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FreeFeed Release Process

David Mzareulyan edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

Requirements for Release Manager

  1. Must be administrator of organization
  2. Must have active pgp/gpg key registered with github

Stable branch requirements

All automatic tests should pass. It includes:

  • yarn test
  • yarn lint
  • yarn stylelint (only on frontend)
  • yarn tsc (only on backend on 2021-12-08, but might be needed on frontend if you read it in the future)

Pre-release steps (optional)

Update safe dependencies. It should be limited to patch-level updates (change of "Z" in "x.y.Z"). We can update "Y" in "x.Y.z" if dependency is known to be maintained in a good fashion and maintainer can be trusted to not break things in minor releases (that's rare!).

Technically it is done like this:

  • yarn set version stable (upgrade YARN)
  • yarn plugin import interactive-tools (upgrade YARN's plugin)
  • yarn upgrade-interactive — select required updates using rules given above and wait till it succeeds.
  • rm -rf yarn.lock node_modules; yarn install to upgrade indirect dependencies.

Release steps

  1. Check that includes everything it should have. Edit and commit if needed.
  2. Switch to release branch, merge 'stable' into 'release'
  3. Set current date in and src/components/footer.jsx. Add commit with "Release 1.2.3" message (use real version number)
  4. Create signed tag: git tag -s freefeed_release_1.2.3 -m "Release 1.2.3"
  5. git push --tags origin release

Post-release steps

  1. Merge release into beta branch and make sure that "Experimental" section of is higher than new release and that it is up to date.

  2. Merge release into stable branch.

  3. Update files:

    • package.json
    • src/components/footer.jsx (only on frontend)

    …to mention next minor version without release date ("Not released"). Commit it with "Back to dev" message