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Lang.JVM.Codebase: experimental support for loading JIMAGE files
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This adds basic functionality for `crucible-jvm` to deal with JDK 9 or later,
which packages its standard library not in a JAR file, but in a JIMAGE file.
Extracting `.class` files from JIMAGE files proves to be surprisingly tricky,
and I've carefully documented the intricacies of doing so in
`Note [Loading classes from JIMAGE files]` in `Lang.JVM.Codebase`.
This is part of a fix for GaloisInc/saw-script#861.

In general, support for JDK 9 or later is still experimental, as there are
still unresolved bugs to diagnose. See #641.
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott committed Feb 5, 2021
1 parent cf77c3d commit e1531a0
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Showing 6 changed files with 260 additions and 44 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion crucible-jvm/crucible-jvm.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,10 +53,13 @@ library
base >= 4 && < 5,
base16-bytestring >= 0.1 && < 1.1,
bv-sized >= 1.0.0,
cryptohash-sha1 >= 0.11 && < 0.12,
directory >= 1.2.5,
extra >= 1.6.4,
haskeline >= 0.7,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ library

ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Werror=incomplete-patterns -Werror=missing-methods -Werror=overlapping-patterns
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237 changes: 216 additions & 21 deletions crucible-jvm/src/Lang/JVM/Codebase.hs
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- |
Module : Lang.JVM.Codebase
Description : Codebase manipulation, copied from jvm-verifier package
Description : Java Codebase manipulation
License : BSD3
Stability : stable
Point-of-contact : jhendrix
Expand All @@ -27,17 +27,120 @@ module Lang.JVM.Codebase
) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 (hash)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (pathSeparator, (<.>), (</>))
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath (pathSeparator, takeDirectory, (<.>), (</>))

import Lang.JVM.JavaTools
import Lang.JVM.ProcessUtils

import Language.JVM.Common
import Language.JVM.JarReader
import Language.JVM.Parser

{- Note [Loading classes from JIMAGE files]
The Java standard library is packaged differently depending on which version of
the JDK is being used:
* JDK 8 and earlier ship the standard library in <java.home>/lib/rt.jar, so
loading the standard library's .class files is simply a matter of parsing
rt.jar. The `jvm-parser` library is used to parse rt.jar like any other JAR
* JDK 9 and later abandon rt.jar and instead distribute the standard library as
a JIMAGE file. (For more on the JIMAGE file format and how it compares to
JAR, see In particular, the standard
library is now located in a JIMAGE file at <java.home>/lib/modules.
We need access to the standard library's .class files in order to verify even
the simplest Java programs, so figuring out how to load classes from JIMAGE
files is a requirement for using JDK 9 or later with crucible-jvm. Unlike JAR,
however, the JIMAGE file format is internal to the JDK and subject to change in
the future. As a result, parsing JIMAGE files directly, like `jvm-parser` does
with JAR files, is likely not a good idea.
If parsing JIMAGE files directly isn't a viable option, what can be done? As
far as I can tell, there are only two reasonable ways of extracting .class
files from JIMAGE files (outside of using Java itself):
* Use libjimage, a C++ library bundled with the JDK, to load classes. This is
what the JDK itself uses internally, and as a result, it's reasonably space-
and time-efficient to load a single class from a JIMAGE file. Unfortunately,
this is a non-starter for crucible-jvm due to potential linking issues that
would arise when combining GHC with C++ code.
* Use the jimage utility, shipped alongside java in <java.home>/bin, to extract
the contents of JIMAGE files. The `jimage extract` command can either be used
to extract everything in a JIMAGE file all at once, or it can be used to
extract one class at a time, like in this example:
jimage extract --include regex:.*/java/lang/Class.class --dir <output-dir> <jimage-file>
Since libjimage is an option, that only leaves jimage. Unfortunately, jimage is
not without its flaws:
* jimage is /slow/. It takes about about 1.5 seconds for jimage to extract the
standard `modules` file on a reasonably performant machine. Having an extra
1.5 seconds of lag every time that crucible-jvm is invoked doesn't sound
* What's worse, jimage is still unreasonably slow even if you only use it to
extract a single class from a JIMAGE file. It takes about 0.25 seconds to
extract java/lang/Class.class from the standard `modules`, which leads me to
suspect that jimage is doing a linear scan through every file in `modules`.
In any case, this is about 14× slower than loading a class file from a JAR,
and if crucible-jvm spends 0.25 seconds every time it loads any class from
`modules`, this would add up very quickly.
What can we do about jimage's performance issues? One appealing alternative is
to use jlink, yet another utility that the JDK ships. If you give jlink a list
of Java modules, it will produce a minimal runtime environment that includes a
JIMAGE file that only contains the classes needed to support those modules, but
nothing else. In theory, this could cut down on the time it takes to extract
classes from a JIMAGE file, as the standard library's `modules` file is ~136 MB
when compressed (~493 MB when uncompressed), and most Java classes will only
use a small portion of that.
Unfortunately, jlink is even slower than jimage. It takes jlink about 3 seconds
to create a runtime environment that only contains the `java.base` module,
which cancels out any time saved when extracting the JIMAGE file afterwards.
Having exhausted all other possibilities, we have concluded that we simply
can't make JIMAGE extraction fast in the general case. We /can/, however,
amortize the cost of using JIMAGE files by caching the extracted contents.
This is exactly what crucible-jvm does. Any time that crucible-jvm tries to
load a class (e.g., java/lang/Class.class), it first checks to see if it is in
a known cache directory
(e.g., ~/.cache/crucible-jvm/<hashed-path-to-modules-file>/java.base/java/lang/Class.class),
and if so, loads it like it would any other .class on the classpath. If not,
it will then consult the JAR path and the classpath. If it is not located by
that point, then crucible-jvm will attempt to extract it from the JIMAGE file,
caching the result for subsequent lookups. Importantly, we perform the JIMAGE
extraction step last, as it is far more time-consuming that trying to load
classes from the JAR path or classpath.
There's still possibly some room for further optimization here. As mentioned
above, extracting one class at a time from a JIMAGE file takes about 0.25
seconds, while extracting the entire JIMAGE file takes about 1.5 seconds.
Depending on how many classes a program uses, it may take less time overall
to just extract-and-cache everything from a JIMAGE file at once. The downside,
however, is that the cache would require much more space. A typical JDK
`modules` file takes up ~493 MB of classes when extracted, but most simple Java
programs will only use <1 MB of these classes. As a result, we opt for the
one-class-at-a-time approach, which seems better tuned for the sorts of
Java programs that crucible-jvm verifies in common cases.

-- | Collection of classes loaded by JVM.
data CodebaseState = CodebaseState {
classMap :: M.Map ClassName Class
Expand All @@ -46,10 +149,23 @@ data CodebaseState = CodebaseState {
-- interfaces to list of classes that directly implement them.

-- | Contains the path to the @jimage@ tool, the standard @modules@ JIMAGE
-- file, and the path where the extracted contents of @modules@ are cached.
-- This is only used when crucible-jvm uses JDK 9 or later.
-- See Note [Loading classes from JIMAGE files].
data JimagePaths = JimagePaths
{ jimagePath :: FilePath
, standardModulesFilePath :: FilePath
, standardModulesCachePath :: FilePath

data Codebase = Codebase
{ jarReader :: JarReader
-- ^ Maps class names to lazily loaded classes in JARs
, classPaths :: [FilePath]
, jimagePaths :: Maybe JimagePaths
-- ^ The path to the @jimage@ tool and the paths it works on.
, stateRef :: IORef CodebaseState

Expand All @@ -58,8 +174,8 @@ instance Show Codebase where

-- | Loads Java classes directly beneath given path. Also loads jar indices for
-- lazy class loading.
loadCodebase :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO Codebase
loadCodebase jarFiles classPaths = do
loadCodebase :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO Codebase
loadCodebase jarFiles classPaths javaBinDirs = do
-- REVISIT: Currently, classes found in the classpath shadow those in the
-- jars. Pretty sure the -classpath argument to the vanilla jvm allows
-- mixture of jars and directories, and resolves names in the order in which
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,9 +203,16 @@ loadCodebase jarFiles classPaths = do
-- lookup in many maps -- one for each classpath component -- we can
-- merge the maps as in the current 'JarReader' type, but I doubt
-- this would ever matter, performance wise.
jars <- newJarReader jarFiles
let cb = CodebaseState M.empty M.empty
Codebase jars classPaths <$> newIORef cb
jars <- newJarReader jarFiles
mbJimagePaths <- findJimagePaths javaBinDirs
let cb = CodebaseState { classMap = M.empty, subclassMap = M.empty }
cbRef <- newIORef cb
pure $ Codebase
{ jarReader = jars
, classPaths = classPaths
, jimagePaths = mbJimagePaths
, stateRef = cbRef

-- | Register a class with the given codebase
addClass :: Class -> CodebaseState -> CodebaseState
Expand All @@ -107,32 +230,61 @@ addClass cl (CodebaseState cMap scMap) =
-- | Returns class with given name in codebase or returns nothing if no class with
-- that name can be found.
tryLookupClass :: Codebase -> ClassName -> IO (Maybe Class)
tryLookupClass (Codebase{jarReader, classPaths, stateRef}) clNm = do
tryLookupClass (Codebase{jarReader, classPaths, jimagePaths, stateRef}) clNm = do
cb <- readIORef stateRef
case M.lookup clNm (classMap cb) of
Just cl -> return (Just cl)
Nothing -> do
-- Here we bias our search to JARs before classpath directories,
-- as mentioned above in 'loadCodebase'.
let mcls = [loadClassFromJar clNm jarReader] ++
map (loadClassFromDir clNm) classPaths
let mcls = [ loadClassFromStandardModulesCache clNm jimagePaths
, loadClassFromJar clNm jarReader ] ++
map (loadClassFromDir clNm) classPaths ++
[ loadClassFromStandardModulesFile clNm jimagePaths ]
mcl <- foldl1 firstSuccess mcls
case mcl of
Just cl -> do
writeIORef stateRef $! addClass cl cb
return $ Just cl
Nothing -> return Nothing

-- Search for a .class file in the cache of files extracted from the `modules`
-- JIMAGE file. If it is not found, this does /not/ extract it from a JIMAGE
-- file—see loadClassFromStandardModulesFile.
loadClassFromStandardModulesCache :: ClassName -> Maybe JimagePaths -> IO (Maybe Class)
loadClassFromStandardModulesCache clNm mbJimagePaths =
case mbJimagePaths of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just JimagePaths{standardModulesCachePath} ->
loadClassFromParentDir clNm standardModulesCachePath

-- Attempt to extract a .class file from the `modules` JIMAGE file, cache it
-- for subsequent lookups, and load the resulting .class.
loadClassFromStandardModulesFile :: ClassName -> Maybe JimagePaths -> IO (Maybe Class)
loadClassFromStandardModulesFile clNm mbJimagePaths =
case mbJimagePaths of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just JimagePaths{jimagePath, standardModulesFilePath, standardModulesCachePath} -> do
_ <- readProcessExitIfFailure jimagePath
[ "extract"
, "--include", "regex:.*/" ++ escapeDollars (unClassName clNm) ++ ".class"
, "--dir", standardModulesCachePath
, standardModulesFilePath
-- After extracting a single class from a JIMAGE file, why do we then
-- have to search every directory under the cached path again? It's
-- because `jimage extract` doesn't tell you the path of the thing it
-- just extracted. Sigh. We can't reasonably infer what this path is
-- either, as it will start with a module name, which isn't something
-- that is contained in a ClassName.
loadClassFromParentDir clNm standardModulesCachePath
-- | Combine two @IO (Maybe a)@ computations lazily, choosing the
-- first to succeed (i.e. return 'Just').
firstSuccess :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
-- This seems like it would be a common pattern, although I can't
-- find it in the standard libraries.
firstSuccess ima1 ima2 = do
ma1 <- ima1
case ma1 of
Nothing -> ima2
Just _ -> return ma1
-- The '$' character needs to be escaped in the regex that
-- `jimage extract` uses.
escapeDollars :: String -> String
escapeDollars [] = []
escapeDollars ('$':cs) = '\\':'$':escapeDollars cs
escapeDollars (c:cs) = c:escapeDollars cs

-- | Attempt to load a class by searching under directory @dir@, which
-- is assumed to be a classpath component. If class @C1. ... .Cn@ is
Expand All @@ -156,6 +308,38 @@ loadClassFromDir clNm dir = do
classNameToClassFilePath clNm =
map (\c -> if c == '/' then pathSeparator else c) (unClassName clNm) <.> "class"

-- Given @parentDir@, search through its subdirectories to find a class,
-- loading it if it is found.
loadClassFromParentDir :: ClassName -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Class)
loadClassFromParentDir clNm parentDir = do
childDirBaseNames <- listDirectory parentDir
let childDirs = map (parentDir </>) childDirBaseNames
foldl' firstSuccess (pure Nothing) $ map (loadClassFromDir clNm) childDirs

-- | Attempt to find an executable named @jimage@, either in the directories
-- supplied as arguments or on the @PATH@. If such an executable can be found,
-- then @Just@ a @JimagePaths@ is returned. Otherwise, @Nothing@ is returned.
-- This is only used when crucible-jvm uses JDK 9 or later.
-- See Note [Loading classes from JIMAGE files].
findJimagePaths :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe JimagePaths)
findJimagePaths javaBinDirs = runMaybeT $ do
javaPath <- MaybeT $ findJavaIn javaBinDirs
javaPathCanonical <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath javaPath -- Remove any symlinks
jimagePath <- MaybeT $ findJimageIn [takeDirectory javaPathCanonical]
javaHome <- MaybeT $ findJavaProperty javaPathCanonical "java.home"
MaybeT $ do
let standardModulesPath = javaHome </> "lib" </> "modules"
xdgCacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "crucible-jvm"
let standardModulesHash = B16.encode $ hash $ B.pack standardModulesPath
standardModulesCache = xdgCacheDir </> B.unpack standardModulesHash
createDirectoryIfMissing True standardModulesCache
pure $ Just $ JimagePaths
{ jimagePath = jimagePath
, standardModulesFilePath = standardModulesPath
, standardModulesCachePath = standardModulesCache

-- | Returns class with given name in codebase or raises error if no class with
-- that name can be found.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,3 +492,14 @@ starClosure fn a = a : concatMap (starClosure fn) (fn a)
starClosureM :: Monad m => (a -> m [a]) -> a -> m [a]
starClosureM fn a =
return ((a:) . concat) `ap` (mapM (starClosureM fn) =<< fn a)

-- | Combine two @IO (Maybe a)@ computations lazily, choosing the
-- first to succeed (i.e. return 'Just').
firstSuccess :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
-- This seems like it would be a common pattern, although I can't
-- find it in the standard libraries.
firstSuccess ima1 ima2 = do
ma1 <- ima1
case ma1 of
Nothing -> ima2
Just _ -> return ma1
21 changes: 2 additions & 19 deletions crucible-jvm/src/Lang/JVM/JavaTools.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,11 @@ module Lang.JVM.JavaTools
, findJavaMajorVersion
) where

import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List.Extra (dropPrefix, firstJust, stripInfix)
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)

import Lang.JVM.ProcessUtils

-- | @'findJavaIn' searchPaths@ searches for an executable named @java@ among
-- the directories in @searchPaths@. If @searchPaths@ is empty, then the @PATH@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,19 +91,3 @@ findJavaMajorVersion javaPath = do
-- leading 1. bit.
dropOldJavaVersionPrefix :: String -> String
dropOldJavaVersionPrefix = dropPrefix "1."

-- | Invokes @readProcessWithExitCode@ with no standard input, and returns the
-- resulting standard output and standard error. If the exit code of the
-- process is not 'ExitSuccess', throw an exception with some information that
-- may be helpful to debug what went wrong.
readProcessExitIfFailure :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (String, String)
readProcessExitIfFailure cmd args = do
(ec, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $
fail $ unlines [ cmd ++ " returned non-zero exit code: " ++ show ec
, "Standard output:"
, out
, "Standard error:"
, err
pure (out, err)

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