This repository contains vector files I have created for the Voron community and for my own Voron builds.
I use Git for Windows with VScode to manage this repository. I also use Git LFS extensions
for the following file types: .pdf; .png; .jpg; .ai; .psd; and .svg.
Install Git with LFS extensions:
To Download the whole repository do the following: select the "Clone or download button" and
click on "paste to clipboard" button so you can place the URL for the GitHub repository
to the clipboard. Now Open Git Bash. Change the current working directory to the location
where you want the cloned directory.
Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.
$ git clone
Press Enter to create your local clone.
Now open Window explorer to the location of local clone.
The purpose of this repository to share vector files that I have created for my Voron Builds.