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Foosball Lambda Functions

This folder contains a Serverless framework application.

To install serverless run npm i -g serverless. Afterwards run serverless project init and follow the steps to create your own AWS environment.

Local Testing

A function can be locally tested by running serverless function run [function-name] from this directory. This will ingest the event.json payload and output the result of the function. This emulates a request through the AWS API Gateway and a REST response.

There is also example.config.json file which needs to be copied to dev-config.json (make one for each environment) and updated to contain real values. You can generate a Slack API token at

NOTE: Before deploying make sure to copy the appropriate config to config.json before deploying to an environment.

To test commands which use your user ID make sure to update the user_id section in event.json with your user ID which can be retrieved from a test method such as


Both the function endpoints and Lambda functions need to be deployed separately. To deploy the endpoints to API Gateway run serverless endpoint deploy. The URLs for each endpoint will be output during the deploy.

To deploy a function run serverless function deploy [function-name] or deploy all functions with serverless function deploy -a.