Serve user defined PostGIS queries as mapbox vector tile layers. Intended for flexibility. Other mvt tile servers let you define databases, fields and tables, or they scan the whole database. If you have special requirements, such as zoom dependent queries or multiple layer output in a single mvt tile or special 'where' clauses or joined tables or unions or function calls or type conversions or concatenated attributes or tables from multiple databases, or custom layer names or only database read access or a need for application configuration outside the database, this tool may come in handy.
- node (includes npm)
- (read) access to a PostGIS database
If you have git installed:
git clone this_repository
cd this_repository
npm install
Without git:
download zip file from, then:
cd pgsql2mvt-master
npm install
The pgsql2mvt service requires one json configuration file per layer in directory 'layers'
See layers/example.json.example, remove the '.example' extension and edit to your needs. ${z}, ${x} and ${y} are placeholders for tile coordinates z, x, y, "minzoom" is the minimum zoomlevel (z) where the query applies, empty sql strings return empty tiles.
Restart the service to load configuration changes
Note: for reasons of user-friendlyness, the sql queries in the layer configuration can be split into multiple json lines (json array of strings). If you copy-paste these lines into tool 'DBeaver', DBeaver automagically removes quotes and trailing comma's and asks to supply values for z, x and y. You can also inspect the generated sql query by setting '.sql' as url extension (see urls described below)
npm start
The started service serves tiles at urls:
Where 'example' is the name of your layer (as defined in layers/example.json)
z, x, y, are the tile coordinates for the mvt or pbf tile. The contents of mvt and pbf are identical.
You can inspect the used sql query at url (config.json property 'sqlinfo': true): http://localhost:8095/mvt/example/z/x/y.sql