Breaking Bones is a 2d arcade style game created as a software engineering project in 2015 using C# and the Microsoft XNA Game Studio. The XNA framework is required to install the game.
############################## Installation #########################################
deploy(no xna) does not have xna installer as part of setup if you already have it
deploy(xna) includes xna 4.0 as installation process
If you have issues installing xna, please ensure Games for Windows is up-to-date on your system.
############################## Game Play #########################################
Players control a hungry lammergeier (bird) trying to get at some delicious turtle meat. To get past the shell, you must pick up the turtles and drop them from the sky onto rocks.... or the poor unsuspecting bald man running the trail.
Be aware! Enemy birds and trees will cause you to lose your turtle if you have one or crash if you do not.