Welcome and thanks for your interest in FORUM for AppEngine.
Installing FORUM is simple, just create a 'forum' folder in any Google AppEngine application you own, download all the files from this repo to that folder, and add the following line to your app.yaml file:
- forum/forum.yaml
That's it! It should work flawlessly. To try it out, just point your browser to yourapp/forum and you will see the welcome page with an empty list of forums. To start adding forums, go to yourapp/forum/admin using your Google ID since you will be the only administrator and from there click on 'Forum Setup' to add as many forums as you like. When done, go back to the main forum page and everybody will be able to start posting topics and messages.
FORUM is an ongoing project with many more features coming along. Remember to check back once in a while for updates, or fork it if you want to improve it yourself.
Thanks again for using FORUM and feel free to send us any suggestions or bugs you may encounter.