mohxa is a testing library for Haxe
A BDD style test library based closely on
(still pronounced mocha)
- nested test groups
- before, after, beforeEach, afterEach per group
- formatted logging from inside tests
to do :
async callbacks, other reporting (json etc).
NOTE Tested on neko + cpp only. On C++ -debug flag is required for Stack traces.
###How does it look?
import structural.Stack;
class StackTest extends Mohxa {
public function new() {
describe('Stack Test', function(){
log('we will create 2 different stacks');
log('one with ints, one with strings');
var int_stack : Stack<Int>;
var string_stack : Stack<String>;
log('creating ... ');
int_stack = new Stack<Int>();
string_stack = new Stack<String>();
it('should each start with a 0 length', function(){
equal(int_stack.length, 0, 'int stack');
equal(string_stack.length, 0, 'string stack');
}); //Stack Test
} //new
} //StackTest
haxelib install mohxa
haxelib git mohxa
haxelib local mohxa /path/to/
(from releases)
1.0.0 - Initial release
- Suggestions, issues, bugs welcome.