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Dynamics365CRM API wrapper for Dynamics 365 written in Python. This library works for API version: v9.0


pip install dynamics365crm-python


This library provides a client that is initialized with the following arguments

  • domain: the dynamics 365 tenant domain (yours or someone else's)
  • access_token: the retrieved token after authentication

Arguments for OAuth2 flow

  • client_id: your Azure AD application client id
  • client_secret: your Azure AD application client secret
from dynamics365crm.client import Client

## Normal use to make calls to the api
client = Client("", access_token="access_token")

## OAuth2 configuration required arguments
client = Client(

OAuth2 Protocol

Get authorization url

This will return a MSAL valid authorization url, the following are required:

  • tenant_id: someone else's Azure AD tenant_id
    • Ask the dynamics tenant owner to go to the Azure Portal and retrieve the Tenant ID from the Azure Active Directory/Overview
    • If your app is configured as multi-tenant (for any enterprise or personal account to use) you could pass "common" instead od the Tenant ID
      • However microsoft azure app configuration is a mess so the Tenant ID is preferable
  • redirect_uri: your service callback url
  • state: your unique generated state to identify the requester
    • you could also initiate an oauth flow with msal manually with initiate_auth_code_flow method, check the official example
authorization_url = client.build_authorization_url("tenant_id", "redirect_uri", "state")

>>> ""

Exchange the callback code for an access token

To finish the oauth protocol microsoft will redirect to your callback endpoint with a temporal code in the url query params to be exchanged for the full-fledged token (a json with the access_token, refresh_token, expires_in, etc.)

Again the (tenant_id or "common") and redirect_uri are required, the third argument is the code sent by microsoft

token = client.exchange_code("tenant_id", "redirect_uri", "code")

Refresh token

If the access token expires you could get a new access_token exchanging the long-lived refresh_token

Again the tenant_id or "common" is required

token = client.refresh_access_token("tenant_id", "refresh_token")

Set access token

You could pass the access_token in the constructor or set it with


Dynamics Web API


Get Contacts

can receive orderby, filter, select, top, expand

list_contacts = client.get_contacts()

Create Contact

create_contact = client.create_contact(firstname="FIRSTNAME", lastname="LASTNAME", middlename="MIDDLENAME", emailaddress1="EMAILADDRESS")

Delete Contact

delete_contact = client.delete_contact('ID')

Update Contact

update_contact = client.update_contact('ID', firstname="FIRSTNAME", lastname="LASTNAME", middlename="MIDDLENAME", emailaddress1="EMAILADDRESS")


Get Accounts

can receive orderby, filter, select, top, expand

get_accounts = client.get_accounts()

Create Account

create_account = client.create_account(name="NAME", websiteurl="WWW.WEBSITE.COM")

Delete Account

create_account = client.delete_account('ID')

Update Account

update_account = client.update_account(id="ID", name="NAME")


Get Opportunities

can receive orderby, filter, select, top, expand

list_opportunities = client.get_opportunities()

Create Opportunities

create_opportunities = client.create_opportunity(name="OPPORTUNITY NAME")

Delete Opportunities

delete_opportunities = client.delete_opportunity(id="OPPORTUNITY ID")

Update Opportunities

update_opportunities = client.update_opportunity(id="OPPORTUNITY ID", name="OPPORTUNITY NAME", description="SOME DESCRIPTION")


Get Leads

can receive orderby, filter, select, top, expand

list_leads = client.get_leads()

Create Lead

create_leads = client.create_lead(fullname="LEAD NAME", subject="LEAD SUBJECT", mobilephone="123456", websiteurl="WWW.WEBSITE.COM", middlename="MIDDLE LEAD NAME")

Delete Lead

delete_leads = client.delete_lead("ID")

Update Lead

update_leads = client.update_lead(fullname="LEAD NAME", subject="LEAD SUBJECT", mobilephone="123456", websiteurl="WWW.WEBSITE.COM", middlename="MIDDLE LEAD NAME")


Get Campaigns

can receive orderby, filter, select, top, expand

list_campaigns = client.get_campaigns()

Create Campaign

create_campaign = client.create_campaign(name="CAMPAIGN NAME", description="SOME DESCRIPTION")

Delete Campaign

delete_campaign = client.delete_campaign(id="ID")

Update Campaign

update_campaign = client.update_campaign(id="ID", name="CAMPAIGN NAME", description="SOME DESCRIPTION")


  • requests
  • msal


We are always grateful for any kind of contribution including but not limited to bug reports, code enhancements, bug fixes, and even functionality suggestions.

You can report any bug you find or suggest new functionality with a new issue.

If you want to add yourself some functionality to the wrapper:

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Adds my new feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request