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l ExamplesOrganizations

Ross Scroggs edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Creating an Organization Unit


gam create org <name> [description <Description>] [parent <Parent Org>] [noinherit]

create an organizational unit. The required argument name is the organization unit name, if it contains spaces, it should be quoted. The optional argument description offers more details on the organizational unit, if it contains spaces it should be quoted. The optional argument parent allows the organization unit to be created as a sub-org of an existing organization unit, if it contains spaces it should be quoted. If parent is not specified, the new organization is created at the top level. The optional argument noinherit blocks policy setting inheritance from organization units higher in the organization tree, inheritance is enabled by default if noinherit is not specified.


This example creates an Organization Unit with all optional arguments

gam create org "Mail Enabled Faculty" description "Faculty with access to Gmail" parent /Employees

Updating (and adding users to) an Organization Unit


gam update org <name> [name <New Name>] [description <Description>] [parent <Parent>] [inherit|noinherit] [add users <Users> | file <File Name> | group <Group Name>]

update an organization unit. The required argument name is the organization unit name, if it contains spaces, it should be quoted. If the organization unit is a sub-organization, it should use the format "parent org/org" (use the / character between the parent and the sub-org). The optional argument "name ..." specifies a new name for the organization unit, if it contains spaces, it should be quoted. The optional argument description offers more details on the organizational unit, if it contains spaces it should be quoted. The optional argument parent allows the organization unit to be moved as a sub-org of an existing organization unit, if it contains spaces it should be quoted. The optional arguments inherit and noinherit enable/disable inheritance respectfully. The optional argument add specifies a list, filename or group of users that should be moved into the organization unit. If using add users, the list of users should be quoted and spaces should be used between each user. If using file, the given file should contain a list of users to be added, one per line. If using group, specify the name of a Google Apps group that contains the users you would like moved into the organization unit.

Important: Users can only exist in one organization unit at a time. When you add them to an organization unit with this command, they will be removed from their previous organization unit.


This example updates the organization unit's parameters without adding any users

gam update org Faculty description "Faculty Users" parent Employees

This example renames the organization unit

gam update org Faculty name "Faculty and Staff"

This example adds the given list of users to the organization unit

gam update org Faculty add users "socrates plato aristotle"

This example assumes that the file faculty.txt exists and looks like:


it will add these users to the organization unit

gam update org Faculty add file faculty.txt

This example will add members of the Google Apps group inventors to the Faculty organization unit

gam update org Faculty add group inventors

Retrieving an Organization Unit's Information


gam info org <name> [nousers|child]

retrieve details about the given organization unit. GAM will print a summary of the organization unit. If the nousers argument is selected, the users in the org won't be listed. The child argument prints users in the sub-orgs along with the string "(child") next to their email address.


This example will print a summary detailing the given organization unit

gam info org Faculty
Organization Unit: Faculty
Description: Faculty Users
Parent Org: /
Block Inheritance: false
 [email protected]
 [email protected]
 [email protected]

Deleting an Organization Unit


gam delete org <orgUnitPath>

delete the given organization unit.

Important: The organization unit must be completely emptied of users and sub-organizations before it can be deleted.


This example will delete the already emptied organization unit Sub-faculty and then afterwards delete the emptied organization unit Faculty.

gam delete org /Faculty/Sub-faculty
gam delete org /Faculty

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