Floice Nyota
Delani Studio is a site built to practice concepts learnt including JQuery, bootstrap, and javascript.
You need to have git installed
You can install it with the following command in your terminal.
$ sudo apt install git-all
To access this project on your local files, you can clone it using these steps
- Open your terminal
- Use this command to clone
$ git clone https://floicenyota98.github.io/delani-studio3/
- This will clone the repositoty into your local folder Enjoy :)
- HTML- The markdown language used to add content.
- CSS - Used to style the HTML.
- Bootstrap - Used to style the content in a standardized manner.
- JQUERY - Used to make the web page dynamic and manipulating the DOM.
View [Live] (https://floicenyota98.github.io/delani-studio3/