This repository contains the source markup used to generate the formal SYCL specifications found on
If you are proposing a merge or pull request to the specification, this README describes how the specification HTML and PDF targets can be built. Proposed changes must successfully build these targets before being considered for inclusion by the SYCL Working Group.
When using our github repository, pushing to a branch will trigger the
Github Actions CI script under ../.github/workflows/CI.yml
to build HTML
and PDF versions of the spec. To see the outputs, click on the Actions
in the top navigation bar, or go to . Your commit should show
up on the list of commits below. Click through to the Actions summary for
that commit.
On success, a green checkmark will appear by the commit name on this page.
Output artifacts can be downloaded as a zipfile from the Artifacts
near the bottom of the page.
On failure, a red x
will appear by the commit name. Click through to the
job and it should auto-scroll to the CI log showing where the build
failed. Fix it and push a new commit to try again.
Note that to read the HTML specification correctly with all the
mathematical symbols, you need also to have the katex
along the html
one. This might not be the case if your downloading
framework lazily unzips just what you read.
If you are proposing a pull request from your own clone of our repository, you may need to enable Github Actions for your clone.
Building the specification on your own machine requires a large set of tools. Rather than installing these tools yourself, if you can run Docker on a Linux compatible host (probably including Windows WSL2 with a Ubuntu or Debian OS, and possibly including MacOS X), you can use the same pre-configured Docker image used by the CI builds.
If you are on Debian/Ubuntu Linux, install Docker with:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install
The Docker image used to build the specifications can then be downloaded or updated to the latest version via
docker pull khronosgroup/docker-images:asciidoctor-spec
The Dockerfile specifying this image can be found at if you need to build a
modified or layered image. However, if something is missing or out of date
in the image, please file an issue on the DockerContainers
before trying to build your own image. We will try to keep the image updated
as needed.
To build the specification using the image, use the Makefile
inside the
cd adoc
make clean docker-html docker-pdf
Outputs will be located in $(OUTDIR) (by default, out/
in the adoc
There are some variables defined in the Makefile
you can set to change the
behavior, such as to verbosely display the build process:
make QUIET= clean docker-html docker-pdf
If you need to invoke Docker without using make
on the host, look at the
actions in the docker-%
target in adoc/Makefile
and replicate them on
your system.
If you don't want to, or can't use Docker (or a compatible replacement - it
is possible that the Red Hat podman
tool can run our Docker container, for
example, though we do not support this), then you will need to install all
the same tools in your own environment.
We cannot provide instructions to do this on every possible build environment. However, if you are using Debian/Ubuntu Linux, either native or via WSL2, you should be able to install the required tools by looking at the Dockerfile at
Note that the Khronos Docker image layers on the official Ruby 3.1 Docker image, so you must install Ruby first.
If you have installed an older version of the tools and the Khronos image is
updated, there may be minor changes in the Makefile and markup required by
the new versions. For example, updating from asciidoctor-pdf 1.6.1 to 2.2.0
required changing the pdf-stylesdir
attribute in the asciidoctor build to
. Eventually, these changes may make using the older tools
impractical. If this happens, update your tools to match the latest Docker
image, and rebase your working branch on current main
Finally, if you are a Khronos member working in our internal Gitlab server,
Gitlab CI builds the image just like Github CI. Go to the
repository page on the gitlab server, click through
to CI/CD-Jobs (the rocket-ship icon on the left menu bar or
). If your job succeeded, click on the
icon for the latest CI job in the appropriate branch to download
the zip file of build artifacts, or click on Passed
to see build details.
The Gitlab CI script is functionally equivalent to the Github CI script, but
is located under .gitlab-ci.yml
, using a different YAML scheme.