This library provides easy-to-use iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
Swift bindings for the ZeroMQ C++
library. It is written in Swift 5 and features a bundled stable
library. It provides ZeroMQ's
low-level API along with an object-oriented API.
ZeroMQ (also spelled ØMQ, 0MQ or ZMQ) is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library, aimed at use in distributed or concurrent applications. It provides a message queue, but unlike message-oriented middleware, a ZeroMQ system can run without a dedicated message broker. The library's API is designed to resemble that of Berkeley sockets.
- iOS 9+ / macOS 10.11+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
- Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5.0
- Bitcode-enabled Xcode project for non-MacOS
Please consult the Documentation Manual for more information. Older examples can also be found in the examples github repository.
import SwiftyZeroMQKit
// Print ZeroMQ library and our framework version
let (major, minor, patch, versionString) = SwiftyZeroMQ.version
print("ZeroMQ library version is \(major).\(minor) with patch level .\(patch)")
print("ZeroMQ library version is \(versionString)")
print("SwiftyZeroMQ version is \(SwiftyZeroMQ.frameworkVersion)")
import SwiftyZeroMQKit
do {
// Define a TCP endpoint along with the text that we are going to send/recv
let endpoint = "tcp://"
let textToBeSent = "Hello world"
// Request socket
let context = try SwiftyZeroMQ.Context()
let requestor = try context.socket(.request)
try requestor.connect(endpoint)
// Reply socket
let replier = try context.socket(.reply)
try replier.bind(endpoint)
// Send it without waiting and check the reply on other socket
try requestor.send(string: textToBeSent, options: .dontWait)
let reply = try replier.recv()
if reply == textToBeSent {
} else {
} catch {
private let endpoint = "tcp://"
let context = try SwiftyZeroMQ.Context()
let publisher = try context.socket(.publish)
let subscriber1 = try context.socket(.subscribe)
let subscriber2 = try context.socket(.subscribe)
let subscriber3 = try context.socket(.subscribe)
try publisher.bind(endpoint)
let subscribers = [
subscriber1: "Subscriber #1",
subscriber2: "Subscriber #2",
subscriber3: "Subscriber #3",
try subscriber1.connect(endpoint)
try subscriber2.connect(endpoint)
try subscriber3.connect(endpoint)
// Brief wait to let everything hook up
// Subscriber #1 and #2 should receive anything
try subscriber2.setSubscribe(nil)
// Subscriber #3 should receive only messages starting with "topic"
try subscriber3.setSubscribe("topic")
// Brief wait to let everything hook up
let poller = SwiftyZeroMQ.Poller()
try poller.register(socket: subscriber1, flags: .pollIn)
try poller.register(socket: subscriber2, flags: .pollIn)
try poller.register(socket: subscriber3, flags: .pollIn)
func pollAndRecv() throws {
let socks = try poller.poll(timeout: 1000)
for subscriber in socks.keys {
let name = subscribers[subscriber]
if socks[subscriber] == SwiftyZeroMQ.PollFlags.pollIn {
let text = try subscriber.recv(options: .dontWait)
print("\(name): received '\(text)'")
} else {
print("\(name): Nothing")
// Send a message - expect only sub2 to receive
try publisher.send(string: "message")
// Wait a bit to let the message come through
try pollAndRecv();
// Send a message - sub2 and sub3 should receive
try publisher.send(string: "topic: test")
// Wait a bit to let the message come through
try pollAndRecv();
import SwiftyZeroMQKit
do {
// Define a TCP endpoint along with the text that we are going to send/recv
let endpoint = "tcp://"
// Request socket
let context = try SwiftyZeroMQ.Context()
let requestor = try context.socket(.request)
try requestor.connect(endpoint)
// Reply socket
let replier = try context.socket(.reply)
try replier.bind(endpoint)
// Create a Poller and add both requestor and replier
let poller = SwiftyZeroMQ.Poller()
try poller.register(socket: requestor, flags: [.pollIn, .pollOut])
try poller.register(socket: replier, flags: [.pollIn, .pollOut])
try requestor.send(string: "Hello replier!")
// wait to let request come through
var updates = try poller.poll()
if updates[replier] == SwiftyZeroMQ.PollFlags.pollIn {
print("Replier has data to be received.")
else {
print("Expected replier to be in pollIn state.")
try _ = replier.recv()
updates = try poller.poll()
if updates[replier] == SwiftyZeroMQ.PollFlags.none {
print("All data has been received")
else {
print("Expected replier to be in none state.")
} catch {
- More official ZeroMQ examples written
- More ZeroMQ API wrapped
- For Linux and macOS support with SwiftPM, please see Zewo's ZeroMQ Swift bindings.
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Ahmad M. Zawawi under the MIT license.
A prebuilt iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS universal
library is bundled with this
library under the LGPL license.