This is a WebCam software used in the Photon-pixel coupling method. The WebCam software takes images at equal intervals (user defined) and saves them as BMP files in a dedicated folder. These saved files are later used in the analysis by a software called Vesta. The WebCam application is made in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6). For more information, please read:
Gagniuc, P.A., Ionescu-Tirgoviste, C., Gagniuc, E.. Photon-pixel coupling: a method for parallel acquisition of electrical signals for scientific investigations. Methods X, 6(2019) 968-979.
Constantin IONESCU-TIRGOVISTE*, Paul A. GAGNIUC*, Elvira Gagniuc. The electrical activity map of the human skin indicates strong differences between normal and diabetic individuals: A gateway to onset prevention. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 120 (2018) 188–194.
Ionescu-Tirgoviste, C., Gagniuc, P.A., Gagniuc, E.. Maps of electrical activity in diabetic patients and normal individuals. Data Brief. 2018, 21: 795–832.