C# package for KJV Bible book, chapter, and verse retrieval.
CSBible.Bible is a class for Bible actions. To use it, first create an instance:
using CSBible;
Bible b = new Bible();
Now you can use the verse functions. For example, using GetVerse():
string verse = b.GetVerse(Book.Genesis, 1, 1);
The method GetChapter() returns a string array of verses that make up the specified chapter:
string[] chapter = b.GetChapter(Book.Genesis, 1);
NOTE: The array that this method returns is not zero-based (i.e. index 1 is verse 1, index 2 is verse 2, etc.).
When you are finished, call Close():
For information on the methods introduced in version 2.0.0, see the XML documentation in Visual Studio
GetVerse(Book book, int chapter, int verse)
GetChapter(Book book, int chapter)
GetChapter(Book book, int chapter, bool zeroBased)
GetChapterAsList(Book book, int chapter)
GetChapterAsList(Book book, int chapter, bool zeroBased)
Find(string query)
Find(string query, Filter filter)
Find(string query, Book book)
Search(string query)
Search(string query, Filter filter)
Search(string query, Book book)