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Mr Solver Widening #1600

merged 5 commits into from
Mar 1, 2022
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163 changes: 96 additions & 67 deletions src/SAWScript/Prover/MRSolver/Monad.hs
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Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ data MRFailure
| MalformedDefsFun Term
| MalformedComp Term
| NotCompFunType Term
| CoIndHypMismatchWidened FunName FunName CoIndHyp
| CoIndHypMismatchFailure (NormComp, NormComp) (NormComp, NormComp)
-- | A local variable binding
| MRFailureLocalVar LocalName MRFailure
-- | Information about the context of the failure
Expand All @@ -81,8 +79,8 @@ ppWithPrefix :: PrettyInCtx a => String -> a -> PPInCtxM SawDoc
ppWithPrefix str a = (pretty str <>) <$> nest 2 <$> (line <>) <$> prettyInCtx a

-- | Pretty-print two objects, prefixed with a 'String' and with a separator
ppWithPrefixSep :: PrettyInCtx a => String -> a -> String -> a ->
PPInCtxM SawDoc
ppWithPrefixSep :: (PrettyInCtx a, PrettyInCtx b) =>
String -> a -> String -> b -> PPInCtxM SawDoc
ppWithPrefixSep d1 t2 d3 t4 =
prettyInCtx t2 >>= \d2 -> prettyInCtx t4 >>= \d4 ->
return $ group (pretty d1 <> nest 2 (line <> d2) <> line <>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,13 +122,6 @@ instance PrettyInCtx MRFailure where
ppWithPrefix "Could not handle computation:" t
prettyInCtx (NotCompFunType tp) =
ppWithPrefix "Not a computation or computational function type:" tp
prettyInCtx (CoIndHypMismatchWidened nm1 nm2 _) =
ppWithPrefixSep "[Internal] Trying to widen co-inductive hypothesis on:" nm1 "," nm2
prettyInCtx (CoIndHypMismatchFailure (tm1, tm2) (tm1', tm2')) =
do pp <- ppWithPrefixSep "" tm1 "|=" tm2
pp' <- ppWithPrefixSep "" tm1' "|=" tm2'
return $ "Could not match co-inductive hypothesis:" <> pp' <> line <>
"with goal:" <> pp
prettyInCtx (MRFailureLocalVar x err) =
local (x:) $ prettyInCtx err
prettyInCtx (MRFailureCtx ctx err) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +175,10 @@ data CoIndHyp = CoIndHyp {
-- from outermost to innermost; that is, the uvars as "seen from outside their
-- scope", which is the reverse of the order of 'mrUVars', below
coIndHypCtx :: [(LocalName,Term)],
-- | The LHS function name
coIndHypLHSFun :: FunName,
-- | The RHS function name
coIndHypRHSFun :: FunName,
-- | The LHS argument expressions @y1, ..., ym@ over the 'coIndHypCtx' uvars
coIndHypLHS :: [Term],
-- | The RHS argument expressions @y1, ..., ym@ over the 'coIndHypCtx' uvars
Expand All @@ -194,6 +189,14 @@ data CoIndHyp = CoIndHyp {
-- names
type CoIndHyps = Map (FunName, FunName) CoIndHyp

instance PrettyInCtx CoIndHyp where
prettyInCtx (CoIndHyp ctx f1 f2 args1 args2) =
local (const $ map fst $ reverse ctx) $
prettyAppList [return (ppCtx ctx <> "."),
prettyInCtx (FunBind f1 args1 CompFunReturn),
return "|=",
prettyInCtx (FunBind f2 args2 CompFunReturn)]

-- | An assumption that a named function refines some specificaiton. This has
-- the form
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,14 +247,20 @@ data MRState = MRState {
mrsVars :: MRVarMap

-- | The exception type for MR. Solver, which is either a 'MRFailure' or a
-- widening request
data MRExn = MRExnFailure MRFailure
| MRExnWiden FunName FunName [Either Int Int]
deriving Show

-- | Mr. Monad, the monad used by MR. Solver, which has 'MRInfo' as as a
-- shared environment, 'MRState' as state, and 'MRFailure' as an exception
-- type, all over an 'IO' monad
newtype MRM a = MRM { unMRM :: ReaderT MRInfo (StateT MRState
(ExceptT MRFailure IO)) a }
(ExceptT MRExn IO)) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO,
MonadReader MRInfo, MonadState MRState,
MonadError MRFailure)
MonadError MRExn)

instance MonadTerm MRM where
mkTermF = liftSC1 scTermF
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,23 +310,41 @@ runMRM sc timeout debug assumps m =
mriUVars = [], mriCoIndHyps = Map.empty,
mriAssumptions = true_tm }
let init_st = MRState { mrsVars = Map.empty }
runExceptT $ flip evalStateT init_st $ flip runReaderT init_info $ unMRM m
res <- runExceptT $ flip evalStateT init_st $
flip runReaderT init_info $ unMRM m
case res of
Right a -> return $ Right a
Left (MRExnFailure failure) -> return $ Left failure
Left exn -> fail ("runMRM: unexpected internal exception: " ++ show exn)

-- | Throw an 'MRFailure'
throwMRFailure :: MRFailure -> MRM a
throwMRFailure = throwError . MRExnFailure

-- | Apply a function to any failure thrown by an 'MRM' computation
mapFailure :: (MRFailure -> MRFailure) -> MRM a -> MRM a
mapFailure f m = catchError m (throwError . f)
mapMRFailure :: (MRFailure -> MRFailure) -> MRM a -> MRM a
mapMRFailure f m = catchError m $ \case
MRExnFailure failure -> throwError $ MRExnFailure $ f failure
e -> throwError e

-- | Catch any 'MRFailure' raised by a computation
catchFailure :: MRM a -> (MRFailure -> MRM a) -> MRM a
catchFailure m f =
m `catchError` \case
MRExnFailure failure -> f failure
e -> throwError e

-- | Try two different 'MRM' computations, combining their failures if needed.
-- Note that the 'MRState' will reset if the first computation fails.
mrOr :: MRM a -> MRM a -> MRM a
mrOr m1 m2 =
catchError m1 $ \err1 ->
catchError m2 $ \err2 ->
throwError $ MRFailureDisj err1 err2
catchFailure m1 $ \err1 ->
catchFailure m2 $ \err2 ->
throwMRFailure $ MRFailureDisj err1 err2

-- | Run an 'MRM' computation in an extended failure context
withFailureCtx :: FailCtx -> MRM a -> MRM a
withFailureCtx ctx = mapFailure (MRFailureCtx ctx)
withFailureCtx ctx = mapMRFailure (MRFailureCtx ctx)

-- | Catch any errors thrown by a computation and coerce them to a 'Left'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,11 +421,20 @@ mrApplyAll f args = liftSC2 scApplyAll f args >>= liftSC1 betaNormalize
-- types as SAW core 'Term's, with the least recently bound uvar first, i.e., in
-- the order as seen "from the outside"
mrUVarCtx :: MRM [(LocalName,Term)]
mrUVarCtx = reverse <$> map (\(nm,Type tp) -> (nm,tp)) <$> mrUVars
mrUVarCtx = reverse <$> mrUVarCtxRev

-- | Get the current context of uvars as a list of variable names and their
-- types as SAW core 'Term's, with the most recently bound uvar first, i.e., in
-- the order as seen "from the inside"
mrUVarCtxRev :: MRM [(LocalName,Term)]
mrUVarCtxRev = map (\(nm,Type tp) -> (nm,tp)) <$> mrUVars

-- | Get the type of a 'Term' in the current uvar context
mrTypeOf :: Term -> MRM Term
mrTypeOf t = mrUVarCtx >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scTypeOf' (map snd ctx) t
mrTypeOf t =
-- NOTE: scTypeOf' wants the type context in the most recently bound var
-- first, i.e., in the mrUVarCtxRev order
mrUVarCtxRev >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scTypeOf' (map snd $ reverse ctx) t

-- | Check if two 'Term's are convertible in the 'MRM' monad
mrConvertible :: Term -> Term -> MRM Bool
Expand All @@ -419,7 +455,7 @@ mrFunOutType fname args =
debugPrint 0 ("Expected: " ++ show (length vars) ++
", found: " ++ show (length args))
debugPretty 0 ("For function: " <> pp_fname <> " with type: " <> pp_ftype)
error "mrFunOutType"

-- | Turn a 'LocalName' into one not in a list, adding a suffix if necessary
uniquifyName :: LocalName -> [LocalName] -> LocalName
Expand All @@ -430,16 +466,19 @@ uniquifyName nm nms =
Just nm' -> nm'
Nothing -> error "uniquifyName"

-- | Turn a list of 'LocalName's into one names not in a list, adding suffixes
-- if necessary
uniquifyNames :: [LocalName] -> [LocalName] -> [LocalName]
uniquifyNames [] _ = []
uniquifyNames (nm:nms) nms_other =
let nm' = uniquifyName nm nms_other in
nm' : uniquifyNames nms (nm' : nms_other)

-- | Run a MR Solver computation in a context extended with a universal
-- variable, which is passed as a 'Term' to the sub-computation. Note that any
-- assumptions made in the sub-computation will be lost when it completes.
withUVar :: LocalName -> Type -> (Term -> MRM a) -> MRM a
withUVar nm tp m =
do nm' <- uniquifyName nm <$> map fst <$> mrUVars
assumps' <- mrAssumptions >>= liftTerm 0 1
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = (nm',tp) : mriUVars info,
mriAssumptions = assumps' }) $
mapFailure (MRFailureLocalVar nm') (liftSC1 scLocalVar 0 >>= m)
withUVar nm (Type tp) m = withUVars [(nm,tp)] (\[v] -> m v)

-- | Run a MR Solver computation in a context extended with a universal variable
-- and pass it the lifting (in the sense of 'incVars') of an MR Solver term
Expand All @@ -453,16 +492,25 @@ withUVarLift nm tp t m =
-- The variables are bound "outside in", meaning the first variable in the list
-- is bound outermost, and so will have the highest deBruijn index.
withUVars :: [(LocalName,Term)] -> ([Term] -> MRM a) -> MRM a
withUVars = helper [] where
-- The extra input list gives the variables that have already been bound, in
-- order from most to least recently bound
helper :: [Term] -> [(LocalName,Term)] -> ([Term] -> MRM a) -> MRM a
helper vars [] m = m $ reverse vars
helper vars ((nm,tp):ctx) m =
-- FIXME: I think substituting here is wrong, but works on closed terms, so
-- it's fine to use at the top level at least...
substTerm 0 vars tp >>= \tp' ->
withUVarLift nm (Type tp') vars $ \var vars' -> helper (var:vars') ctx m
withUVars [] f = f []
withUVars ctx f =
do nms <- uniquifyNames (map fst ctx) <$> map fst <$> mrUVars
let ctx_u = zip nms $ map (Type . snd) ctx
assumps' <- mrAssumptions >>= liftTerm 0 (length ctx)
vars <- reverse <$> mapM (liftSC1 scLocalVar) [0 .. length ctx - 1]
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = reverse ctx_u ++ mriUVars info,
mriAssumptions = assumps' }) $
foldr (\nm m -> mapMRFailure (MRFailureLocalVar nm) m) (f vars) nms

-- | Run a MR Solver in a top-level context, i.e., with no uvars or assumptions
withNoUVars :: MRM a -> MRM a
withNoUVars m =
do true_tm <- liftSC1 scBool True
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = [], mriAssumptions = true_tm }) m

-- | Run a MR Solver in a context of only the specified UVars, no others
withOnlyUVars :: [(LocalName,Term)] -> MRM a -> MRM a
withOnlyUVars vars m = withNoUVars $ withUVars vars $ const m

-- | Build 'Term's for all the uvars currently in scope, ordered from least to
-- most recently bound
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,32 +747,13 @@ _mrSubstEVarsStrict = mrSubstEVarsStrict
mrGetCoIndHyp :: FunName -> FunName -> MRM (Maybe CoIndHyp)
mrGetCoIndHyp nm1 nm2 = Map.lookup (nm1, nm2) <$> mrCoIndHyps

-- | Run a compuation under the additional co-inductive assumption that
-- @forall x1, ..., xn. F y1 ... ym |= G z1 ... zl@, where @F@ and @G@ are
-- the given 'FunName's, @y1, ..., ym@ and @z1, ..., zl@ are the given
-- argument lists, and @x1, ..., xn@ is the current context of uvars. If
-- while running the given computation a 'CoIndHypMismatchWidened' error is
-- reached with the given names, the state is restored and the computation is
-- re-run with the widened hypothesis. This is done recursively, meaning this
-- function will only return once no 'CoIndHypMismatchWidened' errors are
-- raised with the given names.
withCoIndHyp :: FunName -> [Term] -> FunName -> [Term] -> MRM a -> MRM a
withCoIndHyp nm1 args1 nm2 args2 m =
do ctx <- mrUVarCtx
withCoIndHyp' (nm1, nm2) (CoIndHyp ctx args1 args2) m

-- | The main loop of 'withCoIndHyp'
withCoIndHyp' :: (FunName, FunName) -> CoIndHyp -> MRM a -> MRM a
withCoIndHyp' (nm1, nm2) hyp@(CoIndHyp _ args1 args2) m =
do mrDebugPPPrefixSep 1 "withCoIndHyp" (FunBind nm1 args1 CompFunReturn)
"|=" (FunBind nm2 args2 CompFunReturn)
st <- get
hyps' <- Map.insert (nm1, nm2) hyp <$> mrCoIndHyps
(local (\info -> info { mriCoIndHyps = hyps' }) m) `catchError` \case
CoIndHypMismatchWidened nm1' nm2' hyp' | nm1 == nm1' && nm2 == nm2'
-> -- FIXME: Could restoring the state here cause any problems?
put st >> withCoIndHyp' (nm1, nm2) hyp' m
e -> throwError e
-- | Run a compuation under an additional co-inductive assumption
withCoIndHypRaw :: CoIndHyp -> MRM a -> MRM a
withCoIndHypRaw hyp m =
do debugPretty 1 ("withCoIndHyp" <+> ppInEmptyCtx hyp)
hyps' <- Map.insert (coIndHypLHSFun hyp,
coIndHypRHSFun hyp) hyp <$> mrCoIndHyps
local (\info -> info { mriCoIndHyps = hyps' }) m

-- | Generate fresh evars for the context of a 'CoIndHyp' and
-- substitute them into its arguments and right-hand side
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -791,8 +820,8 @@ mrPPInCtx a =

-- | Pretty-print the result of 'ppWithPrefixSep' relative to the current uvar
-- context to 'stderr' if the debug level is at least the 'Int' provided
mrDebugPPPrefixSep :: PrettyInCtx a => Int -> String -> a -> String -> a ->
MRM ()
mrDebugPPPrefixSep :: (PrettyInCtx a, PrettyInCtx b) =>
Int -> String -> a -> String -> b -> MRM ()
mrDebugPPPrefixSep i pre a1 sp a2 =
mrUVars >>= \ctx ->
debugPretty i $
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/SAWScript/Prover/MRSolver/SMT.hs
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Expand Up @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ mrProvableRaw prop_term =
-- | Test if a Boolean term over the current uvars is provable given the current
-- assumptions
mrProvable :: Term -> MRM Bool
mrProvable (asBool -> Just b) = return b
mrProvable bool_tm =
do assumps <- mrAssumptions
prop <- liftSC2 scImplies assumps bool_tm >>= liftSC1 scEqTrue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,12 +277,10 @@ mrAssertProveEq :: Term -> Term -> MRM ()
mrAssertProveEq t1 t2 =
do success <- mrProveEq t1 t2
if success then return () else
throwError (TermsNotEq t1 t2)
throwMRFailure (TermsNotEq t1 t2)

-- | The main workhorse for 'prProveEq'. Build a Boolean term expressing that
-- the third and fourth arguments, whose type is given by the second. This is
-- done in a continuation monad so that the output term can be in a context with
-- additional universal variables.
-- | The main workhorse for 'mrProveEq'. Build a Boolean term expressing that
-- the third and fourth arguments, whose type is given by the second.
mrProveEqH :: Map MRVar MRVarInfo -> Term -> Term -> Term -> MRM TermInCtx

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,6 +308,10 @@ mrProveEqH var_map _tp t1 (asEVarApp var_map -> Just (evar, args, Nothing)) =
success <- mrTrySetAppliedEVar evar args t1'
TermInCtx [] <$> liftSC1 scBool success

-- For unit types, always return true
mrProveEqH _ (asTupleType -> Just []) _ _ =
TermInCtx [] <$> liftSC1 scBool True

-- For the nat, bitvector, Boolean, and integer types, call mrProveEqSimple
mrProveEqH _ (asDataType -> Just (pn, [])) t1 t2
| primName pn == "Prelude.Nat" =
Expand Down