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For IPS 4.4x develoeprs a simple boilerplate for Application building


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IPS Application Boilerplate

For IPS 4.4x developers a simple boilerplate for Application building. A standard Application directory setup with a minimal set of files including routers, controllers , templates and dev folder for a starting base. Includes default index page for starters.


  • Standard file and directory structure for IPS 4.4 Application development
  • Generic "dashboard" modules [Front/Admin] for starters
  • Application.php includes standard permissions, icon and FrontNavigation
  • Extensions: FrontNavigation
  • Modules Front: Main Controller
  • Modules Admin: Overview and Settings Controllers (Enable applications, group permissions, custom appplication name)
  • Data JSON: acpmenu, acpsearch, extensions, furl, modules, settings [application, hooks, widgets, schema, themesettings, tasks and version not provided but generated automatically]
  • dev folder: lang and html starter files. [css, js, resources, or email not provided]

Usage and Install

  • First create a new application in IPS developer Mode and fill in the information. Application directory will be your application name, make note of it for below.

  • Enter the Developer center for your application

    • Create your version typically 1.0.0 (10000)
    • Create "dashboard" in Modules-Admin (You can choose another name for this directory but make sure to update the boilerplate directory name as well as file class names)
    • Create "dashboard" in Modules-Front (You can choose another name for this directory but make sure to update the boilerplate directory name as well as file class names)
  • A small amount of editing on your part will get you up and running in a couple minutes. Rename all instances of boilerplate/Boilerplate [case sensitive!!!] in files and directory names to match your aplications name. I suggest using a text app like TextCrawler to do it in a second or your favorite text editor to find and replace [Match Case please!!!].

  • Files

    • \Application.php [6 instances]
    • \modules\front\dashboard\main.php [7 instances]
    • \modules\admin\dashboard\overview.php [6 instances]
    • \modules\admin\dashboard\settings.php [22 instances]
    • \extensions\core\FrontNavigation\Boilerplate.php [10 instances plus file name]
    • \dev\lang.php [23 instances]
  • Upload the contents of the src directory to your new app directory

  • To test, make it the default application and add a menu item for your application

  • Have fun developing!

** Updated Notes **


  • 1.0.0 Stable Release
  • IPS development Tools required for IPS 4.4+ developer environment
  • Working on a simpler method to avoid all those edits and just plug and play
  • Please report and issues, feature requests, or suggestions in Issues


GNU General Public License v3.0

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