Given a number of autonomous mobility entities create a single neural network that can infer their next required positions in order to solve a reward based environment.
The environment consists of a number of "Bots", "Packs" and "Places" located at different positions in a continuous 2D space.
Bots can pick up packs when they are in close proximity to them.
Bots can drop packs when they are in close proximity to the corresponding places.
"Heading" - coordinate vector that provides the bots their new destination. The bots can navigate to the heading coordinates autonomously.
The agent is a single policy neural network that generates a new heading vector for any specific state of the environment in order to complete the task.
During training the agent receives 50 points reward if a bot picks up a pack and 100 points reward if the pack is delivered to the corresponding place, ex: for 2 bots, 2 packs and 1 place the maximum total reward is 300.
The problem is considered solved if the swarm agent can obtain a reward average over 95% of maximum total reward over a span of 100 episodes
The input to the policy network consists of a stack of consecutive environment states.
The environment state consists of positional and logistic values:
- x,y position values for bots
- "bot full" flags, 0 or 1 if full
- x,y position values for packs
- "loaded in" pack logistic index (bot index)
- "unloaded in" pack logistic index (place index)
- x,y position values for places
- heading values form the previous state (logistic "memory")
The policy output is the next heading vector consisting of x,y coordinates for all bots.
The policy network is trained using "Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients" - TD3, an actor-critic method
derived from "Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients" - DDPG, that uses a second critic network in order to prevent
value over estimation. An off-policy method was chosen due to sample efficiency:
Original TD3 Paper: Addressing Function Approximation Error in Actor-Critic Methods
TD3 critic implementation details:
# Compute target Q values for both critic networks:
target_q1, target_q2 = self.critic_target(next_state, next_action)
# Choose the minimum target Q value to prevent overestimation error:
target_q = torch.min(target_q1, target_q2)
# Apply the Bellman equation:
target_q = reward + not_done * * target_q
# Compute current Q values:
current_q1, current_q2 = self.critic(state, action)
# Compute the critic loss:
critic_loss = functional.mse_loss(current_q1, target_q) + functional.mse_loss(current_q2, target_q)
# Optimize the critic
TD3 actor implementation details:
# Delayed policy updates - the actor is updated less frequently:
if self.total_it % self.policy_freq == 0:
# Compute the actor loss by propagating through one of the critic networks:
actor_loss = -self.critic.q1(state,
# Optimize the actor:
#Environment Hyper-parameters:
env = "SB" # File naming purposes bots_number = 2 # Number of bots in environment packs_number = 2 # Number of packs in environment places_number = 1 # Number of places in environment bot_scale = 0.03 # Size of bots, relative to total space pack_scale = 0.025 # Size of packs, affects loading range place_scale = 0.1 # Size of places, affects unloading range load_reward = 50 # Reward if a bot loads a pack unload_reward = 100 # Reward if a bot unloads at place episode_steps = 50 # Episode length in environment frames #Policy Hyper-parameters:
policy = "TD3-1" # File naming purposes policy_width = 512 # Neural Network layer size batch_size 1024 # Training batch size, GPU memory limited learning_rate = 0.00001 # Optimizer learning rate, make smaller for larger networks update_rate = 2 # Policy function optimisation frequency update_tau = 0.005 # Target policy wight transfer factor discount = 0.99 # Future reward discount for Bellman equation policy_noise = 0.2 # Noise added to replay memory during the optimisation pass noise_clip = 0.5 # Policy noise clipping factor #Markov Decision Process Hyper-parameters:
expl_noise = 0.1 # Action noise for exploration max_steps = 4000000 # Maximum allowed experiment steps start_step = 2000 # Pre-training replay buffer loading eval_freq = 1000 # Evaluation pass interval eval_length = 10 # Base evaluation length min_performance = 0.95 # Minimum performance before experiment stops (see problem statement) seed = 30 # Universal seed (environment, noise, weight initialisation)