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provides ways to circumvent unexpected type bindings
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This PR fixes issues involved with the syntaxes to specify expression types.

Currently, `@capture` and `@match` can't distinguish between their syntax
to specify a `:head` of `Expr` and a variable name with underscores.
For example, in the example below, `@capture` recognizes `global_string`
as the syntax to specify `Expr`'s head (i.e. `:string`), not as a simple
variable name:
julia> ex = :(global_string = 10);
julia> @capture(ex, global_string = n_) # tries to match `Expr(:string, ...) = n_` and bound the matched lhs into a variable `global` and the matched rhs into a variable `n`.
Since an expression can really have an arbitrary head, `@capture` macro
can't really distinguish them (while we can do some assertion when the
syntax to specify atomic expression type, though).

This PR implements new macros `@capture_notb` and `@match_notb`, which
ignore all the expression type matching syntaxes and provide the ways to
circumvent the issue described above:
julia> ex = :(global_string = 10)
julia> @capture_notb(ex, global_string = n_) # tries to match `global_string = n_` pattern and bound the matched rhs into a variable `n`.

These changes aren't breaking but they're somewhat a big change, I'd
like to minor version bump.
  • Loading branch information
aviatesk committed May 24, 2021
1 parent fef1c6f commit 549057c
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22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Highlander there can only be one (per expression).

### Matching on expression type

`@capture` can match expressions by their type, which is either the `head` of `Expr`
`@capture` can match expressions by their type, which is either the `:head` of `Expr`
objects or the `typeof` atomic stuff like `Symbol`s and `Int`s. For example:

Expand All @@ -91,6 +91,26 @@ Another common use case is to catch symbol literals, e.g.

which will match e.g. `struct Foo ...` but not `struct Foo{V} ...`

!!! tip "Matching without expression type"
[Matching on expression type](@ref) can be useful, but the problem is that `@capture` can't distinguish between
its syntax to specify a `:head` of `Expr` and a variable name with underscores:

For example, in the example below, `@capture` recognizes `global_string` as the syntax to specify `Expr`'s head (i.e. `:string`),
not as a simple variable name:
julia> ex = :(global_string = 10);
julia> @capture(ex, global_string = n_) # tries to match `Expr(:string, ...) = n_` and bound the matched lhs into a variable `global` and the matched rhs into a variable `n`.

To circumvent this issue, MacroTools exports `@capture_notb`, which skips all the expression type matching syntaxes:
julia> ex = :(global_string = 10)
julia> @capture_notb(ex, global_string = n_) # tries to match `global_string = n_` pattern and bound the matched rhs into a variable `n`.

### Unions

`@capture` can also try to match the expression against one pattern or another,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/MacroTools.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module MacroTools

using Markdown, Random
export @match, @capture
export @match, @capture, @match_notb, @capture_notb

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42 changes: 22 additions & 20 deletions src/match/macro.jl
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@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
function allbindings(pat, bs)
function allbindings(context, pat, bs)
if isa(pat, QuoteNode)
return allbindings(pat.value, bs)
return allbindings(context, pat.value, bs)
return isbinding(pat) || (isslurp(pat) && pat :__) ? push!(bs, bname(pat)) :
isa(pat, TypeBind) ? push!(bs, :
isa(pat, OrBind) ? (allbindings(pat.pat1, bs); allbindings(pat.pat2, bs)) :
istb(pat) ? push!(bs, tbname(pat)) :
isa(pat, OrBind) ? (allbindings(context, pat.pat1, bs); allbindings(context, pat.pat2, bs)) :
istb(context, pat) ? push!(bs, tbname(pat)) :
isexpr(pat, :$) ? bs :
isa(pat, Expr) ? map(pat -> allbindings(pat, bs), [pat.head, pat.args...]) :
isa(pat, Expr) ? map(pat -> allbindings(context, pat, bs), [pat.head, pat.args...]) :

allbindings(pat) = (bs = Any[]; allbindings(pat, bs); bs)
allbindings(context, pat) = (bs = Any[]; allbindings(context, pat, bs); bs)

function bindinglet(bs, body)
ex = :(let $(esc(:env)) = env, $((:($(esc(b)) = get(env, $(Expr(:quote, b)), nothing)) for b in bs)...)
Expand All @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ function bindinglet(bs, body)
return ex

function makeclause(pat, yes, els = nothing)
bs = allbindings(pat)
pat = subtb(subor(pat))
function makeclause(context, pat, yes, els = nothing)
bs = allbindings(context, pat)
pat = subtb(context, subor(pat))
env = trymatch($(Expr(:quote, pat)), ex)
if env != nothing
Expand All @@ -46,28 +46,30 @@ function clauses(ex)
return clauses

macro match(ex, lines)
macro match(ex, lines) _match(__module__, ex, lines) end
macro match_notb(ex, lines) _match(nothing, ex, lines) end
function _match(context, ex, lines)
@assert isexpr(lines, :block)
result = quote
ex = $(esc(ex))

@static if VERSION < v"0.7.0-"
body = foldr((clause, body) -> makeclause(clause..., body),
nothing, clauses(lines))
body = foldr((clause, body) -> makeclause(clause..., body),
body = @static VERSION < v"0.7.0-" ?
foldr((clause, body) -> makeclause(context, clause..., body),
nothing, clauses(lines)) :
foldr((clause, body) -> makeclause(context, clause..., body),
clauses(lines); init=nothing)

push!(result.args, body)
return result

macro capture(ex, pat)
bs = allbindings(pat)
pat = subtb(subor(pat))
macro capture(ex, pat) _capture(__module__, ex, pat) end
macro capture_notb(ex, pat) _capture(nothing, ex, pat) end
function _capture(context, ex, pat)
bs = allbindings(context, pat)
pat = subtb(context, subor(pat))
return quote
$([:($(esc(b)) = nothing) for b in bs]...)
env = trymatch($(esc(Expr(:quote, pat))), $(esc(ex)))
if env == nothing
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38 changes: 29 additions & 9 deletions src/match/types.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,37 @@ struct TypeBind

istb(s) = false
istb(s::Symbol) = !(endswith(string(s), "_") ||
endswith(string(s), "_str")) &&
occursin("_", string(s))
istb(::Nothing, _) = false
istb(::Module, _) = false
function istb(context::Module, s::Symbol)
(endswith(string(s), "_") || endswith(string(s), "_str")) && return false
occursin("_", string(s)) || return false
ts = map(Symbol, split(string(s), "_"))
return all(s->istype(context, s), ts)

function istype(context::Module, s::Symbol)
if string(s)[1] in 'A':'Z'
if isdefined(context, s) && isa(getfield(context, s), Type)
return true
the syntax to specify expression type syntax is used, but the given type isn't defined:
if you want to ignore the syntaxes to specify expression type, use `@capture_notb` or `@match_notb` instead
return true

tbname(s::Symbol) = Symbol(split(string(s), "_")[1])
tbname(s::TypeBind) =

totype(s::Symbol) = string(s)[1] in 'A':'Z' ? s : Expr(:quote, s)

function tbnew(s::Symbol)
istb(s) || return s
function tbnew(context::Module, s::Symbol)
istb(context, s) || return s
ts = map(Symbol, split(string(s), "_"))
name = popfirst!(ts)
ts = map(totype, ts)
Expand All @@ -24,6 +43,7 @@ end
match_inner(b::TypeBind, ex, env) =
isexpr(ex, b.ts...) ? (env[tbname(b)] = ex; env) : @nomatch(b, ex)

subtb(s) = s
subtb(s::Symbol) = tbnew(s)
subtb(s::Expr) = isexpr(s, :line) ? s : Expr(subtb(s.head), map(subtb, s.args)...)
subtb(::Nothing, s) = s
subtb(context::Module, s) = s
subtb(context::Module, s::Symbol) = tbnew(context, s)
subtb(context::Module, s::Expr) = isexpr(s, :line) ? s : Expr(subtb(context, s.head), map(s->subtb(context, s), s.args)...)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/match.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,3 +96,16 @@ let
@capture(ex, $f(args__))
@test args == [:a, :b]

# hint to use `@capture_notb`
ex = :(const GLOBAL_STRING = 10)
@test_throws ArgumentError macroexpand(@__MODULE__, :(@capture($ex, const GLOBAL_STRING = x_)))

# if we don't want to make `global_string` type bind syntax, we need to use `@capture_notb`
ex = :(const global_string = 10)
@capture_notb(ex, const global_string = x_)
@test x === 10

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