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File metadata and controls

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KarmaNotes : A free and open note sharing platform.

Karma Notes is a free and open note sharing platform that is designed to get students to share notes and educational materials with the academic community. Students share notes and, in return, can then view or find notes that others have submitted.


In order to get the most out of Karma Notes, we recommend that the following dependencies be installed:

  • Python 2.7
  • celery 2.5.3
  • django 1.4.2
  • Solr 3.6.0
  • django-celery2.5.5 install is based upon debain / ubuntu server, other *nix-like platforms can be used.

Deployment (Fresh Install)

  1. Checkout code from the git repository.

  2. install requirements with : sudo pip install -r requirements from $SRC_ROOT.

  3. Setup postresql:

To initially deploy the postgres backup on a fresh debian based system:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 python-psycopg2
sudo passwd postgres
sudo su postgres
sudo -u postgres createuser -P djkarma
psql template1
create database karmanotes owner djkarma encoding 'UTF8';
#### add this line to your postgres install's /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf ####
local   karmanotes      djkarma                                 md5
sudo service postgresql restart
./ syncdb # if you do not do this `run_gunicorn` will not be a command option
  1. Install Apache Solr (Needs to be revised)

  2. install celery a) Create celery user : sudo adduer celery

    b) Add celery to celery group : sudo adduser celery celery

    c) create our /var/run and /var/log directories: sudo mkdir /var/run/celeryd sudo mkdir /var/log/celeryd

    chown celery:celery /var/run/celeryd chown celery:celery /var/log/celeryd d) Install the celeryd init script to : /etc/init.d and the config file to /etc/default.

  3. Install apache solr (IMPROVEMENTS NEEDE!!!!) a) get solr 3.6 b)

  4. Use south to migrate djcelery and kombu.transport.django: ./ migrate djcelery ./ migrate kombu.transport.django

  5. Create superuser. `./ createsuperuser


  1. checkout the git repository, we use /var/www/djKarma and will refer to this as the root of the repo
  2. install requirements with sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create the database if a new deployment with ./ syncdb If this is not a new deployment, see the section below on database migrations. NOTE: You can't create a superuser BEFORE loading the fixtures.
  4. Use south to migrate djcelery and kombu.transport.django: ./ migrate djcelery ./ migrate kombu.transport.django
  5. Create superuser. `./ createsuperuser
  6. Start celery task server (see Note)
  7. Start Apache Solr search engine (see section)
  • TODO: short desc of how to install and deploy on a deployment server, what server packages need to be running/installed, but not how to install them

Migration CAVEATS

If an ALTER TABLE postgres job is hanging, restart the psql server with sudo service postgresql restart and the migration should work fine


  1. copy $(djKarma_src)/bin/knotes -> /etc/init.d/knotes . This is the init script for running karmanotes at startup. Please note that the stop / kill options do not work because of pid issues. A fix is being worked on.

Search: Apache Solr 3.6.0 ( REVISE issue #154


see the official Solr tutorial.

Maintaining the Search Index

see the official Solr tutorial. Also the Django Haystack note on maintaining the index.

When changes are made to the search index schema (./notes/, the index must be rebuilt (similiar to and database migrations).

Rebuilding the search schema AND index after modifying ./notes/
  1. Build the Index Schema. You can generate the schema from the django application (once Haystack is installed and setup) by running:

      ./ build_solr_schema > /path/to/solr/conf/schema.xml
  2. Restart Solr

  3. Build the Search Index. A shortcut for clear_index followed by update_index.

     ./ rebuild_index
Updating the search index after new models are added

If you've added new models in Django, and haven't touched

	./ update_index
Note on Solr location:

With Solr installed using Homebrew on Mac OS X, the default path will be:


On the current server, the path to the solr schema is:


Celery Task Server

The celery task server asynchronously handles the Google Documents API processing so the main django server remains responsive. When a document is uploaded via /upload, the django app (specifically the custom django-ajax-uploader backend) will ask the celery server to upload the document (now on the local server) to Google and await their response. The code which the celery server executes is actually located in ./notes/

TODO: The new upload process works in two requests. One for the actual file, and a second for the file's meta data. If a file is processed but no meta data is submitted, the file needs to be marked specially. Currently, this behavior allows files without any meta data to appear wherever the site's files are displayed. Secondly, we need to create an avenue for a user to re-visit these incomplete uploads and enter meta data at their convenience. Only when this has happened should the files be displayed as normal.

To install and run the celery task server:

  1. Ensure django-celery is installed per the requirements

  2. Place the celery init.d script (./packaging/celeryd) in /etc/init.d/

  3. Place the celery config file (./packaging/celeryconfig) in /etc/default

  4. Make an unprivileged, non-password-enabled user and group to run celery useradd celery

  5. make a spot for the logs and the pid files mkdir /var/log/celery mkdir /var/run/celery chown celery:celery /var/log/celery chown celery:celery /var/run/celery

  6. chmod +x /etc/init.d/celeryd

  7. run /etc/init.d/celeryd start

When running on your local, make sure the celery user understands the local path of your repo.

###Production Note: On the new Amazon instance, celery logs are located at:


Note on Database migrations

I've installed South to help ease database migrations whenever the file is altered. South's workflow is as follows for changes to the 'notes' app:

To initialize South:

New project:

  1. ./ schemamigration notes --initial

Existing project:

  1. ./ convert_to_south notes

To perform migrations with South:

  1. Alter as needed
  2. ./ schemamigration notes --auto
  3. ./ migrate notes

Note on Creating a Development DB from Production DB

If you'd like to copy the current production database and use it during your development:

On Production Machine:

  1. ssh into production project root
  2. Note the git state of the production project (with git log or likewise). NOTE: ignore merges performed by production system users (Commits where Author is a system username not a GitHub username).
  3. python dumpdata notes --exclude notes.userprofile > ~/dumps.json. Transfer dumps.json to development machine.

On Development Machine:

  1. checkout the commit corresponding to the production project state

  2. Make sure south is commented out in settings.INSTALLED_APPS

  3. syncdb (do NOT create superuser when prompted)

    • If syncdb loads fixtures: a. createsuperuser
    • Else: a. loaddata ./path/to/fixtures.json + Note: fixtures.json was initial_data.json earlier in the project history. b. Then createsuperuser
  4. loaddata ~/dumps.json

  5. Now un-comment south from settings.INSTALLED_APPS and syncdb

  6. convert_to_south notes

  7. git pull origin master

  8. schemamigration notes --auto

  9. if schemamigration prompts you for a default value. i.e:

     Added field owner on notes.File
     ? The field 'File.type' does not have a default specified, yet is NOT NULL.
     ? Since you are making this field nullable, you MUST specify a default
     ? value to use for existing rows. Would you like to:
     ?  1. Quit now, and add a default to the field in
     ?  2. Specify a one-off value to use for existing columns now
     ?  3. Disable the backwards migration by raising an exception.
     ? Please select a choice: 2

    Simply enter 2 and enter a one-off value (In this case 'N' for Note) if you understand the data model. Else specify 3. In development, losing the ability to backwards migrate is not a big deal.

  10. migrate notes

Note on Google Documents API

To authorize the Google Documents script to act on behalf of the target google account, verfication will have to be granted by visiting:

In my testing I haven't yet had the oauth token expire, but I'll have to investigate further.

Management Commands ( <command name>)

  • default_courses: Assign default values to Course fields required by Solr indexing, but not enforced by spec.
    • Checks School, Academic Year, Semester fields of all Course objects.
  • assign_file_owners: Assign File.owner fields based on User.files and/or a prompted default user.
    • Necessary when a backup of the notes app database is made separate of the User table
  • import_archive: Import old finalsclub database into the karmanotes database, see Importing finalsclub database

Creating default user

On your local machine create a KarmaNotes default user and make sure that it has a unique email address. The UserProfile.gravatar field is a hash of and is required to be unique. This doesn't tell you WHY creating a user will not work, it just wont.

Importing finalsclub database

  • Dump from mongodb archivedcourse, archivedsubjects, archivednotes as json files
  • move those files to the root of the djkarma directory
  • run ./ import_archive

Re-Deployment & Updating karmanotes

Revised deployment to production.

  1. Review settings,

  2. Check out new repo.

  3. install requirements

    sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Re-populate the contents of the static

    ./ collectstatic

  5. Update Database schema ./ schemamigration notes --auto

If app HAS NOT!!! been converted to south!!!!!!

./ syncdb

Importing school data

./ import_usde_csv $FILE_NAME