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j-herman edited this page Aug 11, 2021 · 2 revisions

This page describes usage for the reference configuration of Project DAVE. The reference configuration includes:

  • An underwater environment, including an ocean floor.
  • A UUV including thrusters, a manipulator arm, and sensors.
  • A bar on the ocean floor that the UUV can grab.

Here is an example view:

Run the UUV simulation

roslaunch uuv_dave uuv_dave.launch

Control the UUV

The simulation may be controlled using a joystick. Joystick operation depends on joystick mode:

Mode Control
Default UUV Body
Right Bumper pressed Oberon 7 Arm

UUV body controls:

Oberon 7 Arm controls:

Control the Gazebo camera

Control Gazebo's camera scene view using the mouse, see

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