This is an example implementation of an IoT-Server leveraging the Aruba IoT-Framework available in ArubaOS/Aruba Instant 8.x written in the Python programming language. It works similar to the IoT-Utilities App.
- Download or clone the source code
- Use your terminal to navigate into the folder of the project
- Install the dependencies
pip3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Make sure python 3 is installed, start the server:
python3 -m bin.main
The server implementation contains both an authentication server (default on port 5444) and a WebSocket server (default on port 5443).
The Protocol Buffer format is used for the WebSocket communication. This repository should work as is, however it might be required to recompile the buffers to python. The protoc compiler CLI can be used to accomplish this.
Refer to the official documentation for more instructions. The original protocol buffer files can be obtained from the Aruba Support (Login required).
For security reasons, the authentication credentials of the server have to be configured seperately. Therefore, edit the "config.json" file and enter the desired credentials for the server.
- auth_username: Username required when using grant type "password"
- auth_password: Password required when using grant type "password"
- auth_secret: Secret required when using grant type "client_credentials"
- jwt_signature_secret: Secret used to sign and verify the JWT access tokens
"auth_username": "<place_your_username_here>",
"auth_password": "<place_your_password_here>",
"auth_secret": "<place_your_secret_here>",
"jwt_signature_secret": "<place_your_secret_here>"
All command line arguments and explanations can be listed using the --help argument.
--port: Port of the WebSocket server
--authport: Port of the Authentication server
--certificate: Path to the certificate PEM file
--raw: Prints the messages in JSON format if present
Note: The server supports both HTTP/WS and HTTPS/WSS connections. In order to encrypt the connection, a SSL certificate file (PEM format) needs to be provided using the --certificate command line argument. Example: python3 -m bin.main --certificate "test.pem"