Procon 1 is developed by Myrcon.
Procon is a free remote control (RCON) tool for gameservers, currently supporting Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline. It is developed by Myrcon and also available as open source software on GitHub.
In addition to providing basic features to control your gameserver, users can extend Procon's functionality using plugins, which can control Procon's behavior and add additional possibilities for gameserver admins. Furthermore, Procon provides a layer system, which allows running plugins and managing admin accounts in a central location instead of distributing it to every admin connected to the gameserver.
Are you experiencing troubles while using Procon, would like to suggest a new feature or discuss settings and plugins with fellow admins? Feel free to pay our Myrcon Community a visit!
If you are looking for a list of available plugins, head over to the plugins section of our forums.
Please refer to the issues section for issues tagged as "bug" for a list of known bugs.
To check out older changelogs, please refer to our full changelogs list on the Myrcon Community forums.
- Updates and changes to BF4.def
- first compatible release
- Updates and changes to BFHL.def / au.loc / de.loc
- Added BFHL compatibility
- Added BFHL compatibility
- BFHL compatibility
Procon and the Procon layer are developed by Myrcon.
The Battlefield franchise is a product of DICE.
Plugins for Procon are developed by third parties, credits and responsibilities lie with the respective plugin author.