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Alejandra Garcia Rojas M edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 9 revisions

If you install the Workbench from sources you need first to install:

  • Virtuoso 7.1 triple store is required for most of the GeoKnow software tools integrated in this Workbench.
  • Spring-batch-admin-generatror. It is used by some components in order to perform batch jobs, such as Limes-Service, ImportRDF and Deer-Service.

And then adapt the configuration files before setting up the application for the very first time. For configuring the Workbench:

  1. Create a directory for the application data e.g. /var/generator

  2. This directory have to be writable by the tomcat user, so you have to do something like:

     chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 /var/generator
  3. Adapt the framework configuration files located at src/main/resources. You need to remove the '-template' word from the file name.

  • system-configuration-template.ttl: contains workbench required directories and configuration variables services offered by the workbench. In this file you have to adapt the following properties:
Element Property Description
:GeoKnowGenerator ontos:frameworkDataDir this needs to be the same like created in step 1
:GeoKnowGenerator foaf:homepage is the URL of the application, e.g. http://localhost:8080/generator
:EmailService lds:user the user of the email that is going to be used for the registration
:EmailService lds:password password
:EmailService schema:email email
:EmailService ontos:smtpHost the SMTP URL
  • system-components-template.ttl: contains configuration of external tools that are integrated in the workbench. In this file you have to provide:
Element Property Description
:VirtuosoConductor lds:serviceUrl Virtuoso url e.g. http://localhist:8890/conductor
:VirtuosoConductor lds:connectionString jdbc connectio string to Virtuoso. e.g. “jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/”
:VirtuosoConductor lds:user dba user of viruoso (provided at its installation)
:VirtuosoConductor lds:password dba password
:VirtuosoAuthSPARQLEndpoint lds:user provide a user id that will be used by the system (this user should not exist)
:VirtuosoAuthSPARQLEndpoint lds:serviceUrl the url for the authenticated endpoint. e.g. http://localhost:8890/sparql-auth
:VirtuosoAuthSPARQLEndpoint lds:password provide a password
:SpringBatchService lds:serviceUrl the URL where spring-batch-admin is installed
:SpringBatchService ontos:springBatchAdminJobsDir the absolute path to the directory where spring batch is saving jobs descriptions, e.g.:“/var/generator/jobs”
?x lds:providesService ?y lds:serviceUrl each ?y service has to be configured with the URL where it is installed.
  • system-roles-template.ttl: contains an initial specifications of roles. You can leave this file as is.
  • system-users-template.ttl: contais the users that will be created at setup, and that can be used to login into the application. You can change the username and passwords and add more users.
Element Property Description
:admin foaf:accountName a user id for the administrator of the LDIW. This user will be created at installation time with admin privileges
:admin lds:password a password
:admin foaf:mbox an email
  • system-datasources-template.ttl: contains an initial configuration of datasources.


User Guide



  • Dashboard
  • Import RDF
  • Sparqlify
  • TripleGeo-Sercvice
  • Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint
  • Mapify
  • Facete
  • OntoWiki
  • FAGI-gis
  • DEER
  • Public-Private Data Coevolution

Developers Guide

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