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SetupValue: Use proper TTG-style extension fields
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This removes all of the `HasSetup* :: Bool` type families in favor of new `X*
:: Type` type families. These largely serve the same purpose of distinguishing
which constructors of `SetupValue` are permissible in each language backend,
but they are permit bundling additional, language-specific information into a
`SetupValue`. For instance, the `XSetupStruct` instance for `LLVM` evaluates to
`Bool`, representing whether we are dealing with an LLVM packed struct or not,
and the `XSetupCast` instance for `LLVM` evaluates to an LLVM `Type` to
represent the type to cast to.

One consequence of this design, aside from some `SetupValue` fields moving
around, is that `ppSetupValue` now must perform case analysis on which language
backend is currently in use in order to pretty-print any backend-specific data.
This is accomplished with the new `SAWExt` data type and the corresponding
`IsExt` class.

There is a lot of code that shifts around in this patch, but everything is
still functionally equivalent. In a subsequent patch, I will introduce
additional data into MIR-specific extension fields.

Fixes #1914.
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott committed Aug 24, 2023
1 parent 422374c commit 8b8ff9b
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Showing 15 changed files with 213 additions and 161 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions crucible-mir-comp/src/Mir/Compositional/Builder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ substMethodSpec sc sm ms = do
MS.SetupVar _ -> return sv
MS.SetupTerm tt -> MS.SetupTerm <$> goTypedTerm tt
MS.SetupNull _ -> return sv
MS.SetupStruct b packed svs -> MS.SetupStruct b packed <$> mapM goSetupValue svs
MS.SetupStruct b svs -> MS.SetupStruct b <$> mapM goSetupValue svs
MS.SetupArray b svs -> MS.SetupArray b <$> mapM goSetupValue svs
MS.SetupElem b sv idx -> MS.SetupElem b <$> goSetupValue sv <*> pure idx
MS.SetupField b sv name -> MS.SetupField b <$> goSetupValue sv <*> pure name
MS.SetupCast v _ _ -> case v of {}
MS.SetupCast v _ -> case v of {}
MS.SetupUnion v _ _ -> case v of {}
MS.SetupGlobal _ _ -> return sv
MS.SetupGlobalInitializer _ _ -> return sv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,14 +677,14 @@ regToSetup bak p eval shp rv = go shp rv

go :: forall tp. TypeShape tp -> RegValue sym tp ->
BuilderT sym t (OverrideSim p sym MIR rtp args ret) (MS.SetupValue MIR)
go (UnitShape _) () = return $ MS.SetupStruct () False []
go (UnitShape _) () = return $ MS.SetupStruct () []
go (PrimShape _ btpr) expr = do
-- Record all vars used in `expr`
cache <- use msbVisitCache
visitExprVars cache expr $ \var -> do
msbPrePost p . seVars %= Set.insert (Some var)
liftIO $ MS.SetupTerm <$> eval btpr expr
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) rvs = MS.SetupStruct () False <$> goFields flds rvs
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) rvs = MS.SetupStruct () <$> goFields flds rvs
go (ArrayShape _ _ shp) vec = do
svs <- case vec of
MirVector_Vector v -> mapM (go shp) (toList v)
Expand All @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ regToSetup bak p eval shp rv = go shp rv
return $ MS.SetupArray () svs
go (StructShape _ _ flds) (AnyValue tpr rvs)
| Just Refl <- testEquality tpr shpTpr =
MS.SetupStruct () False <$> goFields flds rvs
MS.SetupStruct () <$> goFields flds rvs
| otherwise = error $ "regToSetup: type error: expected " ++ show shpTpr ++
", but got Any wrapping " ++ show tpr
where shpTpr = StructRepr $ fmapFC fieldShapeType flds
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions crucible-mir-comp/src/Mir/Compositional/Override.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ matchArg sym sc eval allocSpecs md shp rv sv = go shp rv sv
go :: forall tp. TypeShape tp -> RegValue sym tp -> MS.SetupValue MIR ->
MirOverrideMatcher sym ()
go (UnitShape _) () (MS.SetupStruct () False []) = return ()
go (UnitShape _) () (MS.SetupStruct () []) = return ()
go (PrimShape _ _btpr) expr (MS.SetupTerm tt) = do
loc <- use MS.osLocation
exprTerm <- liftIO $ eval expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,14 +390,14 @@ matchArg sym sc eval allocSpecs md shp rv sv = go shp rv sv
("mismatch on " ++ show (W4.exprType expr) ++ ": expected " ++
show (W4.printSymExpr val))
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) rvs (MS.SetupStruct () False svs) = goFields flds rvs svs
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) rvs (MS.SetupStruct () svs) = goFields flds rvs svs
go (ArrayShape _ _ shp) vec (MS.SetupArray () svs) = case vec of
MirVector_Vector v -> zipWithM_ (\x y -> go shp x y) (toList v) svs
MirVector_PartialVector pv -> forM_ (zip (toList pv) svs) $ \(p, sv) -> do
rv <- liftIO $ readMaybeType sym "vector element" (shapeType shp) p
go shp rv sv
MirVector_Array _ -> error $ "matchArg: MirVector_Array NYI"
go (StructShape _ _ flds) (AnyValue tpr rvs) (MS.SetupStruct () False svs)
go (StructShape _ _ flds) (AnyValue tpr rvs) (MS.SetupStruct () svs)
| Just Refl <- testEquality tpr shpTpr = goFields flds rvs svs
| otherwise = error $ "matchArg: type error: expected " ++ show shpTpr ++
", but got Any wrapping " ++ show tpr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ setupToReg :: forall sym t st fs tp.
setupToReg sym sc termSub regMap allocMap shp sv = go shp sv
go :: forall tp. TypeShape tp -> MS.SetupValue MIR -> IO (RegValue sym tp)
go (UnitShape _) (MS.SetupStruct _ False []) = return ()
go (UnitShape _) (MS.SetupStruct _ []) = return ()
go (PrimShape _ btpr) (MS.SetupTerm tt) = do
term <- liftIO $ SAW.scInstantiateExt sc termSub $ SAW.ttTerm tt
Some expr <- termToExpr sym sc regMap term
Expand All @@ -519,11 +519,11 @@ setupToReg sym sc termSub regMap allocMap shp sv = go shp sv
Nothing -> error $ "setupToReg: expected " ++ show btpr ++ ", but got " ++
show (W4.exprType expr)
return expr
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) (MS.SetupStruct _ False svs) = goFields flds svs
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) (MS.SetupStruct _ svs) = goFields flds svs
go (ArrayShape _ _ shp) (MS.SetupArray _ svs) = do
rvs <- mapM (go shp) svs
return $ MirVector_Vector $ V.fromList rvs
go (StructShape _ _ flds) (MS.SetupStruct _ False svs) =
go (StructShape _ _ flds) (MS.SetupStruct _ svs) =
AnyValue (StructRepr $ fmapFC fieldShapeType flds) <$> goFields flds svs
go (TransparentShape _ shp) sv = go shp sv
go (RefShape _ _ _ tpr) (MS.SetupVar alloc) = case Map.lookup alloc allocMap of
Expand Down
100 changes: 75 additions & 25 deletions src/SAWScript/Crucible/Common/MethodSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ Grow\", and is prevalent across the Crucible codebase.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Expand All @@ -32,23 +34,19 @@ module SAWScript.Crucible.Common.MethodSpec
, AllocSpec
, TypeName
, ExtType
, CastType
, PointsTo
, AllocGlobal
, ResolvedState

, BoolToType
, B

, HasSetupNull
, HasSetupStruct
, HasSetupArray
, HasSetupElem
, HasSetupField
, HasSetupGlobal
, HasSetupCast
, HasSetupUnion
, HasSetupGlobalInitializer
, XSetupNull
, XSetupStruct
, XSetupArray
, XSetupElem
, XSetupField
, XSetupGlobal
, XSetupCast
, XSetupUnion
, XSetupGlobalInitializer

, SetupValue(..)
, SetupValueHas
Expand All @@ -62,7 +60,7 @@ module SAWScript.Crucible.Common.MethodSpec
, setupToTypedTerm
, setupToTerm

, HasGhostState
, XGhostState
, GhostValue
, GhostType
, GhostGlobal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,10 +109,12 @@ module SAWScript.Crucible.Common.MethodSpec
, makeCrucibleMethodSpecIR
) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Void (absurd)

import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
Expand All @@ -126,16 +126,21 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
-- what4
import What4.ProgramLoc (ProgramLoc(plSourceLoc), Position)

import Lang.Crucible.JVM (JVM)
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Types as Crucible
(IntrinsicType, EmptyCtx)
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Common as Crucible (GlobalVar)
import Mir.Intrinsics (MIR)

import qualified Cryptol.Utils.PP as Cryptol

import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm as SAWVerifier
import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm as SAWVerifier

import SAWScript.Crucible.Common.Setup.Value
import SAWScript.Crucible.LLVM.Setup.Value (LLVM)
import SAWScript.Crucible.JVM.Setup.Value ()
import SAWScript.Crucible.MIR.Setup.Value ()
import SAWScript.Options
import SAWScript.Prover.SolverStats
import SAWScript.Utils (bullets)
Expand All @@ -153,30 +158,75 @@ stateCond PostState = "postcondition"
-- ** SetupValue

-- | A singleton type that encodes the extensions used for each SAW backend.
-- Matching on a value of type @'SAWExt' ext@ allows one to learn which backend
-- is currently in use.
data SAWExt :: Type -> Type where
LLVMExt :: SAWExt (LLVM arch)

-- | This allows checking which SAW backend we are using at runtime.
class IsExt ext where
sawExt :: SAWExt ext

instance IsExt (LLVM arch) where
sawExt = LLVMExt
instance IsExt JVM where
sawExt = JVMExt
instance IsExt MIR where
sawExt = MIRExt

-- | Note that most 'SetupValue' concepts (like allocation indices)
-- are implementation details and won't be familiar to users.
-- Consider using 'resolveSetupValue' and printing an 'LLVMVal'
-- with @PP.pretty@ instead.
ppSetupValue :: Show (CastType ext) => SetupValue ext -> PP.Doc ann
-- Consider using 'resolveSetupValue' and printing the language-specific value
-- (e.g., an 'LLVMVal') with @PP.pretty@ instead.
ppSetupValue :: forall ext ann. IsExt ext => SetupValue ext -> PP.Doc ann
ppSetupValue setupval = case setupval of
SetupTerm tm -> ppTypedTerm tm
SetupVar i -> ppAllocIndex i
SetupNull _ -> PP.pretty "NULL"
SetupStruct _ packed vs
| packed -> PP.angles (PP.braces (commaList (map ppSetupValue vs)))
| otherwise -> PP.braces (commaList (map ppSetupValue vs))
SetupStruct x vs ->
case (ext, x) of
(LLVMExt, packed) ->
ppSetupStructLLVM packed vs
(JVMExt, empty) ->
absurd empty
(MIRExt, ()) ->
ppSetupStructDefault vs
SetupArray _ vs -> PP.brackets (commaList (map ppSetupValue vs))
SetupElem _ v i -> PP.parens (ppSetupValue v) PP.<> PP.pretty ("." ++ show i)
SetupField _ v f -> PP.parens (ppSetupValue v) PP.<> PP.pretty ("." ++ f)
SetupUnion _ v u -> PP.parens (ppSetupValue v) PP.<> PP.pretty ("." ++ u)
SetupCast _ v tp -> PP.parens (ppSetupValue v) PP.<> PP.pretty (" AS " ++ show tp)
SetupCast x v ->
case (ext, x) of
(LLVMExt, tp) ->
PP.parens (ppSetupValue v) PP.<> PP.pretty (" AS " ++ show tp)
(JVMExt, empty) ->
absurd empty
(MIRExt, empty) ->
absurd empty
SetupGlobal _ nm -> PP.pretty ("global(" ++ nm ++ ")")
SetupGlobalInitializer _ nm -> PP.pretty ("global_initializer(" ++ nm ++ ")")
ext :: SAWExt ext
ext = sawExt @ext

commaList :: [PP.Doc ann] -> PP.Doc ann
commaList [] = PP.emptyDoc
commaList (x:xs) = x PP.<> PP.hcat (map (\y -> PP.comma PP.<+> y) xs)

ppSetupStructLLVM ::
-- ^ 'True' if this is an LLVM packed struct, 'False' otherwise.
-> [SetupValue ext] -> PP.Doc ann
ppSetupStructLLVM packed vs
| packed = PP.angles (ppSetupStructDefault vs)
| otherwise = ppSetupStructDefault vs

ppSetupStructDefault :: [SetupValue ext] -> PP.Doc ann
ppSetupStructDefault vs = PP.braces (commaList (map ppSetupValue vs))

ppAllocIndex :: AllocIndex -> PP.Doc ann
ppAllocIndex i = PP.pretty '@' <> PP.viaShow i

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +274,7 @@ setupToTerm opts sc =
SetupTerm term -> return (ttTerm term)

SetupStruct _ _ fields ->
SetupStruct _ fields ->
do ts <- mapM (setupToTerm opts sc) fields
lift $ scTuple sc ts

Expand All @@ -248,7 +298,7 @@ setupToTerm opts sc =
typ <- lift $ scTypeOf sc et
lift $ scAt sc lent typ art ixt

SetupStruct _ _ fs ->
SetupStruct _ fs ->
do st <- setupToTerm opts sc base
lift $ scTupleSelector sc st ind (length fs)

Expand All @@ -270,14 +320,14 @@ type GhostGlobal = Crucible.GlobalVar GhostType
data SetupCondition ext where
SetupCond_Equal :: ConditionMetadata -> SetupValue ext -> SetupValue ext -> SetupCondition ext
SetupCond_Pred :: ConditionMetadata -> TypedTerm -> SetupCondition ext
SetupCond_Ghost :: B (HasGhostState ext) ->
SetupCond_Ghost :: XGhostState ext ->
ConditionMetadata ->
GhostGlobal ->
TypedTerm ->
SetupCondition ext

deriving instance ( SetupValueHas Show ext
, Show (B (HasGhostState ext))
, Show (XGhostState ext)
) => Show (SetupCondition ext)

-- | Verification state (either pre- or post-) specification
Expand Down

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