Multiselect plugin for Origo. It adds a new toolbox that contains tools for selecting features using more advanced methods than origo natively supports.
Features can be selected using:
- Point. Click in the map. Ctrl-click to remove from selection.
- Line. Draw a line on the map to select overlapping features.
- Rectangle. Draw a rectangle on the map to select overlapping features.
- Circle. Draw a circle on the map to select overlapping features.
- Polygon. Draw a polygon on the map to select overlapping features.
- Buffer around another feature. Select a feature from any layer, optionally add a buffer radius to to select features overlapping the buffer area.
The plugin is added to origo by including the multiselect.min.js script. It contains one publicly available function Multiselect(), which creates a origo component, which in turn is added to origo. The plugin is configured in javascript using an optional argument to Multiselect().
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge;chrome=1">
<title>Origo exempel</title>
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="app-wrapper">
<script src="js/origo.js"></script>
<script src="plugins/multiselect.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Init origo
var origo = Origo('index.json');
origo.on('load', function (viewer) {
const msConfig = {
lineBufferFactor: 5
var multiselect = Multiselect(msConfig);
The optional argument to Multiselect is an object which can have the following properties:
Property | Description | Default value |
tools | Which tools are available. Array of ['click', 'box', 'circle', 'polygon', 'buffer', 'line']. | All |
default | Which tool is default (string) | 'click' |
lineBufferFactor | How much a line should be buffered before intersecting (pixels) | 1 |
selectableLayers | Array of available layerConfigurations. If more than one layerConfiguration is present, a configuration selector tool is available. | All visible |
currentLayerConfig | Index of the selected layerConfiguration at startup | 0 |
pointBufferFactor | How much a point should be buffered before intersecting when using click tool. Does not apply if active configuration is All visible, as that uses featureInfo hitTolerance setting. | 1 |
bufferSymbol | Name of a symbol in origo configuration to use as symbol for buffered objects. Symbol is always a polygon. | A built-in symbol |
chooseSymbol | Name of a symbol in origo configuration to use as symbol for highlighted features when choosing which feature to buffer. Symbol should handle point, line and polygon. | A built-in symbol |
A layerConfiguration specifies in which layers features are selected. The default behaviour is to select features in all currently visible layers, but when a layerConfiguration that specifies layers or groups, features are always selected from those layers regardeless of their visibility and not from any other layers.
Property | Description | Required |
name | Name of the configuration. Displayed in the configuration selection tool | Yes |
layers | Array of layer names that features are selected from. If omitted all visible layers are used. If layer name is a group layer, all layers in the group are included unless explicitly excluded. | No |
exclude | Array of layer names that are excluded from feature selection. | No |
const selectableLayers = [
name: 'All visible'
name: 'The big selection',
layers: [
exclude: [
name: 'Something completely different',
layers: [
- Only WFS and AGS Feature layers are "fully" supported
- WMS layers are supported if there is a WFS endpoint at the same URL as the WMS source.
- WMS layers must have same default SRS as the map
- WFS layers must have the same defult SRS as the map if using bbox strategy and a layerConfiguration that uses the layer property.
- When using the default All visible configuration and WFS layers are using bbox strategy and and selecting with a larger object than visible on the screen (e.g. using a big buffer), objects outside the screen are not selected if they haven't been read before in another extent.