It Will Be Different)
- Fixed Glow Max Distance (Now ACTUALLY works)
- Added Knocked Check & Knocked Color
- Fixed Glow Sheild Based Color Mode
- Fixed Custom Item Glow (?)
- Added Knocked Check & Knocked Color
- Added Box, Skeleton & Head Circle Outlines
- Re-designed Watermark And Spectator List (Still Patched) (Credits: hir0xy)
- Fixed Position Changer
- Added Superglide Modes (Manual Or Automatic, Automatic Supports Controller)
- Re-designed Misc Tab (Credits: hir0xy)
- Overlay Now Runs At An Uncapped Refresh Rate
- If FPS Cap Is Disabled, Cheat Will Run At Refresh Rate (Recommened)
- Added Toggle For Anti Aliased Lines - For ESP
- Added Dead Check - Displays ESP & Glow If You Are Dead/Spectating
- Added Premade Configs (Note: Not Perfect & Should Be Used As A Base For Creating Your Own
Legit Config, Fine Tune To Your Liking!)
- Added Version Check (Can Be Skipped) (Credits: hir0xy)
- Fixed A Couple Error Messages (Credits: hir0xy)
- Optimizations (Untested) & Cleaner Code (Credits: hir0xy)
- Fixed Overlay Errors (Credits: hir0xy)
22.04.24 - Version
Updated offsets to latest version (Game Version v3.0.65.42)
Busy atm but will eventually start working on a better and more optimised version of this
8.04.24 - Version 1.0.6
Updated offsets to latest version (Game Version v3.0.63.32)
Updated offsets to latest version (Game version v3.0.62.30)
30.03.24 - Version 1.0.5
New Aimbot Mode (An old xap-client smoothing method), testing for now
Smoothing Modes (Static and randomised) (For randomised I recommend setting the values close together!)
SuperGlide FPS (Set it to your in-game FPS, 75 is probably the best)
Removed Gamemode Toggle - It now automatically switches based on what
gamemode your playing
Randomised Overlay Name now actually works
Added a script which randomises the zapclient binary and hides PID once
executed - use this instead of ./zapclient
26.03.24 - Version 1.0.3
Updated to latest game version (Game Version v3.0.62.29)
24.03.24 - Version 1.0.2
Complete GUI Overhaul
Fixed issues with aimbot & triggerbot
Added Ragebot, Flickbot, Viewmodel Glow, Glow Customizations, ESP Features, BHop, QuickTurn, RapidFire, Overlay Settings
Bunch a stuff that I cant remember all at once - A read memory only version - A protection guide, not fully tested but its not like its going to hurt using it
Install Linux
Not hard at all, use Google & YouTube. Search "How to dual boot Linux and windows"
NOTE: It is recommened to use GNOME or Cinnamon as your desktop environment. KDE Plasma is known not to allow the overlay to be drawn above the game.
Other desktop environments may work
Install Steam & Apex
Use YouTube & Google for this.
if upon opening apex you get a black screen and it does not open, follow this:
1 Install dependencies
Debian dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y libudev-dev
sudo apt install cmake xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev
sudo apt install -y libudev-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxkbcommon-dev libwayland-dev git cmake g++ gcc libinput-dev libsoil-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev
Arch dependencies - Look through the UC thread for any more information
sudo pacman -Sy libudev0 cmake xorg-server git base-devel libx11 libxtst
2.Build glfw
git clone
cd glfw
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
3. Exit the terminal and re-open it (So that you dont build the cheat directly into the GLFW build folder, wont work otherwise)
4. Clone repo
git clone
cd zap-client
5. Build & Run
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
chmod +x
6. Press Insert to toggle the Menu (You can only interact with the Menu and the game when the menu is active). Note: You will need to alt+tab between the cheat overlay and apex. - for the base, massive credits to them - alternate aimbot mode, most of the misc features - custom config system - A TON of help, offsets, many additional features & more
wafflesgaming - aimbot help, Extra ESP Features such as 2D Corners
0xAgartha & ghostrazzor - script (Randomises zapclient binary & Hides PID before execution)
hir0xy - Version Checker, Overlay Fixes, Cleaner GUI & optimizations here and there