Really shitty Discord bot with a random assortment of features.
I don't recommend running this for yourself.
You can contact me and see the bot in action on the FKZ Discord
This repo exists just for me to store this on cloud and manage versions and track issues. If you wish to help with this feel free to open prs.
- run
git clone
to download the files - run
npm install
to install dependencies - create and fill out a
file with details shown on the.example
- open a terminal and execute
node .
ornpm run run
to start the bot
- Databases using MongoDB
- Slash command handling
- Event handling
- Basic crash/error handling
- Secret variables in .env
Database(MongoDB) / Discord Embeds
- Interactions (commands, buttons, selects)
- Automod (rules, actions, enabled/disabled)
- Bans (bans, unbans)
- Channels (creation/deletion/update)
- Messages (deletion/edit, reactions)
- Emojis (creation/deletion/update)
- Stickers (creation/deletion/update)
- Users (update name/nickname/avatar/banner)
- Members (join/leave)
- Invites (creation/deletion, uses)
- Roles (creation/deletion/update)
- Threads (creation/deletion, update)
- Anti-Link (setup/disable)
- Anti-Ghostping (setup/disable)
- Ban/Unban
- Kick
- Ticket system
- Set bot status
- Reaction-roles (add/remove)
- Auto-roles (add/remove/list)
- Role-all
- Role-missing (for auto-role/reaction-roles)
- Create and send embed
- Edit sent embeds
- User avatar embed
- Bot-info embed
- Server-info embed
- FKZ Specific embeds (roles, info, welcome, etc)
- Dathost API (restart, start, stop)
- Local commands on dedicated server (start, stop, restart, update, force-update)
- Log bot joing/leaving guilds
- Whitelist system (setup/disable, requests, status check, responses)
- Vip system (setup/disable, set/update codes, claim/gift codes)
- Unban system (setup/disable, requests)
- Command for fetching members of a Steam Group and writing it in a TXT file