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Felgo QML Hot Reload Demo

A demo integration of Felgo Hot Reload to an existing Qt project

To learn more about Felgo Hot Reload, have a look at

This repository includes two commits:

  • An initial commit with a Qt/QML project
  • A commit with the changes applied to add Felgo Hot Reload to the project

Installing Prerequisites

1. Install Qt

We recommend that you use Qt versions 5.15.2 or 6.5.3 with one of the kits:

  • gcc_64 kit on Linux
  • msvc2019_64 kit on Windows
  • clang_64 kit for Qt 5.15.2 or macos kit for Qt 6.5.3 on macOS

2. Install Felgo Hot Reload

You can install Felgo Hot Reload in two ways:

  • Download the latest release package of this repository releases page. This package contains:
    • the Felgo Hot Reload GUI application for
      • Linux
      • Windows
      • macOS
    • the client libraries for the following build kits
      • GNU/Linux
        • Qt 5.15.2 gcc_64
        • Qt 6.5.3 gcc_64
      • Windows
        • Qt 5.15.2 msvc2019_64
        • Qt 6.5.3 msvc2019_64
      • macOS
        • Qt 5.15.2 clang_64
        • Qt 6.5.3 macos
  • Install with the official Felgo Hot Reload Installer, coming with a free evaluation (see below). Use this option if you are not using Qt 5.15.2 or Qt 6.5.3, the installer supports a large variety of development kits.

You need a valid license key, which you can obtain with a free evaluation here.

Running the Project

1. Building

We recommend using CMakeLists.txt file to generate build files when using Qt 6 kits, and file to generate build files when using Qt 5 kits.

Qt Creator

Generating project files with CMake

Add the FELGO_HOT_RELOAD_PATH variable to the Projects - Build Settings - CMake Details and set it to the Felgo Hot Reload client libraries directory for your selected kit. Assuming you are using the repository release package on a Linux machine, the path is ../client/6.5.3/gcc_64

Generating project files with qmake

Add the FELGO_HOT_RELOAD_PATH additional argument to the Projects - Build Settings - Build Steps Details and set it to the Felgo Hot Reload client libraries directory for your selected kit. Assuming you are using the repository release package on a Linux machine, the argument is FELGO_HOT_RELOAD_PATH=../client/5.15.2/gcc_64

Other IDEs

Use your IDE build configuration features to set the FELGO_HOT_RELOAD_PATH variable before you generate the project files. Assuming you are using the release package on a Linux machine, the path is ../client/6.5.3/gcc_64

Run CMake or qmake and build the application like any other.

2. Create Felgo Hot Reload configuration file


CMake creates the required hot_reload_config.json file automatically. There's nothing you have to do.


Copy or rename hot_reload_config_qmake.json to hot_reload_config.json.

3. Running

  • Open the FelgoHotReload GUI application from the repository package or installation and select the FelgoHotReloadDemo folder within the opening file dialog (your project directory).
  • Run your application and select the “Connect to Local” option. The project loads up.
  • Edit the QML code of your application and see changes to the running applications.