This is an extraction of OntoSTEP code that can run without painful process of finding jars and reading unfriendly docs. OntoSTEP is a plugin of Protégé, the source code is implemented by NIST. For detail please visit
Clone this repository, open it with IntelliJ IDEA and run
- JDK. I used JDK17 and didn't test other versions.
- antlr-3.1.3.jar
- write .g(grammar) files or use .g files provided by NIST, which is located in src/grammar
- use
java -jar path-to-jar/antlr-3.1.3.jar *.g
to generate necessary java files.
- copy the generated java files to src
- other files such as OWLHelper, ExternalId, etc. are also provided by NIST.
- there will also be some warnings or errors, it can be fixed by the prompts of IDEA, you will probably want to remove
package gov.nist.msid.ontostep.schema
or some other code like this in generated files. I have removed them in this project.
This is just an extraction of NIST OntoSTEP, the whole code are carried from OntoSTEP with little modification.
I have struggled with how to reproduce OntoSTEP's plugin of Protégé, this is just more clear and easy to understand.