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Merge pull request #1587 from GaloisInc/generalize-apply
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Generalize apply
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robdockins authored Feb 16, 2022
2 parents 64cf8b1 + e6ff0ec commit 64abd30
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Showing 6 changed files with 163 additions and 53 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Recognizer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -382,7 +382,14 @@ asEq t =
_ -> Nothing

asEqTrue :: Recognizer Term Term
asEqTrue = isGlobalDef "Prelude.EqTrue" @> return
asEqTrue t =
case (isGlobalDef "Prelude.EqTrue" @> return) t of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing ->
do (a,x,y) <- asEq t
isGlobalDef "Prelude.Bool" a
isGlobalDef "Prelude.True" y
return x

asArrayType :: Recognizer Term (Term :*: Term)
asArrayType = (isGlobalDef "Prelude.Array" @> return) <@> return
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Rewriter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,6 +181,12 @@ asConstantNat t =
_ -> Nothing

-- | An enhanced matcher that can handle higher-order patterns.
-- This matching procedure will attempt to find an instantiation
-- for the dangling variables appearing in @pattern@.
-- The resulting instantation will return terms that are in the same
-- variable-scoping context as @term@. In particular, if @term@
-- is closed, then the terms in the instantiation will also be closed.
scMatch ::
SharedContext ->
Term {- ^ pattern -} ->
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/SAWScript/Builtins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1443,6 +1443,14 @@ core_thm input =
thm <- io (proofByTerm sc db t pos "core_thm")
SV.returnProof thm

specialize_theorem :: Theorem -> [TypedTerm] -> TopLevel Theorem
specialize_theorem thm ts =
do sc <- getSharedContext
db <- roTheoremDB <$> getTopLevelRO
pos <- SV.getPosition
thm' <- io (specializeTheorem sc db pos "specialize_theorem" thm (map ttTerm ts))
SV.returnProof thm'

get_opt :: Int -> TopLevel String
get_opt n = do
prog <- io $ System.Environment.getProgName
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/SAWScript/Interpreter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2247,6 +2247,13 @@ primitives = Map.fromList
[ "Create a theorem from the type of the given core expression." ]

, prim "specialize_theorem" "Theorem -> [Term] -> TopLevel Theorem"
(pureVal specialize_theorem)
[ "Specialize a theorem by instantiating universal quantifiers"
, "with the given list of terms."

, prim "get_opt" "Int -> String"
(funVal1 get_opt)
Expand Down
179 changes: 130 additions & 49 deletions src/SAWScript/Proof.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Stability : provisional
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

Expand All @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ module SAWScript.Proof
, betaReduceProp
, falseProp
, termToProp
, termToMaybeProp
, propToTerm
, propToRewriteRule
, propSize
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ module SAWScript.Proof
, proofByTerm
, constructTheorem
, validateTheorem
, specializeTheorem

, Evidence(..)
, checkEvidence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm
import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FirstOrderValue)
import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty (SawDoc)
import Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck (scTypeCheckError)
import qualified Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck as TC

import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete (evalSharedTerm)
import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value (asFirstOrderTypeValue, Value(..), TValue(..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,10 +144,9 @@ unProp (Prop tm) = tm
-- is a sort.
termToProp :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Prop
termToProp sc tm =
do mmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
ty <- scTypeOf sc tm
case evalSharedTerm mmap mempty mempty ty of
TValue (VSort s) | s == propSort -> return (Prop tm)
do ty <- scWhnf sc =<< scTypeOf sc tm
case asSort ty of
Just s | s == propSort -> return (Prop tm)
_ ->
case asLambda tm of
Just _ ->
Expand All @@ -155,6 +157,15 @@ termToProp sc tm =
Nothing ->
fail $ unlines [ "termToProp: Term is not a proposition", showTerm tm, showTerm ty ]

-- | Turn a saw-core term into a proposition under the type-as-propositions
-- regime. The given term must be a type, which means that its own type
-- is a sort. If it is not, return @Nothing@.
termToMaybeProp :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO (Maybe Prop)
termToMaybeProp sc tm =
do ty <- scWhnf sc =<< scTypeOf sc tm
case asSort ty of
Just s | s == propSort -> return (Just (Prop tm))
_ -> return Nothing

-- | Turn a boolean-valued saw-core term into a proposition by asserting
-- that it is equal to the true boolean value. Generalize the proposition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,7 +242,7 @@ evalProp sc unints (Prop p) =
body' <-
case asEqTrue body of
Just t -> pure t
Nothing -> fail "goal_eval: expected EqTrue"
Nothing -> fail ("goal_eval: expected EqTrue\n" ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts p)

ecs <- traverse (\(nm, ty) -> scFreshEC sc nm ty) args
vars <- traverse (scExtCns sc) ecs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,6 +352,7 @@ reachableTheorems db roots =
| otherwise =
panic "reachableTheorems" ["Could not find theorem with identifier", show (indexValue curr)]

-- | Check that the purported theorem is valid.
-- This checks that the given theorem object does not correspond
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,10 +427,12 @@ data Evidence
| SplitEvidence Evidence Evidence

-- | This type of evidence is produced when a previously-proved theorem is
-- applied via backward reasoning to prove a goal. Some of the hypotheses
-- of the theorem may be discharged via the included list of evidence, and
-- then the proposition must match the conclusion of the theorem.
| ApplyEvidence Theorem [Evidence]
-- applied via backward reasoning to prove a goal. Pi-quantified variables
-- of the theorem may be specialized either by giving an explicit @Term@ to
-- instantiate the variable, or by giving @Evidence@ for @Prop@ hypotheses.
-- After specializing the given @Theorem@ the result must match the
-- current goal.
| ApplyEvidence Theorem [Either Term Evidence]

-- | This type of evidence is used to prove an implication. The included
-- proposition must match the hypothesis of the goal, and the included
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -572,6 +586,29 @@ constructTheorem sc db p e loc ploc rsn elapsed =
, _thmSummary = sy

-- | Given a theorem with quantified variables, build a new theorem that
-- specializes the leading quantifiers with the given terms.
-- This will fail if the given terms to not match the quantifier structure
-- of the given theorem.
specializeTheorem :: SharedContext -> TheoremDB -> Pos -> Text -> Theorem -> [Term] -> IO Theorem
specializeTheorem _sc _db _loc _rsn thm [] = return thm
specializeTheorem sc db loc rsn thm ts0 =
do let p0 = unProp (_thmProp thm)
res <- TC.runTCM (loop p0 ts0) sc Nothing []
case res of
Left err -> fail (unlines (["specialize_theorem: failed to specialize"] ++ TC.prettyTCError err))
Right p' ->
constructTheorem sc db (Prop p') (ApplyEvidence thm (map Left ts0)) loc Nothing rsn 0

loop p [] = return p
loop p (t:ts) =
do prop <- liftIO (scSort sc propSort)
t' <- TC.typeInferComplete t
p' <- TC.applyPiTyped (TC.NotFuncTypeInApp (TC.TypedTerm p prop) t') p t'
loop p' ts

-- | Admit the given theorem without evidence.
-- The provided message allows the user to
-- explain why this proposition is being admitted.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,14 +725,19 @@ psStats :: ProofState -> SolverStats
psStats = _psStats

-- | Verify that the given evidence in fact supports the given proposition.
-- Returns the identifers of all the theorems depened on while checking evidence.
-- Returns the identifers of all the theorems depended on while checking evidence.
checkEvidence :: SharedContext -> TheoremDB -> Evidence -> Prop -> IO (Set TheoremNonce, TheoremSummary)
checkEvidence sc db = \e p -> do hyps <- Map.keysSet <$> readIORef (theoremMap db)
check hyps e p

checkApply _hyps (Prop p) [] = return (mempty, mempty, p)
checkApply hyps (Prop p) (e:es)

-- Check a theorem applied to "Evidence".
-- The given prop must be an implication
-- (i.e., nondependent Pi quantifying over a Prop)
-- and the given evidence must match the expected prop.
checkApply hyps (Prop p) (Right e:es)
| Just (_lnm, tp, body) <- asPi p
, looseVars body == emptyBitSet
= do (d1,sy1) <- check hyps e =<< termToProp sc tp
Expand All @@ -706,6 +748,18 @@ checkEvidence sc db = \e p -> do hyps <- Map.keysSet <$> readIORef (theoremMap d
, showTerm p

-- Check a theorem applied to a term. This explicity instantiates
-- a Pi binder with the given term.
checkApply hyps (Prop p) (Left tm:es) =
do propTerm <- scSort sc propSort
let m = do tm' <- TC.typeInferComplete tm
let err = TC.NotFuncTypeInApp (TC.TypedTerm p propTerm) tm'
TC.applyPiTyped err p tm'
res <- TC.runTCM m sc Nothing []
case res of
Left msg -> fail (unlines (TC.prettyTCError msg))
Right p' -> checkApply hyps (Prop p') es

checkTheorem :: Set TheoremNonce -> Theorem -> IO ()
checkTheorem hyps (LocalAssumption p loc n) =
unless (Set.member n hyps) $ fail $ unlines
Expand All @@ -722,7 +776,7 @@ checkEvidence sc db = \e p -> do hyps <- Map.keysSet <$> readIORef (theoremMap d
IO (Set TheoremNonce, TheoremSummary)
check hyps e p@(Prop ptm) = case e of
ProofTerm tm ->
do ty <- scTypeCheckError sc tm
do ty <- TC.scTypeCheckError sc tm
ok <- scConvertible sc True ptm ty
unless ok $ fail $ unlines
[ "Proof term does not prove the required proposition"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1003,34 +1057,44 @@ propToSATQuery sc unintSet prop =
Just fot -> filterFirstOrderVars mmap (Map.insert e fot fovars) absvars es

processTerm mmap vars xs tm =
case asPi tm of
Just (lnm, tp, body)
| Just x <- asEqTrue tp
, looseVars body == emptyBitSet ->
do processTerm mmap vars (x:xs) body

-- TODO? Allow universal hypotheses...

| otherwise ->
case evalFOT mmap tp of
Nothing -> fail ("propToSATQuery: expected first order type: " ++ showTerm tp)
Just fot ->
do ec <- scFreshEC sc lnm tp
etm <- scExtCns sc ec
body' <- instantiateVar sc 0 etm body
processTerm mmap (Map.insert ec fot vars) xs body'

Nothing ->
case asEqTrue tm of
Nothing -> fail $ "propToSATQuery: expected EqTrue, actual " ++ showTerm tm
Just tmBool ->
do tmNeg <- scNot sc tmBool
return (vars, reverse (tmNeg:xs))
do -- TODO: I would like to WHNF here, but that evalutes too aggressively
-- because scWhnf evaluates strictly through the `Eq` datatype former.
-- This breaks some proof examples by unfolding things that need to
-- be uninterpreted.
-- tm' <- scWhnf sc tm
let tm' = tm

case asPi tm' of
Just (lnm, tp, body) ->
do -- same issue with WHNF
-- tp' <- scWhnf sc tp
let tp' = tp
case asEqTrue tp' of
Just x | looseVars body == emptyBitSet ->
processTerm mmap vars (x:xs) body

-- TODO? Allow universal hypotheses...

_ ->
case evalFOT mmap tp' of
Nothing -> fail ("propToSATQuery: expected first order type: " ++ showTerm tp')
Just fot ->
do ec <- scFreshEC sc lnm tp'
etm <- scExtCns sc ec
body' <- instantiateVar sc 0 etm body
processTerm mmap (Map.insert ec fot vars) xs body'

Nothing ->
case asEqTrue tm' of
Nothing -> fail $ "propToSATQuery: expected EqTrue, actual " ++ showTerm tm'
Just tmBool ->
do tmNeg <- scNot sc tmBool
return (vars, reverse (tmNeg:xs))

-- | Given a goal to prove, attempt to apply the given proposition, producing
-- new subgoals for any necessary hypotheses of the proposition. Returns
-- @Nothing@ if the given proposition does not apply to the goal.
goalApply :: SharedContext -> Prop-> ProofGoal -> IO (Maybe [ProofGoal])
goalApply :: SharedContext -> Prop -> ProofGoal -> IO (Maybe [Either Term Prop])
goalApply sc rule goal = applyFirst (asPiLists (unProp rule))

Expand All @@ -1042,17 +1106,22 @@ goalApply sc rule goal = applyFirst (asPiLists (unProp rule))
Just inst ->
do let inst' = [ Map.lookup i inst | i <- take (length ruleArgs) [0..] ]
dummy <- scUnitType sc
let mkNewGoals (Nothing : mts) ((_, prop) : args) =
let mkNewGoals (Nothing : mts) ((nm, prop) : args) =
do c0 <- instantiateVarList sc 0 (map (fromMaybe dummy) mts) prop
cs <- mkNewGoals mts args
return (Prop c0 : cs)
mkNewGoals (Just _ : mts) (_ : args) =
mkNewGoals mts args
mp <- termToMaybeProp sc c0
case mp of
Nothing ->
fail ("goal_apply: could not find instantiation for " ++ show nm)
Just p ->
do cs <- mkNewGoals mts args
return (Right p : cs)
mkNewGoals (Just tm : mts) (_ : args) =
do cs <- mkNewGoals mts args
return (Left tm : cs)
mkNewGoals _ _ = return []

newgoalterms <- mkNewGoals inst' (reverse ruleArgs)
-- TODO, change the "ty" field to list the hypotheses?
let newgoals = reverse [ goal { goalProp = t } | t <- newgoalterms ]
return (Just newgoals)
return (Just (reverse newgoalterms))

asPiLists :: Term -> [([(Text, Term)], Term)]
asPiLists t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1112,8 +1181,20 @@ tacticApply :: (F.MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => SharedContext -> Theorem -> Tactic
tacticApply sc thm = Tactic \goal ->
liftIO (goalApply sc (thmProp thm) goal) >>= \case
Nothing -> fail "apply tactic failed: no match"
Just newgoals ->
return ((), mempty, newgoals, pure . ApplyEvidence thm)
Just newterms ->
let newgoals =
[ goal{ goalProp = p, goalType = goalType goal ++ ".subgoal" ++ show i }
| Right p <- newterms
| i <- [0::Integer ..]
] in
return ((), mempty, newgoals, \es -> ApplyEvidence thm <$> processEvidence newterms es)

processEvidence :: [Either Term Prop] -> [Evidence] -> IO [Either Term Evidence]
processEvidence (Left tm : xs) es = (Left tm :) <$> processEvidence xs es
processEvidence (Right _ : xs) (e:es) = (Right e :) <$> processEvidence xs es
processEvidence [] [] = pure []
processEvidence _ _ = fail "apply tactic failed: evidence mismatch"

-- | Attempt to simplify a goal by splitting it along conjunctions. If successful,
-- two subgoals will be produced, representing the two conjuncts to be proved.
Expand All @@ -1133,7 +1214,7 @@ tacticTrivial sc = Tactic \goal ->
Left err -> fail err
Right pf ->
do let gp = unProp (goalProp goal)
ty <- liftIO $ scTypeCheckError sc pf
ty <- liftIO $ TC.scTypeCheckError sc pf
ok <- liftIO $ scConvertible sc True gp ty
unless ok $ fail $ unlines
[ "The trivial tactic cannot prove this equality"
Expand All @@ -1144,7 +1225,7 @@ tacticTrivial sc = Tactic \goal ->
tacticExact :: (F.MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => SharedContext -> Term -> Tactic m ()
tacticExact sc tm = Tactic \goal ->
do let gp = unProp (goalProp goal)
ty <- liftIO $ scTypeCheckError sc tm
ty <- liftIO $ TC.scTypeCheckError sc tm
ok <- liftIO $ scConvertible sc True gp ty
unless ok $ fail $ unlines
[ "Proof term does not prove the required proposition"
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/SAWScript/VerificationSummary.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,9 +172,10 @@ prettyVerificationSummary vs@(VerificationSummary jspecs lspecs thms) =
prettyTheorems ts =
sectionWithItems "Theorems Proved or Assumed" (item . prettyTheorem) ts
prettyTheorem t =
vsep [ if Set.null (solverStatsSolvers (thmStats t))
then "Axiom:"
else "Theorem:"
vsep [ case thmSummary t of
ProvedTheorem{} -> "Theorem:"
TestedTheorem n -> "Theorem (randomly tested on" <+> viaShow n <+> "samples):"
AdmittedTheorem{} -> "Axiom:"
, code (indent 2 (ppProp PP.defaultPPOpts (thmProp t)))
, ""
Expand Down

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