- Virtualbox
- Vagrant
- Ansible
tested with Vagrant 2.2.16, ansible 2.10.8, virtualbox v6.1.22 on a MacOS but it should work on all systems
This code will get you a 3 Vbox machines setup, each node with 1vcpu and 2GB of memory RAM with kubernetes 1.21 running with Containerd as the container engine, so no docker-shim ;)
The method of ingress, we choosed to install Metal LB and Ingress Nginx Controller, so we could have Loadbalance support on a Bare Metal installation.
Vagrant assume you have your first NIC as a virtualbox NAT to work properly, this causes every machine to have the same IP
As I wanted that the Kubernetes Cluster to be reachable by my local network I did setup 3 others NIC interfaces
Interface | VBox Type |
enp0s8 | Internal |
enp0s9 | Bridge |
enp0s10 | Bridge |
The internal network is not being used for now, just for convinience
We have 2 NIC´s as bridge because Metal LB require a pool of IP´s that is not being used by the Kubernetes Cluster
There´s 3 playbooks, that are only executed on the 3rd node, because of a Vagrant limitation on a multi-machine cenario.
- master-playbook.yaml
- nodes-playbooks.yaml
- deploy-helm-charts-playbook.yaml