Material-UI Datetime Range Picker is a datetime range picker built off of Material-UI components.
Check out their documentation site for live examples.
Material-UI Datetime Range Picker is available as an npm package.
npm install material-ui-datetime-range-picker
This is still a work in progress so use it at your own risk. I've added some basic documentation. There are many attributes that need to be abstracted into a param and other work that needs to be done. Feel free to contribute!
import { DateRangePicker } from 'material-ui-datetime-range-picker';
Description: Boolean - If true, this closes the calendar automatically when a date/time is selected. Default: false
Description: Boolean - If true, immediately jumps to the next input field. For example, if you just selected the start date, the start time field would open immediately. Default: false
Description: Array of Objects with start and end attributes - Allows you to block specific datetime ranges so that datetimes in those ranges are not selectable. Default: [] Example:
let blockedDateTimeRanges = [
start: new Date('2018-11-06 08:00:00'),
end: new Date('2018-11-06 20:00:00')
start: new Date('2020-11-03 08:00:00'),
end: new Date('2020-11-03 20:00:00')
Description: String - Allows you to adjust the width of the **day** picker. It is a string because it allows you to use different units from px to vw. Default: '310px'
Description: String - Allows you to adjust the width of the **time** picker. It is a string because it allows you to use different units from px to vw. Default: '125px'
Description: String - If provided, it will allow the class styling to overwrite some basic styling of the root element. Default: null
Description: String - Determines if the calendar/time picker should appear as a modal or inline when active. Default: 'dialog' Options: 'dialog' or 'inline'
Description: String - Allows you to adjust the size of the **day button**. It is a string because it allows you to use different units from px to vw. Default: '34px'
Description: String - The text used to indicate the ending date/time selection fields. Default: 'End'
Description: Integer - Used to change the first day of week. It varies from Saturday to Monday between different locales. The allowed range is 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). The default is `1`, Monday, as per ISO 8601. Default: 1
Description: String - The locale for calculating the datetime. Default: 'en-US'
Description: String - Determines the rotation of the calendar. Default: 'portrait' Options: 'portrait' or 'landscape'
onChange(e, selection):
Description: Function - Called when the datetimes have been selected for start and end. Default: null Example: The selection will be an object with start and end attributes that will either be a datetime value or falsey (undefined/null).
start: Wed Jun 13 2018 12:00:00 GMT-0600 (MDT),
end: undefined
Note that if a date is not given it will be either undefined or null (falsey value).
onDismiss(e, selection):
Description: Function - Called when the picker has been closed/dismissed. Default: null Example: The `selection` will be an object with start and end attributes that will either be a datetime value or falsey (undefined/null).
start: null,
end: null
Note that if a date is not given it will be either undefined or null (falsey value).
Description: Boolean - If true, this will show a header with the current field being selected. Default: false Example: If true, the user would see a header displaying "Start Date", "End Time", etc... or the custom labels provided.
Description: String - The text used to indicate the beginning date/time selection fields. Default: 'Start'
Description: Object - The default value for the date/time range picker Example:
start: Wed Jun 13 2018 12:00:00 GMT-0600 (MDT),
end: Wed Jun 14 2018 12:00:00 GMT-0600 (MDT)
I don't have a lot of time to maintain this repo currently. If you see any bugs, feel free to open an issue and if you have time, code contributions are always welcome.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license