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fixed issue #1748 by having the translation of constants use the tran…
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…slation for SAW core identifiers when those constants have identifiers as names; also did some refactoring and updates to the documentation around this change
Eddy Westbrook committed Oct 6, 2022


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1 parent 1ea10d0 commit 21a6536
Showing 4 changed files with 67 additions and 78 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,10 +55,12 @@ showError printer err = case err of
CannotCreateDefaultValue a -> "Unable to generate a default value of the given type: " ++ printer a

data TranslationConfiguration = TranslationConfiguration
{ notations :: [(String, String)]
-- ^ We currently don't have a nice way of mapping Cryptol notations to Coq
-- notations. Instead, we provide a mapping from the notation symbol to an
-- identifier to use instead.
{ constantRenaming :: [(String, String)]
-- ^ A map from 'ImportedName's of constants to names that should be used to
-- realize them in Coq; this is generally used to map cryptol operators like
-- @||@ or @&&@ to nicer names in Coq, but works on any imported names
, constantSkips :: [String]
-- ^ A list of 'ImportedName's to skip, i.e., not translate when encountered
, monadicTranslation :: Bool
-- ^ Whether to wrap everything in a free monad construction.
-- - Advantage: fixpoints can be readily represented
@@ -67,7 +69,6 @@ data TranslationConfiguration = TranslationConfiguration
-- ^ Text to be concatenated at the end of the Coq preamble, before the code
-- generated by the translation. Usually consists of extra file imports,
-- module imports, scopes openings.
, skipDefinitions :: [String]
, vectorModule :: String
-- ^ all vector operations will be prepended with this module name, i.e.
-- "<VectorModule>.append", etc. So that it can be retargeted easily.
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SpecialTreatment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -499,26 +499,13 @@ sawCorePreludeSpecialTreatmentMap configuration =
, ("List__rec", replace (Coq.ExplVar "Datatypes.list_rect"))

constantsRenamingMap :: [(String, String)] -> Map.Map String String
constantsRenamingMap notations = Map.fromList notations

escapeIdent :: String -> String
escapeIdent str
| all okChar str = str
| otherwise = "Op_" ++ zEncodeString str
okChar x = isAlphaNum x || x `elem` ("_'" :: String)

-- TODO: Now that ExtCns contains a unique identifier, it might make sense
-- to check those here to avoid some captures?
translateConstant :: [(String, String)] -> ExtCns e -> String
translateConstant notations (EC {..}) =
escapeIdent $
(Text.unpack (toShortName ecName))
(Text.unpack (toShortName ecName))
(constantsRenamingMap notations) -- TODO short name doesn't seem right

zipSnippet :: String
zipSnippet = [i|
Fixpoint zip (a b : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (xs : Vec m a) (ys : Vec n b)
115 changes: 58 additions & 57 deletions saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Term.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ runTermTranslationMonad configuration r globalDecls localEnv =
errorTermM :: TermTranslationMonad m => String -> m Coq.Term
errorTermM str = return $ Coq.App (Coq.Var "error") [Coq.StringLit str]

-- | Translate an 'Ident' with a given list of arguments to a Coq term, using
-- any special treatment for that identifier and qualifying it if necessary
translateIdentWithArgs :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> [Term] -> m Coq.Term
translateIdentWithArgs i args = do
currentModuleName <- asks (view currentModule . otherConfiguration)
@@ -202,9 +204,52 @@ translateIdentWithArgs i args = do

-- | Helper for 'translateIdentWithArgs' with no arguments
translateIdent :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> m Coq.Term
translateIdent i = translateIdentWithArgs i []

-- | Translate a constant with optional body to a Coq term. If the constant is
-- named with an 'Ident', then it already has a top-level translation from
-- translating the SAW core module containing that 'Ident'. If the constant is
-- an 'ImportedName', however, then it might not have a Coq definition already,
-- so add a definition of it to the top-level translation state.
translateConstant :: TermTranslationMonad m => ExtCns Term -> Maybe Term ->
m Coq.Term
translateConstant ec _
| ModuleIdentifier ident <- ecName ec = translateIdent ident
translateConstant ec maybe_body =
do -- First, apply the constant renaming to get the name for this constant
configuration <- asks translationConfiguration
-- TODO short name seems wrong
let nm_str = Text.unpack $ toShortName $ ecName ec
let renamed =
escapeIdent $ fromMaybe nm_str $
lookup nm_str $ constantRenaming configuration

-- Next, test if we should add a definition of this constant
alreadyTranslatedDecls <- getNamesOfAllDeclarations
let skip_def =
elem renamed alreadyTranslatedDecls ||
elem renamed (constantSkips configuration)

-- Add the definition if we aren't skipping it
case maybe_body of
_ | skip_def -> return ()
Just body ->
-- If the definition has a body, add it as a definition
do b <- withTopTranslationState $ translateTermLet body
modify $ over topLevelDeclarations $ (mkDefinition renamed b :)
Nothing ->
-- If not, add it as a Coq Variable declaration
do tp <- withTopTranslationState $ translateTermLet (ecType ec)
modify (over topLevelDeclarations (Coq.Variable renamed tp :))

-- Finally, return the constant as a Coq variable
pure (Coq.Var renamed)

-- | Translate an 'Ident' and see if the result maps to a SAW core 'Ident',
-- returning the latter 'Ident' if so
translateIdentToIdent :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> m (Maybe Ident)
translateIdentToIdent i =
(atUseSite <$> findSpecialTreatment i) >>= \case
@@ -294,24 +339,7 @@ flatTermFToExpr tf = -- traceFTermF "flatTermFToExpr" tf $
return (Coq.App (Coq.Var "Vector.of_list") [Coq.List elems])
StringLit s -> pure (Coq.Scope (Coq.StringLit (Text.unpack s)) "string")

ExtCns ec ->
do configuration <- asks translationConfiguration
let renamed = translateConstant (notations configuration) ec
alreadyTranslatedDecls <- getNamesOfAllDeclarations
let definitionsToSkip = skipDefinitions configuration
if elem renamed alreadyTranslatedDecls || elem renamed definitionsToSkip
then Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
else do
tp <-
-- Translate type in a top-level name scope
withLocalTranslationState $
do modify $ set localEnvironment []
modify $ set unavailableIdents reservedIdents
modify $ set sharedNames IntMap.empty
modify $ set nextSharedName "var__0"
translateTermLet (ecType ec)
modify $ over topLevelDeclarations $ (Coq.Variable renamed tp :)
Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
ExtCns ec -> translateConstant ec Nothing

-- The translation of a record type {fld1:tp1, ..., fldn:tpn} is
-- RecordTypeCons fld1 tp1 (... (RecordTypeCons fldn tpn RecordTypeNil)...).
@@ -385,6 +413,16 @@ withLocalTranslationState action = do
return result

-- | Run a translation in the top-level translation state
withTopTranslationState :: TermTranslationMonad m => m a -> m a
withTopTranslationState m =
withLocalTranslationState $
do modify $ set localEnvironment []
modify $ set unavailableIdents reservedIdents
modify $ set sharedNames IntMap.empty
modify $ set nextSharedName "var__0"

mkDefinition :: Coq.Ident -> Coq.Term -> Coq.Decl
mkDefinition name (Coq.Lambda bs t) = Coq.Definition name bs Nothing t
mkDefinition name t = Coq.Definition name [] Nothing t
@@ -581,45 +619,8 @@ translateTermUnshared t = withLocalTranslationState $ do
| n < length env -> Coq.Var <$> pure (env !! n)
| otherwise -> Except.throwError $ LocalVarOutOfBounds t

-- Constants with no body
Constant n Nothing -> do
configuration <- asks translationConfiguration
let renamed = translateConstant (notations configuration) n
alreadyTranslatedDecls <- getNamesOfAllDeclarations
let definitionsToSkip = skipDefinitions configuration
if elem renamed alreadyTranslatedDecls || elem renamed definitionsToSkip
then Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
else do
tp <-
-- Translate type in a top-level name scope
withLocalTranslationState $
do modify $ set localEnvironment []
modify $ set unavailableIdents reservedIdents
modify $ set sharedNames IntMap.empty
modify $ set nextSharedName "var__0"
translateTermLet (ecType n)
modify $ over topLevelDeclarations $ (Coq.Variable renamed tp :)
Coq.Var <$> pure renamed

-- Constants with a body
Constant n (Just body) -> do
configuration <- asks translationConfiguration
let renamed = translateConstant (notations configuration) n
alreadyTranslatedDecls <- getNamesOfAllDeclarations
let definitionsToSkip = skipDefinitions configuration
if elem renamed alreadyTranslatedDecls || elem renamed definitionsToSkip
then Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
else do
b <-
-- Translate body in a top-level name scope
withLocalTranslationState $
do modify $ set localEnvironment []
modify $ set unavailableIdents reservedIdents
modify $ set sharedNames IntMap.empty
modify $ set nextSharedName "var__0"
translateTermLet body
modify $ over topLevelDeclarations $ (mkDefinition renamed b :)
Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
-- Constants
Constant n maybe_body -> translateConstant n maybe_body

badTerm = Except.throwError $ BadTerm t
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/SAWScript/Prover/Exporter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -400,11 +400,11 @@ coqTranslationConfiguration ::
[(String, String)] ->
[String] ->
coqTranslationConfiguration notations skips = Coq.TranslationConfiguration
{ Coq.notations = notations
coqTranslationConfiguration renamings skips = Coq.TranslationConfiguration
{ Coq.constantRenaming = renamings
, Coq.constantSkips = skips
, Coq.monadicTranslation = False
, Coq.postPreamble = []
, Coq.skipDefinitions = skips
, Coq.vectorModule = "SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors"

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