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Better source type detection, fix scriptengine.put
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mmhelloworld committed Feb 25, 2016
1 parent db0e8a3 commit 76bce8f
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Showing 2 changed files with 33 additions and 79 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -216,12 +216,11 @@ run src predefs steps = do
ExpressionSource -> return $ SourceInfo.Expression <$> listToMaybe generatedSym
else return Nothing

browseModule :: String -> Interpreter (Maybe (String, [Symbol], Global))
browseModule :: String -> Interpreter (Maybe ([Symbol], Global))
browseModule moduleName = do
(g, srcInfo) <- typecheck "\"\""
(moduleDoc, g) <- liftIO $ (Imp.getFP (magicPack moduleName)).run g
(syms, g) <- liftIO $ (browseSymbols moduleName) g
return $ maybe Nothing (const $ Just (either (const "") (maybe "" _.doc) moduleDoc, syms, g)) srcInfo
syms <- liftIO $ (browseSymbols moduleName) g
return $ fmap (const syms) srcInfo

browse :: String -> Interpreter (Maybe ([Symbol], Global))
browse src = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,7 +280,7 @@ data Message = Message {pos :: Position, msgType :: MessageType, text :: String}
fromGlobal (g :: Global) = reverse $ map fromCompilerMessage g.sub.messages

instance Show Message where
show msg = msg.text
show msg = show msg.pos ++ ": " ++ msg.text

symbolVar :: Symbol -> Global -> String
symbolVar SymV{nativ} g | Just nativSig <- nativ = elemAt (split nativSig "\\.") 1
Expand All @@ -295,36 +294,34 @@ symbolClass symbol g = g.unpack

findSourceType :: String -> String -> StIO SourceType
findSourceType src predefs = do
env <- getSTT
srcType <- calculateSourceTypeST src
StateT.put env -- reset state
case srcType of
Just ModuleSource -> return SourceType.ModuleSource
Just ExpressionSource -> return SourceType.ExpressionSource
otherwise -> do
srcType <- calculateSourceTypeST (buildScript src SourceType.DefinitionsSource predefs "T" "test")
StateT.put env -- reset state
case srcType of
Just ModuleSource -> return SourceType.DefinitionsSource
_ -> return SourceType.ExpressionSource

calculateSourceTypeST :: String -> StIO (Maybe SourceType)
calculateSourceTypeST src = do
initialState getSTT
pw <- liftIO $ () >>= StringWriter.printer
changeSTT Global.{sub <- SubSt.{stderr=pw}}
runpass (lexPass src, "lexical analysis")
g <- getSTT
if g.errors != 0
then return Nothing
then return SourceType.DefinitionsSource -- TODO: Should we just throw an error?
else do
result <- liftStG $ F.pass (filter Token.noComment g.sub.toks.toList)
g <- getSTT
if g.errors != 0
then return Nothing
else case result of
Just (ModuleProgram _) -> return (Just SourceType.ModuleSource)
Just (ExpressionProgram _) -> return (Just SourceType.ExpressionSource)
_ -> return Nothing
StateT.put initialState
let tokens = filter noDocComment g.sub.toks.toList
case tokens of
(firstTok: rest) | firstTok.tokid == PACKAGE return SourceType.ModuleSource
otherwise isDefinitionOrExpr src predefs

isDefinitionOrExpr src predefs = do
let defSrc = buildScript src SourceType.DefinitionsSource predefs "T" "test"
initialState getSTT
runpass (lexPass defSrc, "lexical analysis")
g <- getSTT
if g.errors != 0
then return SourceType.ExpressionSource
else do
liftStG $ F.pass (filter Token.noComment g.sub.toks.toList)
g <- getSTT
StateT.put initialState
if g.errors != 0
then return SourceType.ExpressionSource
else return SourceType.DefinitionsSource

Compiler state with interpreter options
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,7 +359,7 @@ getEnv g q = g.find q >>= symEnv
| otherwise = Nothing

outlineSymbols :: Global -> [String]
outlineSymbols g = map (show . label g) $ Util.symbols g.thisTab
outlineSymbols g = map (Util.label g) $ Util.symbols g.thisTab

newLine = maybe "\n" id $ System.getProperty "line.separator"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,51 +527,7 @@ getSymbolType g sym
| otherwise = ""

showSymbol :: Global -> Symbol -> String
showSymbol g s = show $ label g s

data Signature =
FuncSig { name :: String, typ :: String, doc :: Maybe String}
| DataSig { name :: String, typ :: String, doc :: Maybe String }
| TypeAliasSig { name :: String, typ :: String, doc :: Maybe String }
| InstanceSig { name :: String, doc :: Maybe String }
| ClassSig { name :: String, kind :: String, doc :: Maybe String }
| UnknownSig { name :: String, category :: String, doc :: Maybe String }

instance Show Signature where
show (FuncSig name typ doc) = (showDoc doc) ++ "\n" ++ addParensForOperators name ++ " :: " ++ typ
show (DataSig name typ doc) = (showDoc doc) ++ "\ndata " ++ addParensForOperators name --++ " :: " ++ typ Commented for hoogle
show (TypeAliasSig name typ doc) = (showDoc doc) ++ "\ntype " ++ addParensForOperators name ++ " = " ++ typ
show (InstanceSig name doc) = (showDoc doc) ++ "\ninstance " ++ addParensForOperators name
show (ClassSig name kind doc) = (showDoc doc) ++ "\nclass " ++ addParensForOperators name --++ " :: " ++ kind
show (UnknownSig name category doc) = (showDoc doc) ++ "\n" ++ category ++ " " ++ addParensForOperators name

private addParensForOperators s
| s !~ '\p{L}' = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
| otherwise = s

private showDoc doc = maybe "" prefixCommentChars doc

prefixCommentChars doc = "-- | " ++ (intercalate "\n-- " $ dropWhile (null . trim) $ lines doc)

label Global Symbol Signature
label g SymI{clas,typ, doc} = InstanceSig (nicer (instanceHead clas typ.rho) g) doc
label g SymV{name,typ, doc} = FuncSig name.base (verbose g typ) doc
label g SymD{name,typ, doc} = FuncSig name.base (verbose g typ) doc
label g SymC{name,tau, doc} = ClassSig name.base (show tau.kind) doc
label g SymT{name, nativ = Just n, pur, mutable, doc}
| pur = DataSig name.base ("pure native " ++ n) doc
| mutable = DataSig name.base ("mutable native " ++ n) doc
| otherwise = DataSig name.base ("native " ++ n) doc
label g SymA{name,typ, doc} = TypeAliasSig name.base (typ.rho.nicer gspecial) doc
gspecial = g.{options <- _.{flags <- Flags.flagSet SPECIAL}}
label g sym
| sym.{kind?} = DataSig (show sym.kind) sym.doc
| sym.{alias?} =
let f aliasSym = info.{name =} where
info = label g aliasSym
in maybe (UnknownSig (category sym g) sym.doc) f $ g.find sym.alias
| otherwise = UnknownSig (category sym g) sym.doc
showSymbol g sym = category sym g ++ " " ++ Util.label g sym

getSymbols :: Symtab -> [Symbol]
getSymbols tab = (sortBy positionAndName filter wanted values) tab
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ native module where {

public Object eval(final reader, final javax.script.ScriptContext context) {
Object res = frege.scriptengine.FregeScriptEngine.eval(reader, context).apply(1).result().forced();
String script = new java.util.Scanner(reader).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
Object res = frege.scriptengine.FregeScriptEngine.eval(script, context).apply(1).result().forced();
if (res instanceof frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TMaybe) {
frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TMaybe maybe = (frege.prelude.PreludeBase.TMaybe) res;
if (frege.prelude.Maybe.isJust(maybe)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,11 +309,11 @@ updateCurrentScript engine context name typ = do

updatePreludeScript :: MutableIO ScriptEngine -> MutableIO ScriptContext -> String -> String -> IO ()
updatePreludeScript engine context name typName = do
config <- getInterpreterConfig context
let typ = "FregeScriptEngineRef (" ++ typName ++ ")"
newDef = String.format ("\n%1$sRef :: %2$s\n" ++ "!%1$sRef = IO.performUnsafe $ ()\n") name typ
preludeScript <- context.getAttribute fregePreludeScriptKey ScriptContext.engineScope
let newPreludeScript = (maybe "" id preludeScript) ++ newDef
println $ show preludeScript
let newPreludeScript = (maybe "" id preludeScript) ++ config.predefs ++ "\n" ++ newDef
context.setAttribute fregePreludeScriptKey newPreludeScript ScriptContext.engineScope

updateBindings :: MutableIO ScriptEngine -> MutableIO ScriptContext -> a -> String -> IO ()
Expand All @@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ updateBindings engine context value name = do
loadScriptingPrelude :: MutableIO ScriptContext -> IO (Maybe a)
loadScriptingPrelude context = do
scriptMaybe <- context.getAttribute fregePreludeScriptKey ScriptContext.engineScope
maybe (return Nothing) (\script -> println "evaluating prelude" >> eval script context) scriptMaybe
maybe (return Nothing) (\script -> eval script context) scriptMaybe

getInterpreterState :: Mutable s ScriptContext -> STMutable s InterpreterClassLoader
getInterpreterState context = do
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