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Ready for benchmarks

Past due by almost 9 years 80% complete

FOODiE will be ready for performances analysis when

  • suite of solvers reaches minimum level of completeness:
    • explicit Euler scheme;
    • Runge-Kutta schemes:
      • explicit TVD/SSP class;
      • low-storage class;
    • multi-step schemes:
      • Adams-Bashforth class;
      • leapfrog class;
  • suite of tests reaches minimum level of complexity
    • Lorenz' test, pure ODE;
    • Oscill…

FOODiE will be ready for performances analysis when

  • suite of solvers reaches minimum level of completeness:
    • explicit Euler scheme;
    • Runge-Kutta schemes:
      • explicit TVD/SSP class;
      • low-storage class;
    • multi-step schemes:
      • Adams-Bashforth class;
      • leapfrog class;
  • suite of tests reaches minimum level of complexity
    • Lorenz' test, pure ODE;
    • Oscillation test, pure ODE;
    • Buergers' test, simple PDE;
    • Euler's test, complex PDE;
  • tests pass accuracy analysis