Datawise Solutions requires efficient management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources. The company is expanding its team and needs to onboard five new employees to access AWS resources securely
Script Enhancement:
- Extend the provided script to include IAM management.
#!/bin/bash # Environment variables ENVIRONMENT=$1 check_num_of_args() { # Checking the number of arguments if [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <environment>" exit 1 fi } activate_infra_environment() { # Acting based on the argument value if [ "$ENVIRONMENT" == "local" ]; then echo "Running script for Local Environment..." elif [ "$ENVIRONMENT" == "testing" ]; then echo "Running script for Testing Environment..." elif [ "$ENVIRONMENT" == "production" ]; then echo "Running script for Production Environment..." else echo "Invalid environment specified. Please use 'local', 'testing', or 'production'." exit 2 fi } # Function to check if AWS CLI is installed check_aws_cli() { if ! command -v aws &> /dev/null; then echo "AWS CLI is not installed. Please install it before proceeding." return 1 fi } # Function to check if AWS profile is set check_aws_profile() { if [ -z "$AWS_PROFILE" ]; then echo "AWS profile environment variable is not set." return 1 fi } # Function to create EC2 Instances create_ec2_instances() { # Specify the parameters for the EC2 instances instance_type="t2.micro" ami_id="ami-0cd59ecaf368e5ccf" count=2 # Number of instances to create region="eu-west-2" # Region to create cloud resources # Create the EC2 instances aws ec2 run-instances \ --image-id "$ami_id" \ --instance-type "$instance_type" \ --count $count --key-name MyKeyPair # Check if the EC2 instances were created successfully if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "EC2 instances created successfully." else echo "Failed to create EC2 instances." fi } # Function to create S3 buckets for different departments create_s3_buckets() { # Define a company name as prefix company="datawise" # Array of department names departments=("Marketing" "Sales" "HR" "Operations" "Media") # Loop through the array and create S3 buckets for each department for department in "${departments[@]}"; do bucket_name="${company}-${department}-Data-Bucket" # Create S3 bucket using AWS CLI aws s3api create-bucket --bucket "$bucket_name" --region your-region if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "S3 bucket '$bucket_name' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create S3 bucket '$bucket_name'." fi done } check_num_of_args activate_infra_environment check_aws_cli check_aws_profile create_ec2_instances create_s3_buckets
Define IAM User Names Array:
- Store the names of the five IAM users in an array for easy iteration during user creation.
# Define IAM User Names Array iam_users=("user1" "user2" "user3" "user4" "user5")
Create IAM Users:
- Iterate through the IAM user names array and create IAM users for each employee using AWS CLI commands.
create_iam_users() { for user in "${iam_users[@]}"; do aws iam create-user --user-name "$user" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "IAM user '$user' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create IAM user '$user'." fi done }
Create IAM Group:
- Define a function to create an IAM group named "admin" using the AWS CLI.
create_iam_group() { aws iam create-group --group-name admin if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "IAM group 'admin' created successfully." else echo "Failed to create IAM group 'admin'." fi }
Attach Administrative Policy to Group:
- Attach an AWS-managed administrative policy (e.g., "AdministratorAccess") to the "admin" group to grant administrative privileges.
attach_admin_policy_to_group() { aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name admin --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Administrative policy attached to group 'admin' successfully." else echo "Failed to attach policy to group 'admin'." fi }
Assign Users to Group:
- Iterate through the array of IAM user names and assign each user to the "admin" group using AWS CLI commands.
assign_users_to_group() { for user in "${iam_users[@]}"; do aws iam add-user-to-group --user-name "$user" --group-name admin if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "IAM user '$user' added to group 'admin' successfully." else echo "Failed to add IAM user '$user' to group 'admin'." fi done }
- Comprehensive documentation detailing your entire thought process in developing the script.
- Link to the script used for remote execution. link to the complete script
Script Enhancement:
- Enhance the provided script to include IAM management.
- Ensure the script supports multiple Linux distributions including CentOS.
Infrastructure Setup:
- Launch EC2 instances with Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
- Configure instance attributes and security groups.
Remote Execution and Deployment: