A remake of the legendary 2003 PopCap game with improved textures and support for 16:9 aspect ratio. Made by me and s4lat.
Currently, work is being done on version 2.0.0*, which features a significantly revamped project architecture with an emphasis on code readability and maintainability.
The "engine" API is now called HQC Framework,
a own ECS API has been added,
and the chain movement logic has been reworked
to achieve smoother and more accurate to original behavior.
There are plans to replace many of the used libraries
and support a greater number of platforms,
including replacing the BASS LIB with an open-source analog.
However, at this stage, this version is not yet playable.
If you want to build a playable build, you need the v0.1.0-release branch. Stay tuned!
*when I have free time between university assignments :D
⬇️ [Stable] ZumaHD v0.1.0 Windows.zip
CMake -G <your generator>
<your compiler> src\*.c -I include\ -o bin\Zuma.exe -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -lSDL2_Image -lBass -lBass_Fx -llibexpat -mwindows
Thanks to hclxing for the article on how paths are stored in .dat files.
Source code is under MIT License, but all assets (in content folder) belong to PopCap and EA games
Currently project framework is under reconstruction, check "api-rework" branch.