<leader>+<leader>+d: [T]oggle LSP [D]iagnostics
<leader>+<leader>+h: [T]oggle Inlay [H]ints
<leader>+<leader>+v: [T]oggle [Virtual] Text
<leader>+<leader>+c: [T]oggle CMP [C]ompletions
<leader>o: Keep [O]nly the current buffer open (close all others).
_fp: [F]ormat current buffer with [p]rettier.
_fg: [F]ormat current buffer with [g]ofmt.
<leader>;: Go to alternate buffer.
<leader><leader>;: Got to alternate buffer, and create it if it does not already exist.
Shift+k (uppercase ‘K’) opens the hover popup (documentation, diagnostics, etc.). To focus it, perform Ctrl+w twice. From there, it is possible to navigate the contents inside the popup. When the cursor is over a URL/link, it gx opens the URL/link in the browser.
<Leader>ds: [D]ocument [S]symbols.
<Leader>ws: [W]orkspace [S]ymbols.
<Leader>gr: [G]o to [R]eferences.
<Leader>gI: [G]o to [I]mplementation.
<Leader>t: [T]elescope.
<Leader>tl: to trigger [T]elescope [l]sp_<C-d>, as this one prompts for specific lsp-related stuff.