This is the provider extension used for to provide templates and configuration. Actually it can be used as a best-practice example on how to use our collection of extensions to provide page layouts and content element templates as a bundled set in just one single extension.
- EXT:flux -
- EXT:fluidpages -
- EXT:fluidcontent -
- EXT:vhs -
- how to create Fluid Content Elements (FCE) with EXT:fluidcontent
- how to create page layouts with EXT:fluidpages
- how to provide an extbase controller native to your extension for your page layouts
- how to provide an extbase controller native to your extension for your Fluid Content Elements
- use cases for some of our ViewHelpers provided by EXT:vhs
- a proper structure your page layouts and content element templates
- proper CGL and inline usage of ViewHelpers in Fluid