- Create a C++ project.
- Create a folder which named "Plugins"
- Copy plugin to that folder. Name should be "FF_PugiXml".
- Delete "Binaries, Intermediate and Saved" folders of your project.
- Right click to your ".uproject" and select "Generate Visual Studio Project Files"
- Open your project's ".sln" file
- Press "F5". It will build plugin. After that, You can copy it to your blueprint only projects.
- We don't use Rider. So, we can't help about IDE specific problems.
- If your problem is about "PugiXml's itself", you need to open your issue in there. Not here.
- If your problem is about "our implementation", you can open an issue about it.
- We don't support older engine versions and we update engine version after "one month of its release".
- Our plugin doesn't have any dependency or tricky setup. If you don't know how can you install a plugin to UE5, we can't help you.
- If you see weird "variable is not valid" like problems and variables have underlines, it means you couldn't install plugin, correctly.
- Look at plugin's "Content" folder before using it. It has a "BP_Template_PugiXml" actor and it contais sample mechanics.
- You "can" use this plugin in your commercial products but you "CAN NOT share this plugin" in marketplaces such as Gumroad or Unreal Marketplace/Fab. Please look at "License" section.