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Flash Perfect Hash Table: an implementation of a dynamic perfect hash table, extremely fast for lookup

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Flash Perfect Hash

The Flash Perfect Hash (FPH) library is a modern C++ implementation of a dynamic perfect hash table (no collisions for the hash), which makes the hash map/set extremely fast for lookup operations.

We provide four container classes fph::DynamicFphSet,fph::DynamicFphMap,fph::MetaFphSet and fph::MetaFphMap. The APIs of these four classes are almost the same as those of std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map, but there are some minor differences, which we will explain in detail below. To compile this code, you need to use at least C++17 or newer standards.

Generally speaking, the containers here are suitable for the situation where the performance of the lookup is very important, and the number of insertions is small compared to the query, or the keys are fixed.


Here we show the timing of the findoperation when a 64-bit integer is used as the key. The results are from the hashtable-bench project, which evaluates hash maps on different datasets.

Figures 1 and 2 show the lookup time of multiple hash tables using different hash functions on the x86-64 platform and arm64 platform. It can be seen that fph::DynamicFphMap has a clear speed advantage in lookup on this dataset.

For a comparison of more datasets and more operation types, please refer to the benchmark.


Figure 1: Look up keys in the map with 0.9 max_load_factor, tested in AMD 3990x


Figure 2: Look up keys in the map with 0.9 max_load_factor, tested in Apple M1 Max

fph::MetaFphMap is faster than fph::DynamicFphMap with find operation when try to find the keys that are not in the table and the elements number is large. fph::MetaFphMap uses a metadata array to save the information including the position markers and part of the hash values. So when it tries to find a key not in the table, we can probably use the metadata itself to know the fact that this key does not exist, without fetching the main slots. This can save the cache space. Correspondingly, when trying to find the keys in the table, or when the elements number is small, fph::DynamicFphMap will be faster.


The time for a hash table to find the key is determined by the cost of calculating the hash, the number of times the data is read from the memory, and the cost of each memory access.

Almost every hash table dedicated to optimizing query performance will take some measures to reduce the number of memory accesses. For example, Google's absl hash table uses metadata and SIMD instruction to reduce the number of memory fetches; robin hood hashing is aimed at reducing the variance of probe distances, which can make the lookup more cache-friendly.

Perfect hashing, by definition, minimizes the number of hashes and the number of memory accesses. It only needs to fetch the memory once to get the required data from the slots. Of course, the fly in the ointment is that the perfect hash function itself requires the parameter space that is proportional to the number of keys. Fortunately, the extra space required by FPH is not worth mentioning compared to the slots for storing data, and this space will not cause a significant increase in the cache miss rate.

The idea of FPH originates from the FCH algorithm, which is a perfect hash algorithm suitable for implementation. With full awareness of modern computer system architecture, FPH has improved and optimized the FCH algorithm for query speed. In addition, we let the perfect hash table support dynamic modification, although the cost of dynamic modification is relatively high at present.

The FCH algorithm uses a two-step method when choosing the hash method, which may bring branches to the pipeline. We skip a step to make the hashing process easier. This speeds up the query step but makes the process of constructing the hash slower.

To be able to dynamically add key values to the hash table, whenever a new key makes the hash no longer a perfect hash, we will rebuild the hash table.

Difference compared to std

  1. The template parameter SeedHash is different from the Hash in STL, it has to be a functor accept two arguments: both the key and the seed. (There is also a no-seed version hash table, see following content).
  2. For fph::DynamicFphSet and fph::DynamicFphMap, if the key type is not a common type, you will have to provide a random generator for the key with the template parameter RandomKeyGenerator. There is no such requirement for fph::MetaFphSet and fph::MetaFphMap.
  3. The keys have to be CopyConstructible.
  4. The values have to be MoveConstructible.
  5. May invalidates any references and pointers to elements within the table after rehash.

The second difference is because we use a trick in fph::DynamicFphSet and fph::DynamicFphMap. Normally, we need to know whether a slot is empty in hash table. Of course, we can use a bit array to indicate this information, but this will introduce extra memory load operations. So, we randomly generate a default key to fill the empty slots. How can we know whether this slot is empty when the user inserts the default key? We place a secondary default key in the position of the original slot belonging to the default key, and we make sure that the theory slot position of this secondary default key is different from that of the default key.

As we use metadata to indicate whether the slots are empty in fph::MetaFphSet and fph::MetaFphMap, they don't need a random key generator anymore.

No seed hash version

The normal version of fph table requires a seed hash function. There exists a no-seed version where a no-seed hash function like std::hash can be used. You can switch to noseed branch to use the no-seed version codes. See no seed version in the Instructions for use section for more information.


Requirement: C++ standard not older than C++17; currently only tested in GCC/Clang/MSVC (no compile error in MSVC).

FPH library is a header-only library. So you can just add the header file to the header search path of your project to include it.

Or, you can use FPH with CMake. Put this repo as a subdirectory under your project and then use it as a submodule of your CMake project. For instance, if you put the fph-table directory under the third-party directory of your project, you can add the following codes to your CMakeLists.txt

target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE fph::fph_table)

When you have added the fph-table directory to your header, use can include the fph map/set by adding

#include "fph/dynamic_fph_table.h" to your codes.


To test that fph has no compile and run errors on your system, you can use the test code we provide using the following commands.

cd fph-table/tests
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j4


The APIs are almost the same with the std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map.

fph::DynamicFphSet<Key, SeedHash, KeyEqual, Allocator, BucketParamType, RandomKeyGenerator> and fph::MetaFphSet<Key, SeedHash, KeyEqual, Allocator, BucketParamType> are the fph set containers. fph::DynamicFphMap<Key, T, SeedHash, KeyEqual, Allocator, BucketParamType, RandomKeyGenerator> and fph::MetaFphMap<Key, T, SeedHash, KeyEqual, Allocator, BucketParamType> are the fph map containers.

There are also aliases for these containers: fph::dynamic_fph_set, fph::dynamic_fph_map,fph::meta_fph_set and fph::meta_fph_map.

The following sample shows how to deal with the custom key class, you can see tests/sample_fph.cpp for the more detailed example.

#include "fph/dynamic_fph_table.h"
#include <iostream>

class TestKeyClass {

    explicit TestKeyClass(std::string  s): data(std::move(s)) {}

    // The key_type of fph table need to be copy constructible, assignment operators are not needed
    TestKeyClass(const TestKeyClass&o) = default;
    TestKeyClass(TestKeyClass&&o) = default;

    TestKeyClass& operator=(const TestKeyClass&o) = delete;
    TestKeyClass& operator=(TestKeyClass&&o) = delete;

    bool operator==(const TestKeyClass& o) const {
        return this->data ==;

    std::string data;


// The hash function of the custom key type need to take both a key and a seed
struct TestKeySeedHash {
    size_t operator()(const TestKeyClass &src, size_t seed) const {
        return fph::MixSeedHash<std::string>{}(, seed);

// a random key generator is needed for the Fph Hash Table;
// If using a custom class, a random generator of the key should be provided.
class KeyClassRNG {
    KeyClassRNG(): string_gen(std::random_device{}()) {};

    TestKeyClass operator()() {
        return TestKeyClass(string_gen());

    fph::dynamic::RandomGenerator<std::string> string_gen;

void TestFphMap() {
    using KeyType = TestKeyClass;
    using MappedType = uint64_t;
    using SeedHash = TestKeySeedHash;
    using Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const KeyType, MappedType>>;
    using BucketParamType = uint32_t;
    using KeyRNG = KeyClassRNG;

    using FphMap = fph::DynamicFphMap<KeyType, MappedType, SeedHash, std::equal_to<>, Allocator,
                                        BucketParamType , KeyRNG>;

    FphMap fph_map = {{TestKeyClass("a"), 1}, {TestKeyClass("b"), 2}, {TestKeyClass("c"), 3},
                        {TestKeyClass("d"), 4} };

    std::cout << "Fph map has elements: " << std::endl;
    for (const auto& [k, v]: fph_map) {
        std::cout << "(" << << ", " << v << ") ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    fph_map.insert({TestKeyClass("e"), 5});
    fph_map.template try_emplace<>(TestKeyClass("f"), 6);
    fph_map[TestKeyClass("g")] = 7;

    std::cout << "Fph map now has elements: " << std::endl;
    for (const auto& [k, v]: fph_map) {
        std::cout << "(" << << ", " << v << ") ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    if (fph_map.find(TestKeyClass("a")) == fph_map.end()) {
        std::cout << "Cannot find \"a\" in map" << std::endl;
    if (fph_map.contains(TestKeyClass("b"))) {
        std::cout << "Found \"f\" in map" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Value with key \"g\" is "
              << fph_map.GetPointerNoCheck(TestKeyClass("g"))->second
              << std::endl;

int main() {
    return 0;

Instructions for use

Calculate the distinct slot index only

You can use the containers we provided to replace std::unordered_set or std::unrodered_map if you care more about lookup performance. Or if all you need is a perfect hash function i.e. a mapping from keys to the integers in a limited range, you can use the fph::DynamicFphSet::GetSlotPos(const Key &key) function to get the slot index of one key in the table, which is unique. The GetSlotPos is always faster than the find lookup as it does not fetch data from the slots (which occupy most of the memory of a hash table).

Heterogeneous lookup

Sometimes users don't want to use the Key as the key to do the find operation. For example, when the Key is std::string, users may want to use std::string_view as the type to do the lookup operations.

template< class K > iterator find( const K& x );
template< class K > const_iterator find( const K& x ) const;

These two overload functions participate in overload resolution only if SeedHash::is_transparent and KeyEqual::is_transparent are valid and each denotes a type. You can see the tests/sample_fph.cpp to learn this usage. This is basically the same transparent lookup framework used in C++20.

Requirement of the seed hash function

To avoid calling the hash function twice, we require that there exists a seed such that all actually inserted elements have different hash values with that seed. This is quite easy to for integers whose type is 64 bits. Identity hash, for example, is an injective (and bijective) function from 64-bit integers to 64-bit integers. And if the length of the key exceeds 64 bits and the size of hash value is 64 bits, then there is a possibility of collision. When the number of elements to be inserted is relatively small (for example, less than 10^9), we can find a hash function that satisfies the condition (injective) with a very high probability by replacing the seed. But if the number of elements is very large (more than 10^9), then the probability of collision will be too high. There are two solutions to this problem: 1. Instead of computing the hash once, compute the hash twice. This no longer requires the existence of a seed to make the hash injective to the inserted element. 2. Take a 128-bit hash function, so that the probability of collision is small enough.

At present, we have implemented the first method in another branch, which does not need to change the code on the user side (provide a 128-bit hash function for custom classes). The disadvantage is that because the hash value is calculated twice, the speed will be slower than the one-time solution.

We provide three kinds of SeedHash function for basic types: fph::SimpleSeedHash<T>, fph::MixSeedHash<T> and fph::StrongSeedHash<T>; The SimpleSeedHash has the fastest calculation speed and the weakest hash distribution, while the StrongSeedHash is the slowest of them to calculate but has the best distribution of hash value. The MixSeedHash is in the mid of them.

Take integer for an example, if the keys you want to insert are not uniformly distributed in the integer interval of that type, then the hash value may probably not be uniformly distributed in the hash type interval as well for a weak hash function. But with a strong hash function, you can easily produce uniformly distributed hash values regardless of your input distribution.

The default Seed Hash function is the fph::SimpleSeedHash<T> as it is the fastest, and it is good enough for most of the input data in real life.

Tips: Know the patterns of the input keys before choosing the seed hash function. If the keys may cause a failure in the building of the table (which is rare for the hash functions we provide), use a stronger seed hash function. Don't write you own seed hash function unless you know they are good hash functions.

If the user wants to write a custom seed hash function for the key type, refer to the fph::SimpleSeedHash; the functor needs to take both a key and a seed (size_t) as input arguments and return a size_t type hash value;

No seed version

The no-seed version is provided for situations where a no-seed hash function has to be used. Compared to the seed version, the no-seed version hash table does not require a SeedHash. The hash table in this version requires the same Hash function that the STL unordered containers use. However, there is a requirement for the no-seed hash function: all the actually inserted elements have different hash values. Similar to the requirement of the seed hash function, this is easy for 64-bit keys. Identity hash is good enough as a hash function for this hash table. And if the length of the key exceeds 64 bits and the size of hash value is 64 bits, then there is a possibility of collision. So we strongly recommend using the seeded version of the fph table when the key_type is string.

You can switch to the no seed version by change to the noseed branch.

git checkout noseed

Further optimize lookup

The classic find(const key_type&key) function can be further optimized if the key is guaranteed to be in the hash table. There is one comparison and branch instruction in the find function, while the pointer GetPointerNoCheck(const key_type &key) function does not contain any comparison or branch, as a result of which it's faster.

A 'slot' is the space reserved for a value(key for a set, <K,V> for a map). One slot in fph will at most contain one value. We use an exponential multiple of 2 for the size of slots. Saying that the number of slots is m and the element number is n. n <= m and the size of slots will be sizeof(value_type) * m bytes

The speed of insertion is very sensitive to the max_load_factor parameter. If you use the insert(const value_type&) function to construct a table, and you do care a little about the insert time, we suggest that you use the default max_load_factor, which is around 0.6. But if you don't care about the insert time, or you use the InsertNoDuplicated(first, last) or Build() to construct the table, and most importantly, you want to save the memory size and cache size (which would probably accelerate the querying), you can set a max_load_factor no larger than max_load_factor_upper_limit(), which should be 0.98.

If the range of your keys are limited, and they won't change at some time of your program, you can set a large max_load_factor and then call rehash(element_size) to rehash the elements to smaller slots if the load_factor can be larger in that case. (Make sure almost no new keys will be added to the table after this because the insert operation will be very slow when the load_factor is very large.)

Memory usage

The extra hot memory space besides slots during querying is the space for buckets (this concept is not the bucket in the STL unordered_set, it is from FCH algorithm), the size of this extra memory is about c * n / (log2(n) + 1) * sizeof(BucketParamType) bytes. c is a parameter that must be larger than 1.5. The larger c is, the quicker it will be for the insert operations. BucketParamType is an unsigned type, and it must meet the condition that 2^(number of bits of BucketParamType - 1) is bigger than the element number. So you should choose the BucketParamType that is just large enough but not too large if you don't want to waste the memory and cache size. The memory size for this extra hot memory space will be slightly larger than c * n bits.

For the fph meta hash table fph::MetaFphSet and fph::MetaFphMap, additional space is needed for the metadata. In the current codes, we use 1 byte metadata for each element, 1 bit for position marker and 7 bits for part of the hash. We can also choose 4 bits metadata for each element, but it turns out that the extra instructions needed for the 4-bits do not deserve the cache space they save in our tests.

More extra space is required for hash table expansion and reconstruction. In order to optimize the memory allocation time, we did not actively release all of these spaces, but these additional spaces can be released.


Flash Perfect Hash Table: an implementation of a dynamic perfect hash table, extremely fast for lookup






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