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Merge pull request #5 from Frege/dev/3.21.297-g6b54457
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Show Java translation, multi-line expressions, bug fixes
  • Loading branch information
mmhelloworld committed Dec 30, 2013
2 parents 0529861 + c91a9f1 commit 1e69aef
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Showing 9 changed files with 146 additions and 85 deletions.
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions frege-interpreter/pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ data InterpreterState = InterpreterState {
classes :: MutableIO (JMap String ByteArr), --a Java Map for interop to call javac in native code
moduleName :: String,
currentScript :: String,
modulePrelude :: String
transformDefs :: [DefinitionT] -> [DefinitionT]

data CompilationInfo = CompilationInfo {
Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ compile src = do
javaSourceStringWriter <- liftIO $ () -- Java source will be written here
javac <- liftIO $ s.loader s.classes
(sourceInfo, compilerState) <- liftIO $ FregeScriptCompiler.compile src ["."] []
outWriter javaSourceStringWriter javac s.currentScript s.moduleName s.modulePrelude
outWriter javaSourceStringWriter javac s.currentScript s.moduleName s.transformDefs
javaSource <- liftIO $ javaSourceStringWriter.toString
if (Global.errors compilerState == 0) then do --No compilation errors
javaSource <- liftIO $ javaSourceStringWriter.toString
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ module frege.interpreter.FregeScriptCompiler where
import frege.Version
import frege.compiler.Scanner hiding (main, is)
import frege.compiler.Main(stdOptions, format,
make, lexPass, parsePass, postTrue, getOperators)
import frege.compiler.GUtil
import frege.compiler.BaseTypes(Pos)
import frege.lib.PP
make, parsePass, postTrue, getOperators)
import frege.compiler.GUtil as GUtil()
import frege.lib.PP(TEXT)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Java.IO()
Expand All @@ -33,10 +32,10 @@ import frege.compiler.gen.Util as GU()
import frege.compiler.GenJava7 as G7()
import frege.compiler.EclipseUtil as EU()
import (ClassLoader)

--- utility function to create 'Options' data structure
createopts sp flags dir path prefix = stdOptions.{
createopts sp flags dir path prefix source = stdOptions.{
source = source,
sourcePath = sp,
flags, dir,
path = path,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,42 +92,47 @@ standardOptions exld = do

--- utility function to run the compiler, callable from Java
runfregec !src !predefs !opts !pw loader steps moduleName modulePrelude = do
runfregec !src !predefs !opts !pw loader steps moduleName = do
global <- standardOptions loader
let g0 = global.{options = opts}.{sub <- SubSt.{stderr=pw}}
return $ (run predefs steps moduleName modulePrelude) g0.{options <- Options.{source=src}}
return $ (run src predefs steps moduleName) g0

data SourceInfo = Module | Definitions | Expression {variableName :: String}

derive Show SourceInfo

{-returns true if the script is a list of definitions, false if the script
is an expression or a module-}
findScriptType :: String -> StG SourceInfo
findScriptType predefs = do
findScriptType :: String -> String -> StG SourceInfo
findScriptType src predefs = do
runpass (lexPass src, "lexical analysis ", postTrue)
g <- getST
runpass (lexPass, "lexical analysis ", postTrue)
g <- getST
if g.errors == 0 then scriptTypePass predefs else return SourceInfo.Module
if g.errors == 0 then scriptTypePass src predefs else return SourceInfo.Module

scriptTypePass predefs = do
scriptTypePass src predefs = do
g <- getST
let tokens = (filter noComment g.sub.toks.toList)
case tokens of
[] -> return SourceInfo.Module
(Token{tokid=PACKAGE}) : _ -> return SourceInfo.Module
_ -> do
isExpr <- isExpressionPass predefs
isExpr <- isExpressionPass src predefs
return (if isExpr
then SourceInfo.Expression $ findUnusedVariableName predefs
else SourceInfo.Definitions)

noComment Token{tokid} = tokid != COMMENT && tokid != DOCUMENTATION

--- utility function to run the compiler, combines 'createopts' and 'runfregec'
runcompiler src predefs sp flags dir path prefix pw loader steps moduleName modulePrelude =
runfregec src predefs opts pw loader steps moduleName modulePrelude
where opts = createopts sp flags dir path prefix
runcompiler src predefs sp flags dir path prefix pw loader steps moduleName =
runfregec src predefs opts pw loader steps moduleName
where opts = createopts sp flags dir path prefix source
source = fileName moduleName
fileName s = (packed $ fileName' s.toList) ++ ".fr"
fileName' cs = let (fst, snd) = break (== '.') cs in
case snd of
[] -> fst
(x:xs) -> fileName' xs

runpass (pass,description,post) = do
state <- getST
Expand All @@ -145,28 +149,26 @@ runpass (pass,description,post) = do
* 'run' all passes, one after another
* until one of them returns an error
run predefs steps moduleName modulePrelude = do
run src predefs steps moduleName = do
g <- getST
scriptType <- findScriptType predefs
let source = buildScript g.options.source scriptType predefs moduleName modulePrelude
scriptType <- findScriptType src predefs
let source = buildScript src scriptType predefs moduleName
changeST $ const g
changeST Global.{options <- Options.{source=source}}
changeST Global.{gen <- GenSt.{printer=IO.stdout}} -- just to have no undefined value there
--changeST Global.{sub <- SubSt.{loader}}
foreach steps runpass
foreach (steps source) runpass
g <- getST
return scriptType

newLine = maybe "\n" id $ System.getProperty "line.separator"

moduleDeclScript moduleName = "module " ++ moduleName ++ " where"
variableDeclScript varName script = varName ++ " = " ++ script
variableDeclScript varName script = varName ++ " = \n" ++ (indent 2 script)

buildScript script SourceInfo.Definitions predefs moduleName _ =
buildScript script SourceInfo.Definitions predefs moduleName =
intercalate newLine [moduleDeclScript moduleName, predefs, script]
buildScript script SourceInfo.Expression{variableName=varName} predefs moduleName _ =
buildScript script SourceInfo.Expression{variableName=varName} predefs moduleName =
intercalate newLine [moduleDeclScript moduleName, predefs, variableDeclScript varName script]
buildScript script SourceInfo.Module predefs _ modulePrelude = script ++ newLine ++ modulePrelude
buildScript script SourceInfo.Module predefs _ = script

findUnusedVariableName script = "res" ++ show unusedVarNum where
unusedVarNum = unJust $ find (not . flip elem used) [1..]
Expand All @@ -190,10 +192,10 @@ openPrinter pw = do
*Note*: It is important that the typecheck pass has a description that starts with "type check".
This way the IDE recognizes the last pass if it is not a build.
passes jw packageName javac = [
passes jw packageName javac f src = [
-- function description post condition
(lexPass, "lexical analysis ", postTrue),
(iparsePass, "syntax analysis ",
(lexPass src, "lexical analysis ", postTrue),
(iparsePass f, "syntax analysis ",
(P1.pass, "collecting definitions ",,
(P2.pass, "symbol table initialization and import",,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,7 +249,6 @@ javacPass :: MutableIO MemoryJavaCompiler -> StringWriter -> StG (String, Int)
javacPass compiler src = do
g <- getST
let !packName = g.sub.thisPack.unpack g
!loader = g.sub.loader
!jsrc <- doio $ src.toString
res <- doio $ compiler.compile jsrc packName
isSuccess <- doio $ res.isSuccess
Expand All @@ -261,13 +262,12 @@ javacPass compiler src = do

compile :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> PrintWriter ->
StringWriter -> MutableIO MemoryJavaCompiler -> String -> String -> String -> IO (SourceInfo, Global)
compile src paths libpaths !ow !jw !compiler !predefs !moduleName !modulePrelude = do
--println $ "compiling:\n" ++ src
StringWriter -> MutableIO MemoryJavaCompiler -> String -> String -> ([DefinitionT] -> [DefinitionT]) -> IO (SourceInfo, Global)
compile src paths libpaths !ow !jw !compiler !predefs !moduleName f = do
let flags = Flags.fromList [IDE]
let steps = passes jw moduleName compiler
let steps = passes jw moduleName compiler f
loader <- compiler.classLoader
runcompiler src predefs paths flags "." libpaths "" ow loader steps moduleName modulePrelude
runcompiler src predefs paths flags "." libpaths "" ow loader steps moduleName

isDefined :: [DefinitionT] -> Definition -> Bool
isDefined defs (_@TypDcl{name=x}) = isJust . find (matching x) $ defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,6 +312,9 @@ exprType g compilationId = let symbols = getSymbols g.thisTab in
lookupVarSymbol :: Symtab -> String -> Maybe Symbol
lookupVarSymbol symtab name = find (existsVarSymbol name) $ getSymbols symtab

lookupSymbol :: Symtab -> String -> Maybe Symbol
lookupSymbol symtab name = find (\sym -> == name) $ getSymbols symtab

getSymbolType :: Symbol -> Global -> String
getSymbolType SymI{typ} !g = EU.verbose g typ
getSymbolType SymV{typ} !g = EU.verbose g typ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,33 +344,34 @@ getSymbols tab = (sortBy positionAndName • filter wanted • values) tab
| otherwise = true

iparsePass = do
iparsePass f = do
g <- getST
let tokens = (filter noComment g.sub.toks.toList)
result <- Parse.pass tokens
case result of
Just (Program.Module (packname, defs, doc)) -> do
Just (GUtil.Program.Module (packname, defs, doc)) -> do
changeST Global.{sub <- SubSt.{thisPack = packname}}
let ds = nubFront defs isDefined
gds = groupFunDcl ds
uniqds = concat $ nubFront gds isFunDefined
changeST Global.{sub <- (SubSt.{definitions = uniqds}
changeST Global.{sub <- (SubSt.{definitions = f uniqds}
SubSt.{packageDoc = Nothing})}
stio ("tokens", g.sub.toks.length)
Just _ -> error "FATAL: Expected module"
Nothing -> stio ("tokens", g.sub.toks.length)

indent n src = (unlines . map (spaces ++) . lines $ src) where
spaces = concat $ replicate n " "

isExpressionPass :: String -> StG Bool
isExpressionPass predefs = do
isExpressionPass :: String -> String -> StG Bool
isExpressionPass src predefs = do
g <- getST
sw <- doio $ ()
pw <- doio $ sw.printer
let decl src = variableDeclScript "f" ("(" ++ src ++ ")") --A declaration with some name
let changeSource src = intercalate newLine ["module T where", predefs, decl src]
changeST Global.{sub <- SubSt.{stderr=pw},
options <- Options.{source <- changeSource}}
runpass (lexPass, "lexical analysis ", postTrue)
let varDecl = variableDeclScript "f" src
modDecl = intercalate newLine ["module T where", predefs, varDecl]
changeST Global.{sub <- SubSt.{stderr=pw}}
runpass (lexPass modDecl, "lexical analysis ", postTrue)
g <- getST
if g.errors != 0 then
return false
Expand All @@ -377,26 +381,25 @@ isExpressionPass predefs = do
g <- getST
return $ g.errors == 0

lexPass = do
lexPass src = do
changeST Global.{sub <- SubSt.{toks = Array.fromList []}
. SubSt.{definitions = []}
. SubSt.{packageDoc = Nothing}
. SubSt.{thisPack = ""}}
changeST Global.{locals = Tree.empty, typEnv = []}
g <- getST
let opts = g.options
tokens <- Lex.passCS (CharSeq.fromString opts.source) getOperators
tokens <- Lex.passCS (CharSeq.fromString src) getOperators
stio ("tokens", length tokens)

nubFront [] _ = []
nubFront (x:xs) f = if (f xs x) then nubFront xs f else x : nubFront xs f

isVariable :: Global -> Symbol -> Bool
isVariable !g SymV{name,typ} = case typ.rho of
isVariable g SymV{name,typ} = case typ.rho of
RhoFun _ _ _ = false
RhoTau ctx _ = ctx == []
isVariable !g SymL{alias} = maybe false (isVariable g) $ alias.findit g
RhoTau ctx _ = ctx == []
isVariable g SymD{} = true
isVariable g SymL{alias} = maybe false (isVariable g) $ alias.findit g
isVariable _ _ = false

isIO :: Global -> Symbol -> Bool
Expand All @@ -408,4 +411,38 @@ isIO _ _ = false

isString g SymV{typ} = nice typ g == "StringJ Char"
isString g SymL{alias} = maybe false (isString g) $ alias.findit g
isString g _ = false
isString g _ = false

data ObjectArr = native "java.lang.Object[]" where
--- make a new mutable Object array
native new "java.lang.Object[]"
:: Int -> STMutable s ObjectArr
native getAt "frege.runtime.Array.<java.lang.Object>arrayGet"
:: Mutable s ObjectArr -> Int -> ST s (Maybe Object)
native setAt "frege.runtime.Array.<java.lang.Object>arraySet"
:: Mutable s ObjectArr -> Int -> Object -> ST s ()
pure native frozenGetAt "frege.runtime.Array.<java.lang.Object>arrayGet"
:: ObjectArr -> Int -> Maybe Object
--- use this only if it is absolutely sure that there are no nulls in the array
pure native elemAt "frege.runtime.Array.<java.lang.Object>arrayGet"
:: ObjectArr -> Int -> Object
--- the length of the array
pure native length "frege.runtime.Array.<java.lang.Object>arrayLen"
:: ObjectArr -> Int
toList (a::ObjectArr) = elems a 0
elems (a::ObjectArr) i
| i < a.length = case frozenGetAt a i of
Just s -> s:elems a (i+1)
Nothing -> elems a (i+1)
| otherwise = []

fromListST :: [Object] -> STMutable u ObjectArr
fromListST objects = ( objects.length >>= loop 0 objects) where
loop j (x:xs) arr = do ObjectArr.setAt arr j x; loop (j+1) xs arr
loop j [] arr = return arr
fromList objects = (fromListST objects >>= readonly id)

data Method = pure native java.lang.reflect.Method where
pure native getName :: Method -> String

8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions frege-script-engine/pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Expand Up @@ -26,14 +26,12 @@ initInterpreterState session = do
classes <- maybe ( () :: IOMutable (JMap String ByteArr)) asClassesMap classesMaybe
strMaybe <- session.getAttribute "script" ScriptContext.engineScope
currentScript <- maybe (return "") asString strMaybe
modulePreludeMaybe <- session.getAttribute "modulePrelude" ScriptContext.engineScope
modulePrelude <- maybe (return "") asString modulePreludeMaybe
let interpreterState = InterpreterState {
loader = loader,
classes = classes,
moduleName = "script.Main",
currentScript = currentScript,
modulePrelude = modulePrelude
transformDefs = id
return interpreterState

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